
Thursday, 11 October 2007

iN fuLL sWinG

eiD iS aLmoSt hERe...
I aM soOOooooooOOOO nOt reAdy foR it!!!

whY doEs eVerytHinG moVe liKe iTs iN fuLL tHroTtLe.. anD I feEL likE I'm bY tHE siDewaLk waTchiNg thiNGs haPPen aLL arOunD me?!... aT tiMes I feEL LiKe saYinG
"SSSStttttoooppP!!!" to tiME... so I couLd caTch my BreatH aNd gEt baCk iN tHe whOLe ruSh tO 'caTch-up' wiTh tiME... wOuLdN't iT be niCe iF wE cOuLd haVe tHe 'UniveRsaL RemoTe' juSt LikE in 'cLicK' stArriNg aDam sAnDLer moVie.
*HAhaha* I wouLdn'T beAt uP my boSs tHe way hE did thOugh...
I haVe tHe beSteSt boSs anyoNe cOuLd wiSh foR.. *BiG sMiLe aNd thuMbS uP*
(iS hE stiLL reaDinG tHis?... iS iT saFe to bReathE noW?.. *hahhahaahahaha*)
SeRiOusLy I hAve oNe oF tHe bEst boSs anyOne cOuLd wiSh for :D

gOsh eVen I noTicE hoW muCh I cOuLd straY frOm a ToPiC... AHhah
As I wAs 'SayiNg'..

I LonG foR tHe fEeL I uSe tO Get oVer tHe whOLe RayA tHinG..
tHe exItEmeNt.. tHe tinGLinG oF tHe seNseS.. tHe fEeL oF aLmoSt waNtiNg to juMp oUt oF yOur oWn skiN to ContaiN aLL tHe guSh oF exItement.. iT's aLmoSt LikE faLLinG in LovE~
LoVe iS.. iTs... uRrghhH... dOn't gEt me StartEd on tHat!

*faCiaL exPresSioN fRoM tHe fEeLinG- SkeptiC?!*

mOvinG on!!!

sO I waS sayiNg abOut Raya... *HAahahah*
(Teach mE noT to stray.. anyOne?!)
tHE oFficE hAd a maKe-oVEr aND iS loOkinG vEry fEsTivE....

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