
Thursday, 4 October 2007

EmPerOR's couRt..

In tHe veRy fiRsT fEw oF my puBLicationS oN thiS bLog, I meNtioNed tHat I am aN aDmiRer oF fiNe cuiSinE. tHat doEs noT neCessaRiLy mEan oVer-pRicED foOd tHat yoU can Get foR mucH LeSs soMEwhEre juSt aS deCent... bUt iTs quiTe soMethiNg whEn tHE rEstAuRanTs puT in tHaT liTTLe exTra eFfort in CreaTing noT juSt foOd but mAsterpiEceS.. aS thE tiTLe suGGests tHe famiLy deCidEs to DinE aT saiD LocatioN. I receiVed aN emaiL fRom tHe cOusiN abOut a sitE tHat inTroduCes diNiNg oFFers frOm rEstauRants iN Our bLesSed naTion. iT ranGers frOm buFFays, Set diNNerS aNd taKE-aWays. tHe variEty maKes yOu saLavate... :D

>>> tHe LinK <<<

tHe foOd wAs pLenty.. tHe waiTer aNd wAitResSes wEre poLite aND friEndLY. wE booKed tHe Set mEnu B..

wE startEd ofF witH scZechuaN souP (its simpLy SupErb) tHe main couRSe inCLudEd roAsteD chicKen witH pRawn CracKErs (yummIEEee), Lamb shAnk tHat taSted tenDer anD juCy ServEd witH paU aNd bREad dough (itS delish but tHe sauCe couLd've tasteD even nicer if it weRe thickenEd), PrawnS in swEet aNd souR SauCE (no complaints here hehe its as nice as we'd expect it to be) egg tofu with a mince chicken sauce (my favorite of all the dishes)
KaiLan lightLy stir frieD aNd oFcouSRe steaMed whitE riCE.

tHe deSserT an amaZing bLend oF coOL fruits in a delightful white sago filled sauce... iT tAsted *aAAaahhh* heavEnLy.. iT eVen maDe a fuLL tuMMy fEeL comfOrtabLE (TummY gruMbLed leSs frOm tHe eXcesSive eatinG HAha)

a cOmmeNt my broTheR mAde aBouT oUr fuLLy bLaoted beLLies tHat mAde me Laugh so haRD:
"kaLau ku kaNa umBan ke Laut ni.. Labui-Labui"
translation : "iF I were tHrown into thE sEa.. iT'd bE afLoat without even trying"

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