
Monday, 13 August 2007

LetS get jiGgy!!

Enough SerioUs taLk... iTs giving mE a heaDaChe..
I haVe enougH sEriouSnEss in tHe oFfiCe to fiLL up thE quoTa oF my SeriouS siDe *hMmm..*

On tO entertainMent...
UnfortunatELy I havEn't goNe to tHe moVies to waTch RuSh HouR 3

(NotE to SeLf: muSt waTch RusH hOuR 3!!!)

tHe weEkenD.. iT was a gReat 3 dayS brEak that EveryOne dessErved... heEhe..
thE famiLy deciDes to haVe a roAdtriP to miRi.. tHe newLy recoGniseD toWn oF the neighbourinG cOunTry.. a LonG trip oN thE roAd... wHat bettEr way to fiLL up thE timE buT be uUUuBberLy vaiN anD taKe soMe seLf-Potraits..

(I'm not usually vain *ehem* hahahahah but the brothers were busily doing their own thing.. one noisily clicking away on his PSP and the other on hiS GB-AdV)

the reSuLt?... *hahahah* ok doNt you dAre coMMent on thEse.. I reaLLy was boRed..

thE cuSsiEs wEnt too! in A sapEraTe cAr..
bUt onCe we wEre oUt oF thE caR wE rEekEd hAvoC!!

dUe to uNfoRseeN ciRcumStanCe.. thE pLan to gO boWLinG hAd to bE caNceLLed :(
But no mAttEr.. tHe cUzziEs aNd ouRseLves knOwS hoW to HavE a GOoD tiMe giVen Any siTuatiOn aNd pLace ;)

HarrY's No. 1 fan!!!

tAke 1 oF thE PoSe fOR He-who-We-Do-nOt-sPeaK-oF..

the FinAL cuT! WhEn shE's gainEd enough compoSurE aNd stop thE giGgLes.. heheheh
ItS tHe pResSuRes oF puBLiC audiEncE you sEe...

oN thE whoLe it was a GooD day :D
onLy wiSh aLL oF thE cuZziEs couLd'vE goNE....

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