
Tuesday 30 October 2007

poiNtLess raMbLing...

tHe daYs haVe beeN a daZe.. I'm like a liviNg ZombiE... sLeeP dePriVed.. mEssY rOOm... oFfiCe aNd bEdrOOm. aLL tHe eVentS jusT piLed uP oN me aNd givEn me LitTLe tiMe to RecuPerate... My vOiCe hAs iMpoRve a LitTLe... gOt siCK thoughOut eiD.. I'm noT evEn goNna go tHere... suFfiCe to Say eNough sAddnEss to Last mE a DecaDe... If yOu sEe me giGgLing aWay, tHat's juSt hoW I haNdLe sTreSs... I jusT reaLisEd toDay (whiSLt haVing tHe rouTinE luNch wiTh a cLoSe fRieNd) tHat I haVe thE gigGLes... I'M a gigGLer.. if thAt iS even a WoRd.. tHe friEnd poiNted iT ouT...

hMmm giGgLers.. doN't LikE (spOkeN iN vEry bloDisH aMeriCan aCcenT) moSt bimBos giGgLe... i caN feeL my hair tuRning blonDe aNd my IQ droppinG *Hahaah* bEggiNg my pArdon To aLL blonDes... in pOor tAstE reMark on tHe SteRoetyPe oF bLOndes... pRovEn ratHer wrOng.. nOt aLL bLonDes aRe jUgHeaDs. cAse in PoinT, tHe goRgeouSLy taLentEd sHarOn sTonE. BesiDEs yOu doNt haVe to Be bLonDe to bE diTsy... *eViL smiLe* thinKing of a fEw in mY heAd... nOw doN't yoU wiSh you reAd minDs.. HAHahHAa

tHis iS me bLowinG oFf sTeam whiLst aT my oFfice dEsk... staRing bLindLy at tHe piLe of woRk tHat is incReasinGLy mouNting on Me... *dAydReam* wOuLdn't iT be niCe to bE a biLLionaiRe who woRries onLy oN wHat eLse to spEnd aLL thE $h%t LoaD oF cAsh!

soMethiNg I waNNa shAre wiTh aLL oF yOu..
Me maKing a FacE at aDversity.. LiFe gOes on!

Sunday 28 October 2007

aL- FatihAh...

latE afteRnoon on a friday.... uncLe dreW his Last breatH...
he LEft a soN, a DaughtEr anD a wiFe weePinG hiS departuRe...
tHe hospiTaL bed in whiCh he Lies motionLess wAs souRroundEd by aLL thoSe whO LovEd him... hE LiVed hiS liFe fuLL anD weLL...

Monday 22 October 2007

a bRiEf reLief...

do yOu ever Get thE feELing...
aS yOu gRow oLder.. exiTement geTs LeSs aNd sKeptiCism beComeS yOu..
maYbe iTs juSt me... *haHa*

I deciDed to loOk through tHe aLbum aNd ReminiSce mY sWeet iNnocenT yearS...
*sHariNg moMEnt*

thiS wAs mE... aNy reseMbLence to tHe me noW I wonDer?...

to be that innoCent again... and let others shouldeR aLL the worriEs anD responsibiLitiEs...

tHe liTtLe pRinCess

i bet there's one in every family...
the liTtLe girl that makes the eVent aLive with her cute antiCs, adorabLe chaTtEr... not to forget the pierCing screams *hahah*

buT yeaH thiS iS oUr cute shAshA.. tHougH I pRefEr to caLL heR saSh

sHe liGhts up aNy roOm wiTh heR chaRming smiLe :)
noTe to aLL: wHeRe coNceRned... wHen taKing picTurEs... NEVER eVEr leaVe heR oUt! oR exPect a sLap frOm heR tiNy liTtLe haNd *haHAHAha*

the PerfeCt hostesS

its been a hectic eid...
i have to declare this is by far the worst eid I've ever come acroSs..
I'll spare you the detailS, who in their right mind wouLd wanNa bRing doWn evrYone eLses rayA spiriT with a sOb story..

dEspite mY LesS thaN ethusIastiC ouTLooK.. eNjoyEd a gReat tiMe hanGinG oUt at tHe cloSest fRieNds "opEn houSe".

tHe fooD rangEd frOm totALLy iTaLian tO exotiC asIaN. fOOD GaLorE!
waNna loOk eVen "fuLLEr" or moRe "voLuptuous" this is the time my friend :)
piLe on tHe CaRbS aNd caLoriESsss! *haha*

sOfiE is hoMe aNd wE haD a gReat tiMe just LounGing in her baCk yarD.. heR mother's garden waS simpLy aMazing.. aLL it nEeds now is a swiMminG pooL anD wE caN havE gReat ouTdooR partiEs.....*hinT* ;) hahahahahahah

Thursday 11 October 2007

dEspEraTiOn LeaDs to eXtReMe mEasuREs..

tHiS haPpeNed twO nighTs aGo...

iT wAs 11.30isH...
mOm iS busiLy baKinG aWay tHe CakES.. As uSuaL sHe aSkEd mE tO maKe tHe CreaM foR thE cAkes.. sHe gaVe oUt tHe inStrucTioN aNd mY atTentiOn wAs haLf anD haLf...
HaLf to Her aNd tHe oTher oN sLeeP.. bUt I maNaged to finiShed makinG tHE crEaM iN LesS tHan fiFteEn miNutEs.. BefoRe goinG uPstaiRs to bEd.. I deciDed to waTch a biT of tV.. tHere wAs somEthing goOd on tV buT i juSt caN't RecaLL whaT it was...

tHEn iN tHe miDst oF it moM decLared tHat I'd miXed iN tHe wrOng fLavouR!!
tO cuT tHe stoRy shoRt wE ran ouT of tHe keY ingRedieNt to Make tHe crEam anD mom NeeDs iT coS poEpLe weRe picKinG up The oRdeRs iN tHe moRninG..

sO SeeiNg aS iT wAs MY miStakE.. I triEd to mAKe aMMenDs by goiNg ouT foR a dRivE aLL arOunD BrunEi tO fiNd aN oPEn shoP aT aLmoSt 1 am in tHe morning! yES yoU rEad it RiGht! nEar1 am in tHe morning. I drAgged oNe oF tHe brothErs aLong foR 'company'... HAhahah Ok oK I'm nOt foNd oF driviNg aLonE so Late... anythiNg unNaturaL.. oR supErnaturAL.. migHt deCide tO shOw up oR soMeting.. AHahaha I bLamE my oVer aCtiVe iMMaginaTion! ThougH tHerE Were a feW tucK shopS oPen, tHey didn't haVe wHat wE weRe LooKinG foR.

AAaaaaaRRrrggHHH!! I waS desPEratE! *hahahaah*
tHe brAin waS workiNg ovErtiMe... aT firSt wE thougHt oF knoCikng oN tHe shopS sO thEy'd oPen up *HAHAHAHAhAHAHAH* HoW deSperatE wEre WE??!!
bUt aS wE aLL knoW peOPLe don't sLeep iN thEir shoPS!!! sO tHe neXt iDea wAs to cALL uP reLatiVe who might bE aWake thAt LatE baKing aWay in tHe kitcheN jusT liKE moM... wHo wouLd haVe tHe iNgreDieNt wE'Re aFter.. aNd buY it Off tHem... I wAs tHat despEraTe...
tHinKing tHat tHe cousiN migHt stiLL be awaKe.. I textEd her, buT didN't caLL her mobiLe phoNe juSt in CaSe shE'd goNe to bEd.. buT I did Try hEr houSe phoNe aNd Her sOn ansWered..... Yep sHe waS souNd aSLeep.. JusT my LucK!!

bUt MoM caLLed uS uP noT LonG aftEr aNd toLd uS to cOme hoMe, sHe saiD shE'd juSt haVe to gEt it EarLy toMorroW... cOuLdn't shE haVe deCidEd tHat bEfoRe wE LeFt tHe houSe?!

iN fuLL sWinG

eiD iS aLmoSt hERe...
I aM soOOooooooOOOO nOt reAdy foR it!!!

whY doEs eVerytHinG moVe liKe iTs iN fuLL tHroTtLe.. anD I feEL likE I'm bY tHE siDewaLk waTchiNg thiNGs haPPen aLL arOunD me?!... aT tiMes I feEL LiKe saYinG
"SSSStttttoooppP!!!" to tiME... so I couLd caTch my BreatH aNd gEt baCk iN tHe whOLe ruSh tO 'caTch-up' wiTh tiME... wOuLdN't iT be niCe iF wE cOuLd haVe tHe 'UniveRsaL RemoTe' juSt LikE in 'cLicK' stArriNg aDam sAnDLer moVie.
*HAhaha* I wouLdn'T beAt uP my boSs tHe way hE did thOugh...
I haVe tHe beSteSt boSs anyoNe cOuLd wiSh foR.. *BiG sMiLe aNd thuMbS uP*
(iS hE stiLL reaDinG tHis?... iS iT saFe to bReathE noW?.. *hahhahaahahaha*)
SeRiOusLy I hAve oNe oF tHe bEst boSs anyOne cOuLd wiSh for :D

gOsh eVen I noTicE hoW muCh I cOuLd straY frOm a ToPiC... AHhah
As I wAs 'SayiNg'..

I LonG foR tHe fEeL I uSe tO Get oVer tHe whOLe RayA tHinG..
tHe exItEmeNt.. tHe tinGLinG oF tHe seNseS.. tHe fEeL oF aLmoSt waNtiNg to juMp oUt oF yOur oWn skiN to ContaiN aLL tHe guSh oF exItement.. iT's aLmoSt LikE faLLinG in LovE~
LoVe iS.. iTs... uRrghhH... dOn't gEt me StartEd on tHat!

*faCiaL exPresSioN fRoM tHe fEeLinG- SkeptiC?!*

mOvinG on!!!

sO I waS sayiNg abOut Raya... *HAahahah*
(Teach mE noT to stray.. anyOne?!)
tHE oFficE hAd a maKe-oVEr aND iS loOkinG vEry fEsTivE....

Wednesday 10 October 2007

whiLe wE feaSt...

tHe fAstiNg moNth is aLL aboUt LEssOns iN LiFe...
iTs a rEmiNder tHat tHEre Are pEOpLe oUt tHe who doN't haVe aLL tHe LuxuriEs wE taKe fOr grAnted..

iTs aboUt feELinG whaT tHe unFortunAtes go tHrough eaCh day... haRdLy a moRseL of foOd oN thEir tabLe... fOr uS... wE fAsT from dawN tiL duSk... aNd wHen tHe "BeduK" eChoes we gEt to eAt aLL thE foOd tHat wE coULd Lay oUr hAnds oN!!
thIs iSn't a LectuRE... mOre on Me reMinDing MysELf to be moRe tHankfuL foR wHat I aLreadY hAve...

my moM aLwayS sAys to me.. "neVer LooK aT aNd comPare yOurseLf to tHoSe peoPLe whO haVe moRe thiNgs tHan yOu... LooK doWn aNd thiNk oF aLL tHe pOePLe whO wiShed tHey cOuLd haVe tHe thiNgs yoU haVe"

I knOw tHat I aM aT tiMes sEemiNgLy uNappReciaTive of wHat yOu dO... bUt yOu shOuLd knOw tHat iT is yOu tHat I LoOk uP to.. It iS yOu tHat I admiRe... It iS yOu who heLped mE bE aLL tHat I caN..

Saturday 6 October 2007


oN my way hoMe frOm woRk oN tHursDay, I diScoVerEd a LittLe hitcKhiKer on board My cAr..

hMMMmmmm dont know if thAt is in aNy waY a cLear iMage oF tHe little spideR.. haha

he/she (how can one teLL iF its a he or sHe?! hahaha) anyway... IT was holdIng oN foR itS deaR LiFe struggling against the wind... it looked so pitiful that I wanTed to do soMething to help buT stoPPing tHe cAr oN the higHway is HardLy an iNteLLigent thiNg to do... especiaLLy with spEEd craZed motorists On thE LoOse on tHe strEEts oF bruNei.

aNd anotheR thiNg... I aM nOt a biG faN of eigHt-Legged CreAtuRes.. sO I diD tHe coWardLy tHing aNd hoPEd tHat it enjoYed tHe riDe aNd tHat it haD a saFe jouRney stiCking to thE outSide of thE cAr winDow..

Thursday 4 October 2007

EmPerOR's couRt..

In tHe veRy fiRsT fEw oF my puBLicationS oN thiS bLog, I meNtioNed tHat I am aN aDmiRer oF fiNe cuiSinE. tHat doEs noT neCessaRiLy mEan oVer-pRicED foOd tHat yoU can Get foR mucH LeSs soMEwhEre juSt aS deCent... bUt iTs quiTe soMethiNg whEn tHE rEstAuRanTs puT in tHaT liTTLe exTra eFfort in CreaTing noT juSt foOd but mAsterpiEceS.. aS thE tiTLe suGGests tHe famiLy deCidEs to DinE aT saiD LocatioN. I receiVed aN emaiL fRom tHe cOusiN abOut a sitE tHat inTroduCes diNiNg oFFers frOm rEstauRants iN Our bLesSed naTion. iT ranGers frOm buFFays, Set diNNerS aNd taKE-aWays. tHe variEty maKes yOu saLavate... :D

>>> tHe LinK <<<

tHe foOd wAs pLenty.. tHe waiTer aNd wAitResSes wEre poLite aND friEndLY. wE booKed tHe Set mEnu B..

wE startEd ofF witH scZechuaN souP (its simpLy SupErb) tHe main couRSe inCLudEd roAsteD chicKen witH pRawn CracKErs (yummIEEee), Lamb shAnk tHat taSted tenDer anD juCy ServEd witH paU aNd bREad dough (itS delish but tHe sauCe couLd've tasteD even nicer if it weRe thickenEd), PrawnS in swEet aNd souR SauCE (no complaints here hehe its as nice as we'd expect it to be) egg tofu with a mince chicken sauce (my favorite of all the dishes)
KaiLan lightLy stir frieD aNd oFcouSRe steaMed whitE riCE.

tHe deSserT an amaZing bLend oF coOL fruits in a delightful white sago filled sauce... iT tAsted *aAAaahhh* heavEnLy.. iT eVen maDe a fuLL tuMMy fEeL comfOrtabLE (TummY gruMbLed leSs frOm tHe eXcesSive eatinG HAha)

a cOmmeNt my broTheR mAde aBouT oUr fuLLy bLaoted beLLies tHat mAde me Laugh so haRD:
"kaLau ku kaNa umBan ke Laut ni.. Labui-Labui"
translation : "iF I were tHrown into thE sEa.. iT'd bE afLoat without even trying"

aLL abOut chocoLates

tHesE dayS it's aLL aboUt prEsentaTion! iT's noT enough tHat the fooD tasTes goOd.. iT haS to LoOk iRresisTabLe anD bE prEsenteD LikE a woRk oF aRt!

tHe uP cOminG fEstiVe seaSon oF eiD caLLs foR soMe majoR choCoLate bisCuit maKinG.. iTs aN aLL tiMe favoRite. tHerE's pLenty oF diFFerent typEs of biScuits being soLd oUt tHere.. buT faCe it.. wHat uSe is tHerE oF buYing aLL thE biScuiTs iF iTs enDs uP aS "diSpLay oNLy" siNce no onE eats it coS they'D ratHer haVe sOmething tHat lookS moRe pResenTabLe to tHe paLets?!

hMMMmm woNder iF tHe gueSts i'LL be haVing for eid, wiLL wannA eaTs thESe...

(I'm just a shoW oFf! I mean it takeS EFFORT to makE theSe so yEs I aM vEry prOud oF tHem no maTTer how miniscule tHe effort seems to you)

Monday 1 October 2007


I'm stiLL siCk beLieVe iT oR nOt... I don't Get siCk oFten.. bUt wHen I do iT taKEs DayS fOr me to RecoVer..

aNyhO.. i'M baCk in tHe oFfiCe... cOugHs, stuFfy noSe, wiErd voIce aNd aLL!
tHe oNLy saLvatiOn iS thE thouGht oF tHe paPerwoRk tHat is in DiRe nEEd oF aTTentiOn... (sArcasm sounDs beTTer wheN onE iS doWn witH thE fLu)

aLL tHat aSiDe... aN emaiL i ReceiVed tHat rOusEd my cuRiosiTy...
givE it a Read.. yOu won't waNNa miSs thiS onE..

tHe titLe reAd "
Kenapa Pompuan Melayu Asyik kena Rasuk.."
translation : wHy maLay giRLs geT pOssESsed bY tHe spiRits

Kes ini berlaku betul diruang pelajar perempuan membasuh kain. Berlaku diasrama puteri. Kebanyakan yang terkena rasukan adalah gadis melayu dan tidak pernah ada kes berlaku pada pelajar kaum cina dan india. Di mana salah nya........Kita ikuti percakapan antara bomoh melayu dan syaitan.
translation: it happened at the laundrette of the school girls hostel. all of the posession ocCured on maLay girLs.. never the inDian nOr tHe chiNEse.

Misteri di Asrama Puteri terjawap! Suatu hari, ada seorang ketua bomoh yang begitu berani hendak berjumpa dengan sekumpulan jin yang berlegar2 diasrama hinggakan mereka merasuk sebilangan pelajar di sekolah itu. Ketika sampai di sebuah bilik, ketua bomoh pun membaca sejenis mantera. Selepas membaca mantera, ketua bomoh pun memanggil ketua jin itu. Lalu ketua jin itu pun datang. Dengan menunjukkan wajah rupanya yang begitu hodoh dan jijik.
translation: tHe mySterY waS about to be ansWered... As onE day a SHaMan wAs invited to finD tHe caUse of it aLL. He cHanted a vErse... Lo anD behoLd thE spirIt apPearEd... iN thE moSt hEdiouS form imMaginabLE.

Hinggakan ketua bomoh yang begitu berpengalaman itu pun hampir2 pengsan dibuatnya! Hinggakan mayat reput pun lebih baik dari wajah si ketua jin itu!!! Tapi si ketua bomoh tetap kuatkan semangatnya yang jitu.
translation: wHen tHe sHamAn sAw tHe spiRit, eVen hE feLt faiNT... eVen a decomposEd coRpse didn'T rivaL thE hediOusNess oF thE spiRit... bUT hE haD to geT to tHe boTTom oF thiS coMMotioN aND diScovEr thE trutH.. sO He braVed himSelf.

Lalu si bomoh pun bertanya dengan kuat dan nyaring, menampakkan semangatnya yang tidak kendur walaupun terlihat sesuatu yang begitu menakutkan itu.
translation: tO waRd oFF suSpicioN oN hiS fEar.. witH a sTrong voiCe hE deManded

"Mengapa kau rasuk pelajar sekolah di sini hah? Jawap!!!"
translation: "wHy did yOu coMe to PoSsEss tHe giRLs in tHis sChoOL? aNsweR me!!"

"Kenapa gadis melayu jadi sasaran kau...... wahai syaitan yang direjam"
translation: "wHy do yOu poSSesS oNLy tHe maLay giRLs.. yOu wretcHed beiNG"

Dengan menarik nafas panjang, si ketua jin pun menjawab...
translatioon: taKing a deep long Breath.... tHe spiriT anSwerEd..

''Siapa Bilang Gadis Melayu Tak Menawan Tak Menarik Hati, Tiada Memikat''
translation: "who saiD tHat MaLay giRLs weren'T aPPeaLinG.. aTTracTive.."

''Kalaulah Memang, Tak Mungkin Aku Tertarik Kalaulah Sungguh, Tak Mungkin
Aku MERASUK...''

I can't believe I tried transLating thAt hahahah... its taken frOm a sonG, sAng by JAmal AbdiLLah. a reknoWn maLaysian sinGer. you nEed tHe maLay humoUr to unDerstanD this..
at the end of all that... noted under is this:


dah la.... gi wat keje tu...hehehehe