
Thursday 11 October 2007

dEspEraTiOn LeaDs to eXtReMe mEasuREs..

tHiS haPpeNed twO nighTs aGo...

iT wAs 11.30isH...
mOm iS busiLy baKinG aWay tHe CakES.. As uSuaL sHe aSkEd mE tO maKe tHe CreaM foR thE cAkes.. sHe gaVe oUt tHe inStrucTioN aNd mY atTentiOn wAs haLf anD haLf...
HaLf to Her aNd tHe oTher oN sLeeP.. bUt I maNaged to finiShed makinG tHE crEaM iN LesS tHan fiFteEn miNutEs.. BefoRe goinG uPstaiRs to bEd.. I deciDed to waTch a biT of tV.. tHere wAs somEthing goOd on tV buT i juSt caN't RecaLL whaT it was...

tHEn iN tHe miDst oF it moM decLared tHat I'd miXed iN tHe wrOng fLavouR!!
tO cuT tHe stoRy shoRt wE ran ouT of tHe keY ingRedieNt to Make tHe crEam anD mom NeeDs iT coS poEpLe weRe picKinG up The oRdeRs iN tHe moRninG..

sO SeeiNg aS iT wAs MY miStakE.. I triEd to mAKe aMMenDs by goiNg ouT foR a dRivE aLL arOunD BrunEi tO fiNd aN oPEn shoP aT aLmoSt 1 am in tHe morning! yES yoU rEad it RiGht! nEar1 am in tHe morning. I drAgged oNe oF tHe brothErs aLong foR 'company'... HAhahah Ok oK I'm nOt foNd oF driviNg aLonE so Late... anythiNg unNaturaL.. oR supErnaturAL.. migHt deCide tO shOw up oR soMeting.. AHahaha I bLamE my oVer aCtiVe iMMaginaTion! ThougH tHerE Were a feW tucK shopS oPen, tHey didn't haVe wHat wE weRe LooKinG foR.

AAaaaaaRRrrggHHH!! I waS desPEratE! *hahahaah*
tHe brAin waS workiNg ovErtiMe... aT firSt wE thougHt oF knoCikng oN tHe shopS sO thEy'd oPen up *HAHAHAHAhAHAHAH* HoW deSperatE wEre WE??!!
bUt aS wE aLL knoW peOPLe don't sLeep iN thEir shoPS!!! sO tHe neXt iDea wAs to cALL uP reLatiVe who might bE aWake thAt LatE baKing aWay in tHe kitcheN jusT liKE moM... wHo wouLd haVe tHe iNgreDieNt wE'Re aFter.. aNd buY it Off tHem... I wAs tHat despEraTe...
tHinKing tHat tHe cousiN migHt stiLL be awaKe.. I textEd her, buT didN't caLL her mobiLe phoNe juSt in CaSe shE'd goNe to bEd.. buT I did Try hEr houSe phoNe aNd Her sOn ansWered..... Yep sHe waS souNd aSLeep.. JusT my LucK!!

bUt MoM caLLed uS uP noT LonG aftEr aNd toLd uS to cOme hoMe, sHe saiD shE'd juSt haVe to gEt it EarLy toMorroW... cOuLdn't shE haVe deCidEd tHat bEfoRe wE LeFt tHe houSe?!

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