
Tuesday, 30 October 2007

poiNtLess raMbLing...

tHe daYs haVe beeN a daZe.. I'm like a liviNg ZombiE... sLeeP dePriVed.. mEssY rOOm... oFfiCe aNd bEdrOOm. aLL tHe eVentS jusT piLed uP oN me aNd givEn me LitTLe tiMe to RecuPerate... My vOiCe hAs iMpoRve a LitTLe... gOt siCK thoughOut eiD.. I'm noT evEn goNna go tHere... suFfiCe to Say eNough sAddnEss to Last mE a DecaDe... If yOu sEe me giGgLing aWay, tHat's juSt hoW I haNdLe sTreSs... I jusT reaLisEd toDay (whiSLt haVing tHe rouTinE luNch wiTh a cLoSe fRieNd) tHat I haVe thE gigGLes... I'M a gigGLer.. if thAt iS even a WoRd.. tHe friEnd poiNted iT ouT...

hMmm giGgLers.. doN't LikE (spOkeN iN vEry bloDisH aMeriCan aCcenT) moSt bimBos giGgLe... i caN feeL my hair tuRning blonDe aNd my IQ droppinG *Hahaah* bEggiNg my pArdon To aLL blonDes... in pOor tAstE reMark on tHe SteRoetyPe oF bLOndes... pRovEn ratHer wrOng.. nOt aLL bLonDes aRe jUgHeaDs. cAse in PoinT, tHe goRgeouSLy taLentEd sHarOn sTonE. BesiDEs yOu doNt haVe to Be bLonDe to bE diTsy... *eViL smiLe* thinKing of a fEw in mY heAd... nOw doN't yoU wiSh you reAd minDs.. HAHahHAa

tHis iS me bLowinG oFf sTeam whiLst aT my oFfice dEsk... staRing bLindLy at tHe piLe of woRk tHat is incReasinGLy mouNting on Me... *dAydReam* wOuLdn't iT be niCe to bE a biLLionaiRe who woRries onLy oN wHat eLse to spEnd aLL thE $h%t LoaD oF cAsh!

soMethiNg I waNNa shAre wiTh aLL oF yOu..
Me maKing a FacE at aDversity.. LiFe gOes on!

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