
Tuesday 31 March 2009

one small step...

I decided to live healthier.. and hopefully fitter.. okey okey its more of me wanting to look a lil more decent hhahahaha a.k.a. lose weight! yeah yeah typical of a perempuan to want that. but with the help of my brothers who'r always there for me in whatever situation I land myself in.. love you boys so much! mwahs! hehe side stepped.. okey back to business.. these brothers of mine are fit~ FIT~ FIIIITTT~~ they ran non stop for what I could only immagine as a kazillion kilometers (cos it just seems never ending to me) my lungs were burning and my legs felt like they were gonna give way and break into shards... and when I looked up... they looked like they were just taking a stroll... mother of &*@$%$!! I need to do some catching up... and I am quite motivated to make a habbit of this.. and turn it to a daily routine..
I was on the brink of collapse and he macam nada usulnya after the run... An excellent motivator my brother..

this brother that helped push me to run that extra mile, he'd make a great trainer
well I didn't make 2 laps... I ran a little less than half the round and brisk walked the rest of the distance... these two went two laps.. entah bilakah ku kan tedaya membuat atu jua inshaAllah...
and.... malam tu hahaha cana tu ahh I rewarded myself with this~~ hahahaha

baked pasta ouuhh yummm, so much for losing weight hahaha but stop trying I will not!

Monday 30 March 2009

banana split

I haven't a clue why I was craving for it... but yesterday I even mustered up the energy to make the chocolate sauce.. tasted real nyce coated on marshmellows.
All we had in the fridge was vanilla ice cream... so make do lah with what I had... and because malas kan jalan.. tuang ice-cream pastu slice up bananas and drizzle the hot chocolate sauce on top.. boleh lah... licin jua haha
banana split... bahasa melayunya... pisang balah? hahaha


The trip up to temburong was a week ago... but I am aching still... and I managed to steal some photo's from friends.. I can never remember to bring with me the cam.. and the guys from OBBD seemed to have still remembered me.. hahah iski balik-balik naik raft... it's fun and I get to work up the muscles that have long been dormant hahaha
The temuai a.k.a. long boat trip we took to go upstream was a delight, I loved it... every moment... brings such peace of mind.

the second day of the trip we hiked up the steps and up on the canopy, it was well worth the cold sweats... the view up there is almost indescribable.. the silence was soothing and the bright sun rays help luminate the scenery into something spectacular.

Thumbs up and I can't wait to have a go at it again :)

Wednesday 25 March 2009


It feels good to win... and win we did in the office badminton tournament in women's doubles category. the prize?... hmmm a tad dissapointing considering... you can spot it in the picture the brightest bag in yellow and orangey red. Though I must say, it was more the fun of it that i entered and having time to mix with the office mates.
after the prize presentation we just had to celebrate the only way I could think of.. sushi~~~~ yummmmssss

Monday 23 March 2009

office retreat

my trip up to belalong was an experience... walaupun not the first time... every trip is unique and new things learned... exhausting... exhilerating jua, bitter..... yet sweet jua, creepy... tapi a sight to behold. Our accomodation was none too shabby, they have made such an improvement to the place and everything was breathtaking. I could immagine coming back for more of the experience.
sitting area at the reception was more than welcoming...

it wasn't all just work we had time to hike up to the canopy.. the trail that leads to it was a bit of a challange... ada jua masanya ku literally terlimpang kebelakang cos some part didnt have a proper pathway and it rained the night before, making everything muddy and slippery...

eh.. baru ku notice... kalau dua tiga kali pandang seram jua gambar ani... errrmmm...

once sampai ke atas sekali waahhhhh what a sight.... Allahuakhbar... Allah maha besar... pencipta segala yang indah... exitement mixed with fear... cold sweat.... apa inda takut kan heights but beranikan diri naik the canopy... jalan pun mesti grabbing hold on to the rails.. nda lapas-lapas.
biasalah kalau ke hutan ni ada saja lah cerita yang seramm.... ada terdengar suara mengilai... ada dengar bunyi ayam clucking... ada danger bunyi dengusan... ada lagi yang nampak begnya bergerak.. tapi syukur jua I didnt get to experience anything out of the ordinary...

the view of the sun setting on our way back to bandar was beyond words...

Monday 16 March 2009

big upset

it was a shocker for all man utd fans... dad was rubbing it in at breakfast lunch and at any chance he gets... during the game play he couldn't help but whip out his newly acquired square cushion.. there's a story there...
on friday the family had breakfast at the gadong properties food court. whilst disana my adik ternampak cushion man utd being displayed and so on impulse and a lil bit of urging on my side membalilah si adik. Not long after.... mami teliat bapa ketawa-ketawa arah cashier... Rupanya bapa bali cushion rival!!! Since kami kesana using my car.. I "threatened" to throw out the horrid looking thing hahahah... I even added (jokingly) "disgraced my car oleh bantal bapa ani eyh sepatutnya nda boleh masuk keta ani"
dengan evil laugh bapa balas.... "rumah bapa nda boleh masuk barang-barang man u, bapa buang tu"

Saturday 14 March 2009

found you

at long last... creme brule that could be boasted as the best i've tasted in brunei!
atu lama mencari yang sebenar-benar genuine recipi, i've tasted a few... lesser much unsavoury ones that pretend to be what its not.. ahahah Gosh me and food~ i love food~ food that taste awesome on my pallets~ however I must say that the caramelized sugar topping could be less thick cos its suppose to provide a very fine layer that you break in to with just a light tap and not have to shove hard on to get to the creamy geeewdness~
*hahahahaha* mengalahkan food critique~~
but owh gosh kudos to Le stadium restaurant for a job well done.

Saturday 7 March 2009


Confession... I've been so caught up with trying to acquire an immaculate second language that it had probably overtaken my first... leaving me clueless as to how I've managed to lose words of my mother-tongue that should've come second nature to me.. now its like rediscovering my own heritage... on that note.. read on and be a witness to my realisation of how astray I've gone in prioritising another mans language.. a "slap-in-the-face" tale that knocked back some sense in to me.

True story... suatu hari yang panas.. abis dah musim hujan.. I had just finished lunch and was paying my parking ticket at the airport... the booth rarely had both counter open but on this day lo and behold it was.. shocker.. for me atleast.. ahah ok ok back to my story.. at the time I was paying, a caucasian man was paying his and so happens we were handed our ticket concurrently and of course the automatic response would be to thank them for their service...

To have the full effect of what I had felt.. you have to immagine it as if you were experiencing it for yourself... the scenario.. both of us spoke at the same time:

Caucasian man : "Tarema kaseih" (in a very disticnt english accent)

Me : "Thank you" (in my usual immitation of an english accent)

in my mind... &*^%!*#$?!! *speechless*
the guy had a knowing smile on his face..

Wednesday 4 March 2009


I bet everyone has had forwarded emails sent to them promising something or some sort of miracle if and when they forward an email... kecuali yang berasas ugamalah cos apa-apa yang sahih dan baik di forwardkan memang digalakkan dalam agama tani... malahan wajib ketani menyebar luaskan ilmu yang ada kepada yang belum tahu.. pahala Tuhan saja yang mengetahui...

Anyways... something I would love to forward to them who created those sort of email... Email yang menjanjikan miracle if forwarded and misfortune if ignored..