
Thursday, 4 October 2007

aLL abOut chocoLates

tHesE dayS it's aLL aboUt prEsentaTion! iT's noT enough tHat the fooD tasTes goOd.. iT haS to LoOk iRresisTabLe anD bE prEsenteD LikE a woRk oF aRt!

tHe uP cOminG fEstiVe seaSon oF eiD caLLs foR soMe majoR choCoLate bisCuit maKinG.. iTs aN aLL tiMe favoRite. tHerE's pLenty oF diFFerent typEs of biScuits being soLd oUt tHere.. buT faCe it.. wHat uSe is tHerE oF buYing aLL thE biScuiTs iF iTs enDs uP aS "diSpLay oNLy" siNce no onE eats it coS they'D ratHer haVe sOmething tHat lookS moRe pResenTabLe to tHe paLets?!

hMMMmm woNder iF tHe gueSts i'LL be haVing for eid, wiLL wannA eaTs thESe...

(I'm just a shoW oFf! I mean it takeS EFFORT to makE theSe so yEs I aM vEry prOud oF tHem no maTTer how miniscule tHe effort seems to you)

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