"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian." - Dennis Wholey
Thursday, 30 August 2007
rUnniNg oN emPty...
Tuesday, 28 August 2007
LiFe sHouLd bE siMpLe yes?... buT it never iS...
it Was on the NewS thE nExt Day...
the Man died... aNd thE wiFe was Prisoned fOR LiFe... aCcuSed of MurdEr!
niSfu SyaAban
Monday, 27 August 2007
Saturday, 25 August 2007
heLp me~~~
sHinE within me.. vaNish aLL my fLaws... I wiSh my LifE be FreE~~
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Wednesday, 22 August 2007
teArS oF paiN...
GenDer aLteRatiOnS..
Tuesday, 21 August 2007
FeeL gOoD moment
hoMemaDe diPs yuMmmeeeEee :D
Monday, 20 August 2007
isn'T that.. eRrmm... yOU!
Sunday, 19 August 2007
a ToAst... eRmmm I mEan... aLhamdulillaHHhh
GoSh I don't know why buT I'm juSt FeeLing VengeFuL... posTing aboUt it herE..
Saturday, 18 August 2007
caLLing aLL thriLL seakErs..
sHouLd I bE shoCked?...
iTs sAd tHat MarRaigE vOws aRe taKEn So LighTLy... tHE pRomiSes maDe bEfoRe tYing tHe kNot wAs tO foReVer LoVe... tO foReveR cHeriSh..
wHerE did it aLL go?... *sigh*
(did I make it sounD like I was a Victim.... *hahahah*)
Friday, 17 August 2007
BeSt thiNgs iN LiFe aRe fRee...
Thursday, 16 August 2007
yOu muSt!! yOu jusT muSt!!
Wednesday, 15 August 2007
iNconsiDerAte pR#cK$
Tuesday, 14 August 2007
aUguSt traGedy..
i mEan thE snAkEs...
by the by... tHey do cateR to privatE functioNs too... so Ermm... iF in need oF a bAnd that knoWs how to Liven uP a baSh. TheSe aRe the GuyS you'LL neEd :D
Monday, 13 August 2007
wHen taLent meEts Creativity..
picture taken from her site
anY oRderS?.. hehe
yUp you heard me! Edible!!
they'Re aLL nOthinG buT caKEs :D
LetS get jiGgy!!
But no mAttEr.. tHe cUzziEs aNd ouRseLves knOwS hoW to HavE a GOoD tiMe giVen Any siTuatiOn aNd pLace ;)
tAke 1 oF thE PoSe fOR He-who-We-Do-nOt-sPeaK-oF..
faLse aLarM...
Sunday, 12 August 2007
waiTinG is aGony....
Wednesday, 8 August 2007
CreaTiviTy haS no LimiT
iT's juSt the aDorabLessstttt thing! its all made from veggiessss!!!
Tuesday, 7 August 2007
gaRdeN oF eDen..
itS ouT!!!!!
"Do yOu unDaStaNd Da wodS Dat eR cuMiN ouTa mA mouT?!"
LoVe fAding...
Monday, 6 August 2007
wOrDs so tRue..
Andai engkau masih remaja, jadilah anak yang solehah buat kedua ibu bapamu,Andai engkau masih ibu, didiklah anakmu sehingga dia tidak gentar memperjuangkan ad-din Allah.
Oleh itu Hawa,
Cintailah Allah di kala susah dan senang kerana kau akan memperolehi cinta daripada insan yang juga menyintai Allah. Cintailah kedua ibu bapamu kerana kau akan perolehi keredaan Allah. Cintailah keluargamu kerana kau tak akan jumpa cinta yang bahagia selain cinta keluarga.
Ketahuilah Hawa,
sExY shoEs..
tHirTy yEarS anD thRivinG!
Saturday, 4 August 2007
biNge seSsioN
(excluding myseLf who was on thE otHer siDe of tHe LenS.. buhuu... hehe)
SoMe peOpLe hate musHrooms.. buT thAts thEir LosS.. heEhe! cOs tHesE babiEs aRe soOOoo yuMMieLiciOus!! its the dip that makes it all come together..
caKey waSaYou..
annnnnndddD tHe Cake wAs suPerBLy choColaTe yuUmmM!