
Saturday, 4 August 2007

caKey waSaYou..

tiMe to shiNeeE... heheh
eVeryOnE wouLd have Lots to Say abOut thingS that they aRe pRouD of in theiR famiLy memberS. Not meaNinG to Brag (the sentence said in the begining of every conversation you've had and will have in future that trieS to soften the bRaggiNg part howevEr it really dOes nOt woRk!! CauSe it stiLL sounDs liKe a biG fAt bRag *hahahahah*)
so I was SayiNg... I have Very taLenteD couSins! aNd oNe oF thEM maDe thiS caKE!!

anD shE doNe iT wiTh no ProFesSionAL training!
I can onLy stanD and be sTupeFied witH awe at heR naTuraL taLentS.
iT tastEd so NyCe! iT maKes you waNt mOre!!! eVen whEn yOu feEL yOur paNts cOuLdn't strEctCh no morE. hehe...

oN tHe subJect oF caKEs tHe cuZzy whO had the bDay get togetheR goT peLteD wiTh thoSe sPray pArty riBbonS!

annnnnndddD tHe Cake wAs suPerBLy choColaTe yuUmmM!

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