
Monday, 21 May 2007

tHe VerDict

It took me a whole night to read the article and Summarise it as best I can for each and everyone's Easy Reading pLeasure... (that's how MUCH I care about ye'all heHeh)
The article was very comprehensive in its Detail...

So LetS sTart...
Before tHe bOsS SusPects anything.. HehehE
(which reminds me... I'll show you a kewl trick I use hehe afTer I get this oNe ouT oF tHe

I can't help but get diverted.... *SLAP* focus SaMmy Focus!!

Alright.. HerE wE go:

Firstly the ArtiCle talks about 5 GrounDbReaKing LoSe-WeigHt tReaTmEnTs in tHe MediCaL WorLd

ThE GeT ThiN piLLs

How iT woRks:

It CurBs yOuR aPpeTite..
(sounds good... heHe... I always haVe a good AppeTite)

RisKs inVoLved:

iT aFFeCtS yOuR rEpRoDuCtiVe SyStem
(woOww that's NOT good... I wanna have babies one Day..)

yOu CaN't sTop TakiNg tHe piLLs fOr iT tO wOrK 100%
(wOooKehh... I can never do that! Even with cosmetics I stop half way and buy a new brand!!)

The Weight-Loss InJectioN

How iT woRks:

It is a hormOne iNjecTed tReatmEnt tHat sEnDs CheMicaLs to tHe Brai
N SigNaLLing iT nOt tO eAt
(Ummm What If wE sToP eaTinG alTogeTher?!)

RisKs inVoLved:

iT iS a NatuRaLLy OcCuRiNg hoRMoNe tHus The MeDiCaL SpeCiaLisTs ConCur tHat iT is a SaFe waY tO ConTroL HunGer

tHeRe'S nO inDicaTioN oF aNy RiSk! but before everyone start going to clinics asking for this treatment... UnForTuNateLy it is a working progress HencE only aVailable in aPpoximateLy 5 Years Time.. HeheHe
(by that time... had you just gone through the salad regime I wrote in an earlier post you'd be fitting in a UK size 6 dress/jeans/pants... wHy wait when you can start
now?! ... heHehe)

The Fat-Zapping Laser

How iT woRks:

KinNa LiKe LipOSucTioN..
HowEver InStEaD oF pOkiNg hOLes inTo tHe SkiN..
ThE LaSer LiGhT gOes tHrough tHe SkiN wiThOut bReAkiNg it aNd DesTroYs tHe FaT cELLs
(errghhhh sounds agonising...)

RisKs inVoLved:

iT has OnLy bEeN teSteD oN aNiMaLs
(hands up for the first human guinea-pig?!)

tHe eXpErTs dOn'T kNoW hOw mUcH it'LL hUrT!!! nOr Do tHey kNow WhaT tHe
SidE EfFecTs aRe... oR iF yOu'LL eVeR reCovEr...
(is that really worth it?! I mean ok you get thin but you'll always be in pain?!!)

Shocking SoluTions

How iT woRks:

ThEy uSe eLecTriC cuRreNt oN yOuR sToMach, mAkiNg iT tHiNk tHat iT iS fULL

RisKs inVoLved:

yOu gEt NaUseAtEd wHeN yOu OvEr-EaT, hEnCe yOu tEnD tO eAt LeSs
(Don't we all feel that way anyway without having this treatment?..)

tHe eXpErTs aRen't SuRe hOw muCh wEigHt yOu'll LoSe
(that's handy.. *sarcasm dripping all over the words*)

Incisionless Surgery

How iT woRks:

tHe sUrGeoNs sTapLes tHe StOmAch aNd mAkE iT sMaLLer

RisKs inVoLved:

iT hAs onLy bEen TesTed on AnimALs... bUt they aRe tHreE to FiVe yEaRs awAy fRoM hUMan TesTinG

hOweVer tHe pRocEduRe is SimPle aNd yOu cAn LeavE the SaMe dAy You gEt iT dOne aNNnndD sTarT wOrkiNg jUst A fEw dAyS aFter

To Be Continued..........


Anonymous said...

uhh cant hardly wait :p

touch-me-not said...

yea... if only... hahahaha