
Thursday, 30 August 2007


Better Than Me


I think you can do much better than me
After all the lies that I made you believe
Guilt kicks in and I start to see
The edge of the bed
Where your nightgown used to be
I told myself I won't miss you
But I remember
What it feels like beside you
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me

While looking through your old box of notes
I found those pictures I took
That you were looking for
If there's one memory I don't want to lose
That time at the mall
You and me in the dressing room
I told myself I won't miss you
But I remember
What it feels like beside you
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me

The bed I'm lying in is getting colder
Wish I never would've said it's over
And I can't pretend...
I won't think about you when I'm older
Cause we never really had our closure
This can't be the end
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
I really miss your hair in my face
And the way your innocence tastes
And I think you should know this
You deserve much better than me
(And I think you should know this)
(You deserve much better than me)

sOmEoNe aSked mE to liSten to thIs... wondeR wHat He meant by it...

rUnniNg oN emPty...

wowWw... tHe fAsting MonTh iS juSt aRounD thE corNer... oF whiCh I LikE to caLL tHe "hYpe sEaSoN".. wHEre pEoPLe gO CraaaaazeeeeY wiTh pReparaTioNs foR tHe uP cOminG EiD~~~

tHis OnE tiMe oF eVerY yEar you gO sTarK rAviNg mAd wiTh tHe sHoPping...
(HEheeh I'm one to talk.. *quickly hides shopping list* )

bUt ReaLLy it DefinitELy wouLdn'T be BruneiAn NOT to Over-Spend, oVer-sTress, oVEr-pRepaRE and oVer-furnish!
nO maTTer wHat peOpLe saY abouT aLL thE bAd hAbbiTs uS bRuneiAns hAve.. OnE thinG yOu cAN couNt on (annnd... its sOmEthiNg I aM so ProuD of) iS ouR Loyalty to OuR famiLieS anD oUR peOpLe. nO oUtSiDEr couLd meSs wiTh uS witHoUt haVing to FaCe tHe whoLe cLAn!

wHy aM I taLking abOut thiS?.. weLL... itS jusT so mE to sTraY isn't iT..
ActuaLLy I wantEd to ShoW a Very conTravErciAL PicTure...


ok ok... (*talking to self* stop laughing!!!)
gOsH I aM soOOoo LaMe~~~ bUt whO caRes! *hahaahha*

dO yOu knOw hOw REaL iCe cReaM iS mAde?...

*** Ka Zee I hAd tO biTe my tonGue frOm LaughiNg ouT LoUd in tHe oFfiCe.. tNx fOR Le PiCtuRE~ ;)

Tuesday, 28 August 2007


LiFe sHouLd bE siMpLe yes?... buT it never iS...

beiNG cLEar oF whAT it iS that yOu waNt shouLd be a MusT yeS?..

whAt aM I taLking aBout?... iT haD me in sTitcHes... WeLL.. reaD on ;)

A wife was very unhappy with her car and complained a lot to her husband . Knowing her birthday was coming up shortly, she said to her husband... ' Buy me a surprise for my birthday . Something that accelerates from 0 to 100 in 4 seconds! And I would prefer a blue one! ' Happy and excited she was counting the days to her birthday. And on the day she finally got the beautiful present her husband thoughtfully bought....

and wHat did ShE gEt you WonDer?...

Scroll Down......

it Was on the NewS thE nExt Day...

the Man died... aNd thE wiFe was Prisoned fOR LiFe... aCcuSed of MurdEr!


niSfu SyaAban

wE aRe nEariNg tHe hoLy moNth oF rAmadhAn..

aNd I doN't knOw hoW manY wiLL agRee wiTH me on tHis.. buT I pRefEr tHe faStinG moNth to tHe cELebratiOns oF EiD... iT's the whoLe aURa of tHe montH.. tHe smELL of tHe foOd staLLs by tHe naTionAL sTadiUm.. oR tHe huStLe aNd buStLe oF gaDong Area juSt by thE fiSh mArket.. wE caLL it K.F.C. short for "Kiarong Food Centre" hehe bet you a lot of you know that haha. aLL of the FooD is AffoRdabLe anD tastE aS gooD as youR monEy's wOrth... hahahaha interpret thAt any way you Want.. I ain't saying anymore on the maTter *ahahahah*

I'm sUre you aLso knOw thAt thEre's a nEw locatiOn to geT tHe uSuaL cravinGs we hAve in tiMes of Fasting hehehe it's the SumBangSih maRket. GooD nEws to thoSe who LivE arounD kiArong aNd bEribi, no moRe thE haSsLe of goiNg craZy with HapHazaRd paRking juSt to geT "bergedil", "pulut panggang", "lemang", "kusoi", "popia" hahahahah aLL the delicacies I'd love to have on the table wHEn thE "bEduk" is eChoing oN thE TeLevision aNd rAdio..

sEe wHat's not to Love abOut ThE faStinG moNth.. tHe pLuSs PLuSs iS tHat itS thE onLy tiMe of yeaR I loSe a Wee biT aRounD thE waiSt *hahahahahahaha* weLL... unTiL eiD comeS aNd thAt iS anothEr stoRy hehe..

sOme siLLy piCtuRe I tooK of the CuZziEs muncHing awaY on a Very SweeT, Red anD Very deLectabLE friut caLLed thE "tein~" durinG tHe niSfu SyaAban aNd taHLiL eveNt... which Was Last nighT :)

doN't ask me the EnglisH naMe for "tein~"... I haVen't Got a cLue.

*AHAHahahahaAHAAhaha* eViL LauGh

aS "pRomiSed"
tOLd yoU tHat yOu'd enD up in mY BLog ;)

Monday, 27 August 2007

iTs yOur bDay :D

i'LL juSt Let tHe arTiCLe do thE taLking

Saturday, 25 August 2007

heLp me~~~

wOrk iS hecTic... yet I find mySeLF demoTivated...
I meAn I'm a SucKer foR tHe oDd adRenaLin RusH but ReeeeAAaaaLLy I juST Can't bE bothEred thEse DayS...
I worK at tHe sLoWest PaCe PosSibLe... nOt tHat I waNNa bE sLugGisH... sNaiLiSh... oR eveN tuRtLeiSh...
aM I maKing SenSe eVen..?

aNyoNe goT cUre foR Lazy-SynDroME? giVe me A HoLLer..
I thinK I neEd a sLap iN tHe fAce...
wAAAAkE uP!!!

*hahaHahAhaHAhahahah* thiS iS what'S caLLed jiBberisH nonsense!!!

sHinE within me.. vaNish aLL my fLaws... I wiSh my LifE be FreE~~

Thursday, 23 August 2007


thE previous Post hAs definitELy taken uP so muCh poSitivity Away frOm my chEery self *eeeheeemmm*
hahahaAHaahahaha I reaLLy aM a very positive PErson hahahaahah
ok ok... maybe not all the time... but I try to be..

eVen the sWeetesT of characteRs in LifE give in to dEpression...
yOu wouLdn't beLieve what haPenned!!
KiDs LooK aWay noW!!!!! cOs maNy WenT into therapy aFter they've sEen thiS horrifiC image...

eLmo tRiEd tO kiLLEd hiMseLF!!!!!

*ahhahaaAHaHaAHAHahaHAAHha*(silent chuckle)

bUt LuckiLy the mEdiCs WerE abLe to ResuscitAte him... the pooR guy.. never knew ceLebrity Life couLd be sO stressFuL... I mean aLL that gLamour and moneY... What's to stress about?!...

*hahhaahah* I'm sorry... LaaaaMmmeeE joke
so hoWs the weathEr?.. SunNy? :S

Wednesday, 22 August 2007

teArS oF paiN...

LiFe iS fuLL of SuRpriSes.. be it gOod or Bad.. I saW reAL drama unfolding infront of my very Eyes today..hAve yOu seeN fiLms LikE "sLeepLess iN seatLe"?.. wHere a Man aNd woMan FaLLs in Love yet wiThouT a cLue whO eaCh othEr is.. If yOu thinK iT is impoSsibLe to FaLL for sOmEonE yOu'Ve nEver mEt.. iT's beEn proVen trUe... >>see here<<

wHen i ReaD whaT she (goes by the name kirim-aku-malaikatmu) had to say.. iT maDe me cry.. biG fat teArs that couLdn't stop faLLing.. Maybe I'm PMSing (extrA sensitip jadinya).. iT may nOt makE SenSe to soMeonE who'S neVer FaLLen deeP in Love.. bUt to A pErsoN who'S fELt paiN of a BrokenEd heart...

LoVe iS moRe miSery tHan a bLesSinG...

I thiNk it huRt heR moRe moSt pRobaBLy beCauSe sHe sAw hiM aS "tHe guY"

YoU KNOw HoW OUr MInDS haVe its oWn visiOn oF thE kinD of Man/Woman wE waNna sPend tHe resT of ouR liVes with... so in a way sHe's aching tO be witH him As shE see's aLL that shE waNts hEr maN to be in him.. tHe paiN coMes at thE faCt tHat... sHe can'T have him... hiS heart bELongs to sOmeonE eLse...


tHis iS SeeeeEEEEEriouSLy dePreSSinG!!!!

In my mind I wish it to have the movie ending... where nearing the end of the film.. they fall madly in love with each other... aNd it sort of "ends" with WedDing beLLs.. but sOmehow.. I reaLLy doubT it.

Reasoning being?... he's too in love with "ayu" aNd logic dictates that Love like that isn't easily dissuaded...
I just hopE hE doEsn't think iTs hiS faUlt... If sHe happEns to Be huRt by thiS I'm so sorry my dear.. buT LovE can't Be foRced... aNd though I appLauD youR honEsty.. I aM very mucH taKen aback by your open conFesSion... aNd soMe might See it As cominG a littLe too strong..
I guEss you couLd say thAt I can't See hoW your FeeLingS for him cOuLd'Ve coMe so StronG.. my dear you don't even knoW him... ok ok I admit I'm a skeptic...
pLeaSe God... oWhhh pLease Let tHis have a GooD enDing.. pLeasseee...

GenDer aLteRatiOnS..

ExcuSe me...

I can't seEm to stoP LaugHing...
it's jUst SooooOO funny
I got an email that was titleD

"Virtual Feminization Clinic‎"

anD it shoWed the pictuRe by pictuRe oF maLes mOrping to womaN versioNs of thEmseLves.
aNd moSt oF the mEn LookEd QuiTe goOd aFter tHe tRanSfoRmatiOn.
ThEn THe Last piCtuRe CaMe up.... *hahaAHahaAHaAHahahahah*

weLL I'LL let yOu juDge iT for yoUrseLf...

Tuesday, 21 August 2007

FeeL gOoD moment

tHiS makEs a SeriOusLy gReat anND eFFeCtiVe PicK-Me-Up'er
wHen FeELing LoW anD iN neeD oF sOme MajOR CheeriNg uP... anD tHere'S no cLoSe FriEnds aRouNd to HaRraSs *hEhe*
Try tHiS aNd it iS guArantEed to maKe yOu smiLe aNd puT a sUnniEr oUtLook iN yOuR LiFe
JuSt aS LoNg aS yOu doN't start goiNg aRounD teLLinG pEoPLe on hoW muCh alike youR LooKs aRe to a CertAin CeLeBrity
CoS I certainLy CanNot SpOt thE similAritiEs....

hoMemaDe diPs yuMmmeeeEee :D

I looooOOOoVVeeee a gooD saLad!
I don't mean to get all girLie bUt I reALLy do LoOOVVve SaLadS
iTs the CrunCh oF fresH LeavEs aND tHe delicate taste of tHe DreSsing

yummMMMmm :)

wHat MakeS a SaLad? My mY My.. iTs the DreSsiNg oFcouRse!!
so LemMe shoW oFf my cULinAry skiLLs here

(not that I have any... ermmm)

a ReciPi mAde uP on my Own oF whiCh thE famiLy seEms to Love..
It goEs weLL for aLL KinDs oF sALad and it evEn coMplimentS any bArbequeD meAts: Lamb Chops.. SteaKs... EsPeciALLy chiCken
ouuhhh YummmieeeEe GOsH I'm SalavatiNg now...

Ok oK on tO tHe sEcRet Recipi... (not a secret anymore now~~)

A Large DoLLop oF MayonAiSe

fineLy chopped GaRLic

fiNeLy choppEd GrEen And bLacK oLivEs

fineLy choPped ZucChini

jUiCe SquEeeZeD froM 1 faiRLy Large Lemon

piNch oF SaLt

DaSh Of FrEshLy GrouNd PePper

miX it aLL togeTher aNd wVaLLLahh!! yOu haVe an aLL oCcasiOn dip oR DreSsing :D

tHe pLus iS yOu Needn't wOrRy iF yOu thiNk yoU mAde a LittLe too Much! JuSt Pop iT in aN aiR-tigHt ContaiNer aNd kEep it cooL in thE friDge aNd it Can Last As LonG aS tHe eXpiRy oF the MaiN inGrediEnt (MayoNaisE) yOu uSed :D

Monday, 20 August 2007

isn'T that.. eRrmm... yOU!

GoSh thiS iS boTh spoOkiE aNd fuNny..

tHe NeWsCastEr rePortiNg oN aN aPpeAL tO tHe puBLic abOut a RapE cAse..
I'm suRe I'm noT aLonE in tHis bUt hE..

LooKs thE spiTting iMage oF the sKetcH doNe of thE suSpect...

duM~ duM~ duMmmm~~~~

Sunday, 19 August 2007

a ToAst... eRmmm I mEan... aLhamdulillaHHhh

sUnDay's in BruNei aRe incomPLete wiThoUt thE oDd wEddiNg invitatioN or twO... toDay is No excepTion :D

GoT an iNvite to A coLLeguE's wEddiNg anD shE LookEd abSOLuteLy goRgeOus

anD oNe thiNg thAt iS oDd in a Way iS whEn I LeFt thE fuNCtioN a liTtLe Later...

hahaHAaha, to tHink.. abOut an hoUr agO thE pLace wAs pAckEd and pArkinG waS aLmosT iMpossiBLe to fiNd!

Annd anotheR thiNg...
tHerE wAs oNe pErsoN who annoYed me duRing tHe eVent. aNNnnd itS thiS guy!!


GoSh I don't know why buT I'm juSt FeeLing VengeFuL... posTing aboUt it herE..

I meAn there We werE trying to get a GlimpS of the BriDe aNd gRoom.. aNd thEre he iS aLwayS in tHe way!! sO the siMpLe taSk of gettiNg a shoT of thE neWLy wEds wAs virTuaLLy impoSsibLe thanKs to him!

Saturday, 18 August 2007

caLLing aLL thriLL seakErs..

sOme pEoPLe coMpLain aboUt thE Lack of thiNgs to do in OuR BLeSsed cOuntRy..
I beG to diFFeR..
ThErEs aLwayS soMEthinG goIng oN. You JuSt Need tO be BettEr inForMed..

Which bAsiCally meAns yoU don't Listen TO thE raDio oR watCh LoCaL Tv nor Do you ReAd thE LocAL newSpaPErs mucH :P

aLritey BaCk to tHe mAttEr at hAnd...
tHerE's thiS "aMazing RaCe" (like the one thatS pLayed on AstRo) BruNei VersioN being hELd soOn.

EntriEs CloSe on thE 20th oF auGust fOr thE teaSer RaCe. tHe teaSer Race givEs you a sniPpet of whats to HappEn on the Main eVent.

I neEd not saY moRe juSt viSit theiR >>>oFficiAL websiTE<<< to KnoW moRe.
hMmmm iT sEem LikE LoaDs oF fun thouGh....

WonDer who'LL wAnnA teAm up with me.. heHEhe

sHouLd I bE shoCked?...

i ThiNk tHe woRLd iS nEaRinG itS enD... noThing iS sAcreD anymoRe... a pRomiSe iS aS goOd aS yestErdaYs newpaper..

iTs sAd tHat MarRaigE vOws aRe taKEn So LighTLy... tHE pRomiSes maDe bEfoRe tYing tHe kNot wAs tO foReVer LoVe... tO foReveR cHeriSh..

wHerE did it aLL go?... *sigh*
(did I make it sounD like I was a Victim.... *hahahah*)

I goT aN emAiL todaY anD it ReAd..


I reaLLy shouLd minD my oWn businEss but... I can't heLp it if every other perSOn knows..

So rEaLLy whAt I poSt here isN't somEthing new... I bet yoU aLL havE goTten it in a forwarded email..

A pIctuRe oF a CouPLe doiNg a VEry ShamEfuL act... InFedeLity!
I'm jusT so SicK of peOpLe thinkiNg itS oK to break thE marraiGe voWs to FuLfiL theiR owN selfish NeeDs.

(Awu Lapas tu balik rumah marah2 arah bini! BerCeramah yA raH bininya pasal MAcaM-maCam.. koNon orAng BaikLah tu.. Hipokrit!)

Wahhh marah aku atu...

SorRy I can'T fiNd worDs that COuLd bettEr transLate this... its just better Left as it is..
iF the PerPetratoRs shouLd happen to ReaD this... I cAn't say that I am sorry... you hAd it cOming.

Friday, 17 August 2007

BeSt thiNgs iN LiFe aRe fRee...

Don'T yOu feEL that The bEst gifT anyoNe caN giVe yOu iS oNe thaT fuLfiLLs yOuR emoTioNaL nEeDs?...

I'm turniNg phiLosphiCaL...


but ReaLLy... iT matTerS nOT that they GeT you sOmethinG expEnsiVe oR soMethinG that wAs woRth viRtuaLLy nothing.

a GooD eXampLe is this >>>story<<<

a pHonE CaLL is haRdLy a giFt to tHe unTraiNed minD... but wHEn iTs frOm soMEoNE speCIaL... a simPLe PhonE cOuLd tuRn inTo a PriCeLesS giFt..
oNe thAt sEndS yoU fLoatiNg uP tO cLouD niNe~~

Thursday, 16 August 2007

yOu muSt!! yOu jusT muSt!!

hAve you eveR goNe to tHe moVies anD caMe ouT oF it wiTh jAws CraMpeD?!
SeriOuSLy It wAs pRactiCaLLy nOn-StoP Laughter!!
ChRiS tUcKer hAs pRovEd thaT BrotHa's rULe CoMEdy CentRaL!
buT oFcouRse tHe wRitErs hAd a hAnd in it tOo.
But deLivery wiSe it Was ExcecutEd fLawLeSsLy!
KudoS to ChriS
iF you HavEn't waTcheD RuSh HouR 3
bOy arE you miSsinG ouT bIG tiMe!
sO wHat YoU waiTinG foR? Go!!

Wednesday, 15 August 2007

iNconsiDerAte pR#cK$

hAve you eVer cOme aCroSs motoriSts whO riDe on tHe faSt Lane buT aRe goIng at sNail SpEed?? I meaN thoSe oN thE sLow LanEs dRivE fAster!

bUt what mAKes iT aN oUtrAge iS whEn tHe saiD motorist reALLy sLows doWn at tHe trAffiC LighTs whEn thE lightS shiNes GREEN anD wiLL onLy stEp on The aCceleratOr whEn traFfiC Lights signaLs thE yeLLoW Light!!!

eeeEEEEeeeEHhhhhhhhHHHHHHH sELfiSH @##$$$%%%#$%^^$#@@!!!!!!!!!!!

(ffuuuhhhhhh.... breathe... just breathe....)

oK.... I'm O.K. *breathes out real slow*

buT I am CertaiN thAt many oF yOu haVE expEriencEd worSe.. taKE thiS pErsoN's stoRy foR exaMpLe.. I wouLdn't recoMMend tHe acTioNs taken.. BuT dOn't you finD it annoying When a Person drivEs at A pAce that giVes you Opportunity to get into the lane but when they see you trying to get in thEy SLAM on the ACCeleRatoR!!!

oNce agaiN GoD hELp you SeLfiSH @&@*#($%)@*#*!!!
SomethiNg I'd LuuuuuuRRRRvEeee to LeavE oN his winD-shield

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

aUguSt traGedy..

iT hapPened agaIn!!!!!!!!
why me... why me????????
ok ok its not me...
but for goodness sake whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy????!!!!!!!
what am I talking about??!!
its happened again you see!! my beautiful darling shoess

* waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa *

SeriouSLy Mass produCtion aNd coMpetitiOn in fashiOn's laTest TreNds..
DOES NOT!!!! does not excuse you (yes you on the productiong line!)
frOm ignoring a simple QUALITY check!!!!


I'm sssOOOoooo AAAaaaaaRRRgghhh!!!!!!!!!

(ani kan lawa the shoes.. buhuuuuuuu~~)

Look what happened to it!!

the strap just broke!!!!


i mEan thE snAkEs...

tHe oNLy bAnD thaT meRitS enVy foR thEir inDividuALity tHat stAndS ouT frOm othEr bAnds thaT I've cOme aCroSs... tHeiR mUsiC yOu cAn lisTen to no mAtteR whAt tHe ocCasioN.

eVerGreeN doEsn't quitE fit thE desCriptioN.

BuT yeaH feELing bLue... oR gray oR reD *hahaha* tHe soNgs aRe reaL easy on tHe eaRs. FirSt tiMe I heard theM on tHe radiO I thought they weRe soMe estabLishEd foreign ArtisT... LittLe did I know.. *haha*

they'Ve put uP a nEw LayOut foR the OffiCiaL site foR the bAnd I.M.T.S.
(short for I mean the SnakeS)

weLL new for me anyWay... hehe haVen't visitEd the site for wee bit hehe... *ehmmm*
(looking away.. la~la~~)

so Now they neEd your voTes... why? beCause they deserve recognition.
tHey seRiousLy are Good.

trust Me.

tO taKe paRt in MakinG hiStorY haPpen..

iTs noT everydaY thAt you cAn cLaim invoLvemenT in soMeonE's riSe to worLd Fame ;)

by the by... tHey do cateR to privatE functioNs too... so Ermm... iF in need oF a bAnd that knoWs how to Liven uP a baSh. TheSe aRe the GuyS you'LL neEd :D

Monday, 13 August 2007

wHen taLent meEts Creativity..

I've spoken in a previous post aBout a vEry TaLented cOusiN... anD here I am agaiN shoWing oFf onE of heR manY taLents..

picture taken from her site

yep.. iTs A biRthdAy caKe...
anY oRderS?.. hehe
(habiSlah kaka nie... hehehe)

Speaking of which... you knoW thosE bRanded bagS that wouLd cost you An aRm And Leg.. iMmagine tHat given as a biRthday gifT though...
yOu'll forEver Love thE oNe thAt giVes it! hehe
HowS abouT this? aN aFfoRdabLE immitatioN that iS LiteraLLy edibLe!
yUp you heard me! Edible!!

(malay's would say "boleh makan")

they'Re aLL nOthinG buT caKEs :D

LetS get jiGgy!!

Enough SerioUs taLk... iTs giving mE a heaDaChe..
I haVe enougH sEriouSnEss in tHe oFfiCe to fiLL up thE quoTa oF my SeriouS siDe *hMmm..*

On tO entertainMent...
UnfortunatELy I havEn't goNe to tHe moVies to waTch RuSh HouR 3

(NotE to SeLf: muSt waTch RusH hOuR 3!!!)

tHe weEkenD.. iT was a gReat 3 dayS brEak that EveryOne dessErved... heEhe..
thE famiLy deciDes to haVe a roAdtriP to miRi.. tHe newLy recoGniseD toWn oF the neighbourinG cOunTry.. a LonG trip oN thE roAd... wHat bettEr way to fiLL up thE timE buT be uUUuBberLy vaiN anD taKe soMe seLf-Potraits..

(I'm not usually vain *ehem* hahahahah but the brothers were busily doing their own thing.. one noisily clicking away on his PSP and the other on hiS GB-AdV)

the reSuLt?... *hahahah* ok doNt you dAre coMMent on thEse.. I reaLLy was boRed..

thE cuSsiEs wEnt too! in A sapEraTe cAr..
bUt onCe we wEre oUt oF thE caR wE rEekEd hAvoC!!

dUe to uNfoRseeN ciRcumStanCe.. thE pLan to gO boWLinG hAd to bE caNceLLed :(
But no mAttEr.. tHe cUzziEs aNd ouRseLves knOwS hoW to HavE a GOoD tiMe giVen Any siTuatiOn aNd pLace ;)

HarrY's No. 1 fan!!!

tAke 1 oF thE PoSe fOR He-who-We-Do-nOt-sPeaK-oF..

the FinAL cuT! WhEn shE's gainEd enough compoSurE aNd stop thE giGgLes.. heheheh
ItS tHe pResSuRes oF puBLiC audiEncE you sEe...

oN thE whoLe it was a GooD day :D
onLy wiSh aLL oF thE cuZziEs couLd'vE goNE....

faLse aLarM...

yOu knOw thE feeLing you Get whEn you'vE met soMeonE nEw...
tHe feELing oF wanting to sEe them again eveN whEn itS onLy a few minutEs that wEnt by aFter you Last mEt..
wHy dO I taLk in RiddLes (not really but yah..) hAHah
iTs to giVe a SoRt oF veiL reaLLy to mAsk my oWn fEeLingS... oOopSs I saiD to muCh..
the tHinG is.. I feEL unComfoRtaBLe pubLicisiNg my iNnermoSt thoughtS..
unLike thiS guy who's so oPen anD cRysTaL clear abOut hoW he FeeLs anD thinKs.. yOu havE my SaLutatioNs.. (FYI: he's stiLL not oVer thE giRL... I think the infatuation is worse even)
straying again... I was saying... aBouT meetiNg neW peoPLe..
iT givEs thiS sparK of eXcitEment right at the pit of YouR tuMMy..
but soMetiMes.. aS yOu go FurTher along thE friendsHip... thinGs beComEs cLeareR and you thiNk to yourseLf... mayBe the liFe thE perSon LeadS is a LittLe too coMpLicatEd for yOu to uptakE haD thinGs goTten moRe seRious aNd moRe intimatE.... aNd aLL yOu feeL is jusT comForT at tHe fAct thAt you'vE acquiRed a nEw friEnd.. sO uHmmm Hmmm feLt liKe I juSt BaRed my sOuL there... buT whaTeVer.. iTs opEn to interprEtation..
MayBe I'm juSt beiNg diFficuLt... BuT, to an ExteNt, iS theRe any wRonG in waNting thinGs thaT you reaLLy waNt?.. iNsteAd of sEttLing foR soMEthing that sEems the LessEr versiOn of wHat it is tHat you ReaLLy reaLLy want...
by LesSer I mean sOmeoNe whOm you neVer have tHought yOu'd Have anY romanTic aFfiLiationS with..
I couLd be wrong abouT this.. buT yOu onLy geT to Live your LiFe onCe.. I waNt to Live it wELL.. wiTh oUt rEgRets..

Sunday, 12 August 2007

waiTinG is aGony....

thE titLe?... well... personal really... nothing I want to declare to the world wide web.
beeN a whiLe sinCe I've updatEd... bEen busy and afTer....
thE LonG wEekEnd spent rejuvanating...
feELs good :)
acTuaLLy.... I really don't feel like updating now... maybe tomorrow...
maybe not tomorrow... :(

Wednesday, 8 August 2007

CreaTiviTy haS no LimiT

oNe oF tHe cuTest cReatioNs oF mAn I've seeN... Isn't it adorable that living things caN be made to look more "aliVe" just by mere ingenious sculpture..

iT's juSt the aDorabLessstttt thing! its all made from veggiessss!!!

Tuesday, 7 August 2007

gaRdeN oF eDen..

My NeWLy aCquiRed littLe GaRden...
(LittLe iS an OveR exaGeratioN inFact)
Just LoOking at iT pRoviDes an eScapE frOm thE rEspOnsiBiLitiEs tHat soMetiMes cAn get a biT OveRwHeLming...

itS ouT!!!!!

RuSh hOuR 3 is oUt on ciNema!!!!!

ThE pErfeCt coMedic ActiOn dUo! BacK reEkiNg haVoC oN thE sTreeTs of PaRiS! thEy neVer faiL to maKe me Laugh agaiN and aGain! I couLd waTch the firsT two fiLms of Rush HouR ovEr aNd oVer anD it nEveR faiLs to cRacK me up!

wE'Ve evEn aDapTed soMe oF the fuNny scRiPt inTo daiLy cAtch PhraSes ;)

LikE foR instAnce... whEn speakinG somEthinG to thE otHer and theY didn't quiT catcH whaT was said... wE'd go

"Do yOu unDaStaNd Da wodS Dat eR cuMiN ouTa mA mouT?!"
anD we'D start Laughing... HeHE... gOsh tHat souNds sooOo LaaaMe :S

But AnyWay... Can't waiT to See thiS onE... hMmm... whO shALL I taKe with I wonDer ;)

LoVe fAding...

I've been following closely on someone's pesonal life... (its written in a blog.. so its okey to know ;) did you expect things to be written in a blog to stay a secret?...)

iT started off as Being cUrious... a revelation of love unrequited.. LatELy... it kinna seems like he's lost his will to pursue the matter... a Lost CauSe maybe.. foRbidden LoVe somE might caLL it...

bUt you Can't blame the Guy...

wHat wouLd be interesting is.. If hE maDe the prOcLamatioN that he is ovEr the infatuatioN he has over the eHem.. unatTainabLe. Annnd... decLares that he iS in pursuit oF onE of hiS LoyaL reaDers. It doEs sEem though, that oNe parTicuLar Reader who shaLL remain naMeLesS here (I don't need hatE mail, I've enough junk mail filling up my inbox, filtering it doesn't seem to work anymore... oOppsY.. I'm straying ageeeiinn) makes the perfect candidate... (i might be blowing this up beyond proportion but we need tall tales once in a while.. just like the film 'Big fiSh'..)

Now wouLdn't that make a VerY (one eyebrow up jusT like the M'sian artist Ziana Zain.. though noT as High) inteResting tWisT inDeed..


So bAd of me tryinG to aDD sOme fLavouR on An aLreaDy flAvoursoMe LoVe storY... but then again... it is possible is it not?... he should get his HapPy eNding onE way or another...

Monday, 6 August 2007

wOrDs so tRue..


Andai engkau masih remaja, jadilah anak yang solehah buat kedua ibu bapamu,Andai engkau masih ibu, didiklah anakmu sehingga dia tidak gentar memperjuangkan ad-din Allah.


Andai engkau belum berkahwin jangan kau risau jodohmu, ingatlah Hawa janji Tuhan kita, Wanita yang baik adalah untuk lelaki yang baik. Jangan dimulakan sebuah pertemuan dengan lelaki yang bukan muhrim kerana aku khuatir dari mata jatuh ke hati, maka lahirnya senyuman maka tercetusnya salam dan sekali gus disusuli dengan pertemuan takut lahirnya nafsu kejahatan yang menguasai diri.


Lelaki yang baik tidak melihat paras rupa, lelaki yang soleh tidak memilih wanita melalui keseksiannya, lelaki yang warak tidak menilai wanita melalui keayuannya, kemanjaannya, serta kemampuannya menggoncang iman lelaki. Tetapi lelaki yang baik akan menilai wanita melalui akhlaknya, peribadinya dan yang penting pegangan agamanya.


Lelaki yang baik juga tidak menginginkan pertemuan dengan wanita yang bukan muhrimnya kerana dia takut memberi kesempatan kepada syaitan untuk mengodanya.Lelaki yang warak juga tidak mahu bermain cinta kerana dia tahu apa matlamat dalam sebuah pertemuan lelaki dan wanita yakni sebuah perkahwinan.

Oleh itu Hawa,

Jagalah pandanganmu, awasilah auratmu, peliharalah akhlakmu, kuatkan pendirianmu. Andai ditakdirkan tiada cinta daripada Adam untukmu, cukuplah hanya cinta Allah memenuhi dan menyinari kekosongan jiwamu, biarlah hanya cinta daripada kedua ibubapamu yang memberi hangat kebahagiaan buat dirimu, cukuplah sekadar cinta adik-beradik serta keluarga yang membahagiakan dirimu.


Cintailah Allah di kala susah dan senang kerana kau akan memperolehi cinta daripada insan yang juga menyintai Allah. Cintailah kedua ibu bapamu kerana kau akan perolehi keredaan Allah. Cintailah keluargamu kerana kau tak akan jumpa cinta yang bahagia selain cinta keluarga.

Ketahuilah Hawa,

nafsumu sembilan, akalmu satu Lelaki nafsu satu, akal sembilan maka Janganlah sesekali tangan yang boleh menggoncang dunia juga yang menggoncang iman lelaki...
enthraLLinG isn't it... I got it fRom an internet site... I do apologise to non-Malay spEaking readerS.. I don't sEe justiCe in transLating it... tHe bEauty of the messaGe wiLL be loSt in trAnsLation..

sExY shoEs..

sHoEs aRe meAnT to COmpLimenT the fEet.. buT whEn iT comEs to wEarinG tHem... iN bRuNei.. yOu muSt aSsEs tHe situAtioN.. iT suFfiCes not tO conSider FashiOn... buT pRactiCalitY muSt aLso be ExcErciSed. as iT is onLy prOpeR to take thEm oFf bEfOre sTepPinG inTo A HoUsE.

tHiS iS a fiNe exaMpLe oF wHat nOt to wEar whEn you aRe ouT to viSit soMeoNes hoMe...

(AHhahahahahaHaha cUzzie dOn't hatE me)

wEaRinG goRgeOuS shoEs wiTh bucKLed sTrap... may be HoT! buT nOT suCh a GreAt iDea... you kinNa neeD to bEnD doWn anD sQuaT to Get iT LatcHEd.

tHirTy yEarS anD thRivinG!

itS mom N dAd's 30th wedDing aNniversary..

I've had my fill of cakeS the past few WeeKs...
not comPLainiNg at aLL I LoooOvE caKes.. bUt thiS onE tastEd eXtrA spEciAL...

it hAd thE seNtimeNtaL ziNg to it :D

I don't think I'm evEr gooD at picKing thE righT kinD of PreSenTs... sO i tHought of jusT geTting tHem tHe cLichE'.... MatCHinG hiS anD heRs waTchEs!!!

aNd theY LovEd it!
(fuuuihhhhhhh breathing out a great sigh of relief)

MoM toLd me oFf for 'wastiNg' money... buT I knew shE especiallY loVed the bouqUet of fLoweRs...

tHe rePly i GavE her... "its money well spent."
in return I got a biG hug aNd showered with kiSseS.. :)

Saturday, 4 August 2007

biNge seSsioN

wHen tHe CouSinS aRe hoMe, iTs onLy right tO haVe A FeaSt tHat bEfiTs a KiNg!
tHe foOd we oRderEd couLd haVe fEd haLf of aFriCa... hmmM..

the beautiful ladies who were present that day...

(excluding myseLf who was on thE otHer siDe of tHe LenS.. buhuu... hehe)

oh oh oh!!! when in SwenSen neVer forGet to orDer thE
bReaded mushroom StartErs!!!

SoMe peOpLe hate musHrooms.. buT thAts thEir LosS.. heEhe! cOs tHesE babiEs aRe soOOoo yuMMieLiciOus!! its the dip that makes it all come together..

ThE deSerT deServiNg tHe attenTion is the baNana oR aPpLe cRumbLE!!

ouuuhhhh yummmMMMieeee!

caKey waSaYou..

tiMe to shiNeeE... heheh
eVeryOnE wouLd have Lots to Say abOut thingS that they aRe pRouD of in theiR famiLy memberS. Not meaNinG to Brag (the sentence said in the begining of every conversation you've had and will have in future that trieS to soften the bRaggiNg part howevEr it really dOes nOt woRk!! CauSe it stiLL sounDs liKe a biG fAt bRag *hahahahah*)
so I was SayiNg... I have Very taLenteD couSins! aNd oNe oF thEM maDe thiS caKE!!

anD shE doNe iT wiTh no ProFesSionAL training!
I can onLy stanD and be sTupeFied witH awe at heR naTuraL taLentS.
iT tastEd so NyCe! iT maKes you waNt mOre!!! eVen whEn yOu feEL yOur paNts cOuLdn't strEctCh no morE. hehe...

oN tHe subJect oF caKEs tHe cuZzy whO had the bDay get togetheR goT peLteD wiTh thoSe sPray pArty riBbonS!

annnnnndddD tHe Cake wAs suPerBLy choColaTe yuUmmM!