
Sunday, 16 December 2007

cOmE raiN oR shiNE!

tWo niGhts aGo tHe biG famiLy wEnt oN a piCniC aT oUr vEry oWn DeLapidaTed "diSney" paRk... beTter knoWn aS JEruDonG pARk. Its a crYing sHame reALLy... wHat oNce wAs a siGht to beHoLd is noW a sOre fOr tHe eye to beheLd... bUt tHey stiLL haD a fEw riDes runniNg aNd tHe cuSsies aNd I haD a bLast :) HEhehe... I feLt LikE a kiD agaiN riDing oN tHe waTer Log, tHe buMpeR Car aNd a fEw otHer riDes..
wE weNt twiCe oN tHe wAter Log riDe! waHhhh MacAm nAda ku BecErita atu HahaHAh (ngiLu pLang baNarnya... MEneRIaK saMpai jua kEbeLait Lagurnya HAHAHahah aDa juA rAsA mAcaM jaNtuNg aTu KEtinGgaLan aT tHe toP, thE poiNt wHerE tHe riDe juSt aBouT pRepaRes iTsELf tO pLunGE!!) aNd aLmoSt a thiRd buT iT waS getting Late aNd wE waNteD to Go On tHe buMpeR cAr... aNd guEss wHat?.. oN tHe waY to tHe riDe... It rAInED!!! pouRed!!!! aNd wE wErE dRencHed!! tO tHE boNE!! haAHAAHah mY hAir wAs PLasTerEd oNto My FaCe HAAHAHah aLL iN tHe nAMe oF fuN!
I wiSh oNLy tHat tHey cOuLd bRinG iT baCk tO iTs iniTiaL gLorY... I beT a LoT of peOpLe wouLdn't minD paYIng a pRetTy PenNY fOr tHe RiDes...

sWeet sWeets

thesE sWeets aRe sweet ahaHAaHaha litereally aNd in every conText of the worD!

tHe riGHt kiNd of thiNg to giVe to a dEar onE heeheheh.. iT doesnt only just taste niCe buT tHe sWeet LittLe meSsaGe wrItten on tHe wRapper maKes iT a oNe Of a kiNd aNd it coMes iN a Few LanguaGEs too heHe

bahaSa bRunei asLi ganya naDa... iMigin yA... "CaYang Ku eYh" cUuuuteee tu!!!

MomMy I loVe you

iT haD beEn oN tHe whoLe a vEry hEctiC cOupLe oF weEks..
diDn't hAve tHe tiMe nOr eNergy To uPdaTe...
But noneTheLess hAd a sPeciaL ceLEbraTioN aNd tWicE tHe SurPriSe foR moM.. Her 53rd BirtHday~~~ I had to rusH to a bAkery right after worK to a pLace reComended by a
FriEnd caLLed BakerLyn... thE paStriEs anD buNs wErE yuMmieLiciOus hehe
aNd tHe sELectiOn oF caKes aRe a vaRiety of cuLinary maSterpiEcEs... aNd iT wAs a rathEr diFficuLT tasK tRying tO piCk oNe cOs tHey aLL loOkEd ScumPtuOus! iN tHe eNd I seTtLed witH "sNowWhiTe".. niCe naME foR a cAKe heHEhe.

aT night we haD a FamiLy gatHering aT gRampS. aNd oNCe moRe i ThoughT to suPriSe hEr agaIn.. wiTh tHe HeLp oF my bRothEr.. heheh HE piCKeD thiS dELectaBLe caKe aNd it Was sUpErrrrbbbb

iT wAs somethiNg to RemEmbEr *haHaHa* tHe aUntS hAd baNgeD oN biG pLastiC coNtaiNers LikE ReggaE dRUmmeRs oN a rOLL haHAHAHhaha whiLst I caRriEd tHe caKe siNgiNg HaPPy biRthdAy moMmy~~ aHaHAha moM waS pLEasentLy suRpriSed :D

Tuesday, 4 December 2007

wHat's in a nAme?..

I aLways deciDe in tHe Last miNuTe wHeRe tO hAve LuNch.. aNd aS I waS sittiNg coMfortabLy in CoFfeeZone.. muNchinG away oN my GriLLed chiCken SaLad (doNt be deceived with the woRd saLad! iTs noT for thOse who aRe TryiNg to sHed oFf soMe pounDs hahaHA... tHe drEssiNg itseLf is a fuLL faciaL treatmeNt oFf instaNt botoX ahahaha fuLLy loadeD!) yUummm (thaNks to tHe cuSsie who inTroduCed it) i'M straying.. hahahHAAHA aS i Was saYing... I waS enjoyiNg Lunch wHen.. My pHonE sTartEd buZziNg

iT's Le` bRotheR hehe... hE'D seNt a piC of wHat he's eating HEheHE
(He cookEd it himSelF.. aN aspiriNg CheF! tHe neXt JamiE oLiveR!)
DoEsn't tHat LooK sCrumPtuoUs?!! oUhhh iTs tuna anD chEesEeeeeee omeLette!
FoR a 15 yEar oLd i tHink tHats a fEat oN iTs oWn!! haHAHaHa :D

AnywaYs... HerE's somethiNg fuN... I got oFf a forwardeD emaiL.. ouuhhh I wonDer wHat my naMe mEans ;)

Instructions:What you do is find out what each letter of your name

Then connect all the meanings and it describes YOU.

PS : If you have double or triple letters, just count the meaning

For Example : R A H I M
R You are a social butterfly.
A You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
H You are not judgmental.
I You are always smiling and making others smile.
M Success comes easily to you.

Hehehehe thiS sounDs fuNnnnnn!!!! I've highlighted in PinK the Letters tHat aRe in My nAme..

A You can be very quiet when you have something on your mind.
B You are always cautious when it comes to meeting new people.
C You definitely have a partier side in you, don't be shy to show it.
D You have trouble trusting people.
E You are a very exciting person.
F Everyone loves you.
G You have excellent ways of viewing people.
H You are not judgmental.
I You are always smiling and making others smile.
J Jealously
K You like to try new things.
L Love is something you deeply believe in.
M Success comes easily to you.
N You like to work, but you always want a break.
O You are very open-minded.
P You are very friendly and understanding.
Q You are a hypocrite.
R You are a social butterfly.
S You are very broad-minded.
T You have an attitude, a big one.
U You feel like you have to equal up to people's standards.
V You have a very good physique and looks.
W You like your privacy.
X You never let people tell you what to do.
Y You cause a lot of trouble.
Z You're always fighting with someone

So iN conCLusiOn.. I aM...
very quiet when I have something on mY mind (haHaAH sooOoo truEEE)... a very exciting person (duNno abOut thiS buT I hoPe so! HahAHa)... not judgmental (I'd likE to thiNk I'm noT)... always smiling and making others smile (hEheHE i'm smiLing right now..)... Success comes easily to Me (oouuhhh aminnn aminnnNN)... like to work, but I always want a break (HahHAhah did thEse peopLe reAd my diaRy?!!)...very open-minded (*cHeeky GriN*)... a social butterfly (terabang nie eyhh AHhaHAH)... very broad-minded (einstein watch your bacK HAHAHAHAHH)

Saturday, 1 December 2007

foRevEr friEnDs...

soMething I waNna share... frOm a forWarded emaiL...

to aLL my dEar friEnds..
Life is short, Forgive quickly, Kiss slowly *ehem*, Love Truly *sigH*, Laugh uncontrollably *waHaHaHaH*,
And never regret anything that made you Smile.


wHen yOu aRe crUisiNg doWn tHe hiGhwAy... do yoU puMp-Up tHe voLuMe aNd siNg to yOuR hEarts conTent.. aLa-aLa Menyanyi arAh pertandiNgan kaReoKe di maJLis OraNg kaWIn?.. *haHAAHaHaha *

oN my wAy to woRk... terJumpa Ku oRang disebaLah ani.... cuKup Lagi deNgan goYang kePaLa Sama expRessi muKanya HAHAHAAHaha PaCAahhhhh Ku kEtaWa!!! HAAHHAaAHahAHa yaaaaa aaainnnnnn!! Man you maDe my morning!! hahaHAAHaHa TuHan saJa membALas budi mu haHAAHaahaH meMbuAt Ke kEtaWa teRbahaK-baHak pagi SabTU ani.... aTu kaN ku tErLintuK sLeep DepRiVed....

LuaN exCerciSe yataH pumPed uP adrenaLin haHahaAHaHA ndA betidur
God aNd si "ruSa" saja yang tahu HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

jUst aNotHer Day...

yEstErdaY aS i waS pusHing mYSeLf to kEep goinG aT a stRenuOus viRtuaLLy noN-sTop 2 houRs woRkoUt.. tReaDmiLL... RowInG... CroSs-TraiNer... aNd aLL tHe tiMe mY eyEs kEep aVertiNg tO tHe caLoriE couNter... wiLLinG to go "WWOOOHHhhooOOOO coNgratuLationS! yOu'vE buRned aLL tHe uNwaNted faT!!!"


iT maDe me Laugh Out LouD! haHAhaHa LuckiLy nO oNe noTiCed..... muCh hahahaha atLeast I hoPed no oNe notiCed. LaLaLaaa~~~ hahaha

iF oNLy... hahahaah wouLd've beEn a diFfereNt woRLd hAd thinGs in LifE bE easiLy attainabLe wiThOut putTing in The haRd woRK...

bUt soMe vEry notIceabLe chaNges I couLd cLearLy see is tHe conDitioN oF my skiN... iT SeeMs LuminouS.. fResh.. hEaLthieR.. eSSeeehhhh hahahaha habiS ni soRang2 kaN ke gyM/exceRciSe ni haAHhaAHaH

Wednesday, 28 November 2007

taKe aWayS..

tHerE I wAs minDing my oWn buSinEss sTeppiNg inTo tHe LiFt.. wiTh hAndbAg iN onE haNd aNd the oTher juGgLinG books, a buN wRappEd witH tiSsuE aNd aN appLE. aNd aS tHe liFt fiLLs uP wiTh peoPLe.. I reALiSed tHat thiS woMan stAndiNg opposiTe mE wAs stAriNg at mY foOd.. (terseliUr meNkaLi... bAnaR-baNar Lagi ya mEnantaNg atu...)HmmMmm i thouGht to mySeLf.. kaLau kU maKan daPanNya nie.. tErbeLiaK kaLi matanya HAHahaHAAHaAHaHA!!
guEss sHe's neVer coMe acRoSs a pErsoN who iS siMpLe aND hAsSLe fReE

aWu baH KajaH nDa ku teRuaH tuPPawEa di DapuR taDi baH naMa juA gaGas Kan Ke peJabat

My DeLicioUsLy nuTriciOus bReaKfaSt.. yuMmm *hahahahaHAahAHaAHAHaAHAHah*

Monday, 26 November 2007


wEnT to tHe cuZzy's pLaCe Last niTe aNd a piEcE oF fuRniTuRe cAught tHe cuSsy'S eYes...
CarVed oN tHe woOdEn tabLe wAs aN eLepHant, a LiOn, LioNeSs aNd wHat I thiNk couLd've bEen a panTheR.. bUt wHat puZzLed uS wAs wHat iT hAd in tHe miDdLe... eVeryThiNg eLse wAs cArvEd to pErfeCtioN buT eRrmMm.. wHat'S tHat iN tHe miDdLe?... piZza?.. piNeapPLe??! Kek roLL kaLi.... aPakaN?!

Saturday, 24 November 2007

wHat I aM?...

It wAs fuN thE fiRst tiMe.. so HeRe goEs..

How late did you stay up last night?
Late.. diDn't thiNk to gLanCe at tHe tiMe... Mata Lagi KaLaT... KaNa CiuM puN nDa baNgun niEee... boWh boWh*haHahHAhHaHa*

What was the first thing you thought
this morning?
*StRetChiNg LiKe a KiTtyCat*.. MmmeeeaaaaaaaoooWwwww fiVe miNutEs.. LemMe sLeeP 5 miNit saJa Lagi pLease...

If someone doesn't like you, it's
usually because:
wHO?? who?? sApa nDa suKa aku atU??!! Mau CooKiE?.. ChoCoLate?... (KiRa NgaMbiL haTi Le tu) *HahHaHAha* if tHere iS a ReaSon.. I'D waNna kNoW.

What did you do yesterday?
buStiNg mY a$$ oFf aT tHe gyM!! rUnniNg oN tHe croSs-tRaiNer.. aChinG niE... baH *ScaNniNg thE reaDers* saPa mau voLentEer uRutkan?! *HahaHaHA*

2 nights ago you where at?
haRi aPakaN tu? Hmmm haRi ni hAri SabtU.. JadiNya 2 daYs agO iS tHuRsdaY... baTah bataHh~~~~ HAhaHAHaHaH Awuu waH aRah mY cOusInS HouSe

What are you excited about?
hMmm.. I doN't gEt eXciTed muCh... bUt suRpriSes eXciTe me... GoOd suRpriSes! *iN whispEr toNe* birThdaYku nA LamA Lagi *EhEm* HahaHAHaH

Do you own a stereo that cost more than $100?
aDa eYh.. I hAve oNe oF thOse... *biSik* KaLau raDio yaNg $1.80 tU maSuk juA tu Kan?!.. gaNti batTerynYa bRapa KaLi... kiRa tiA..

You admire people who:
haVe a maGneTiC pErsonaLitY, hoNest, ConfiDenT, woRks haRd... aNd.. hEnSem *haHaHaHaHa*

What were you doing this morning at 7am?
rUshiNg doWnstaiRs tO iRon mY sCarF.. siKit Lagi tErdaSur! HahaHa (LuruSkaH tu?)

What kind of music do you like best?
anYthiNg tHat sOunDs gEwD to my eArs.. KaLau nyaRinG ku nyAnYikaN bAh Lawa suDah tu *haHaHaH*

What was the reason you last cried?
CriEd?... weLL i just had my Car wAsheD aNd not loNg aFtEr iT raiNed! Tangisan tak berAir maTa... huhu~~

Who was the last person to text you?
aDeLeRrr~~~~ haHAHa

Do you miss someone?
wOuLdn'T yOu LikE to knOw ;P

Are you happy with your life?
YeS, LiFe's GeEwD :D

Have you ever talked to someone when they were high?
yEah.. He wAs on tHe 10tH fLooR *HAHahaHa* KeS nDa faHam

In your opinion, it's just not the holidays without:
a daY aT tHe bEach~~

Have you ever cried while taking a shower?
waHHh pLenTy of tiMes! aNi noT nEmoRE..... cOs nOw I uSe joHnSon-JonHson's "Tak pEdihkAn maTa" shAmpoO *HaHahHaha*

What was your favourite year?
tHe yEar I wAs boRn :D
Have you made a mistake in the past week?
oOOUuu yEs...

Do you drink tea?
pIpiNg hOt tEa? noPe.. I waiT tiL iTs coOLed a liTtLe beForE taKinG a siP.. aPakaN?! *haHaHaHa*

Have you ever, in any way, been betrayed by someone you trust?
pLenTy oF tiMEs... SakiT pLang.. bUt LiFe iS abOut takiNg cHanCes.. iTs a siGn oF resPect to TruSt sOmeoNe.. wHen tHey bReaK tHat tRust, tHey doN't rEspecT yOu. LeaRn yOur LeSsoN aNd moVe oN.. Let God deaL wiTh tHeM.

When was the last time you were given rose(s)?
oN mY biRthDay.. I LoVe fLoWerS! *hiNt hiNt* hAHaHaHaHA

Is there anything that you are craving for right now?
a waRm reLaxiNg buBbLe baTh...

Do people ever make stupid mistakes when spelling or saying your name?
aLL tHe tiMe*HAhaHaAH*.. Lain Lagi bunyiNya tU... aKu puN nDa kenaL..

yOu ReaD... yOuR taGged ;)


I juSt rEceiVed tHiS foRwaRdeD emaiL toDay...
BanAr kAh niE???
aNyoNe HaS a coMpLete mAp oF maLaysiA??!
Look at tHe roAd siGn....

nOt fOr eyEs oF uNdeR 18!!!

Friday, 23 November 2007

mY daY...

todAy Im siTtinG coSiLy iNfroNt of tHe Tv... DrooLinG aNd goiNg Ga-Ga oVer tHe cuTe VeeJays on "V"......

hAd faLLen dEep iN sLeeP wHen I caMe home Last niTe.. it hAd bEen a LonG weEk... ExhauStiNg bUt fUn.. whiCh RemiNds mE.. hAd a gOoD LaugH wiTh tHe cuZziE oVer a diScoVery sHe mAde iN oNe oF tHe diSh seRvEd aT tHe fuNctiOn Last niTe..

sHe fiRst aSsuMed iT wAs a sLiCe oF squiD buT erMm... quItE a weiRd miX to teLL tHe trUtH.. bEef cuRry wiTh sLiCeS oF sQuiD?! buT oN cLosEr iNsPectioN iT tuRned ouT to bE an eLastiC baNd!!! *HAhaHAhaHA* hoW'd tHat geT in tHe cuRRy??!!

oN aNothEr stoRy aLtogethEr.. I aTtendEd a couRse tHat LastEd thRee dayS... to Sum it uP... mAde nEw friEnds... LearNed moRe aboUt mYseLf... abOut LiFe aNd beiNg poSitiVe...
oNe oF tHe exCerciSes Was to DraW oUr oWn faCes....
what do yoU thiNk? tHe nExt Da VinCci? *haHAHA*

eVeryoNe had thEir potRait poSteD up oNe oF tHe wALL...

iT feLt LiKe I waS in kinDergArDen agiAn *HAhaHAh* but iTs aLL iN goOd fuN

Monday, 19 November 2007

aN eVent

I waNteD to wRiTe aBouT an iNciDenT tHat I tHouGht wAs raTheR chiLdiSh.. bUt... I'LL LeavE iT in GoD's haNds.. wHat goEs aRouNd coMes aRouNd~~
On a cHeeRy noTe.. yEstErDay wE wEnt oN a RoAdtRip.. a LonG dRivE dowN to "DaNau". It wAsn't vEry sCeniC.. bUt rAthEr tHeraPutiC jUst cRuiSiNg wiTh tHe bRotHers aNd haViNg fuN maKiNg siLLy coMMenT abOut thiS aNd tHat..

HeRe's sOmE sniPpetS oF yEstErdayS eVent...

aN uNcLe wAs haVinG a deEp cOnVerSatiOn wiTh oNe oF tHe CuSsiE duRinG tHe eVenT yeSterDay.. tHey piCkeD a goOd spoT I mighT aDd.. aNd iT wAs toO goOd nOt to caPtuRe.. say chEesE! hEehe

tHe moMmieS! tHey'Re siSteRs... buT HehHe noNe oF tHem reSembLes tHe otHer.. Least tHats whAt I thiNk...

SiNce aLL tHe fuRnituRes wErE cLeaRed.. tHe kiDs haD a bLasT RuNniNg aRouNd aNd sCreaMinG tHeiR LiL hEads!! aWww aRen't tHey jUst cuTe (aNnoyinGLy LouD bUt stiLL cuTe HAhaHa)

Saturday, 17 November 2007


we'Ve aLL beEn tHerE aNd iTs a cyCLe wE go tHrouGh fRom tiMe to tiMe...
iTs wHen We aRe aT ouR LoWesT poiNt... wHen wE fEeL aT wiTs eNd.. oR in a ruT... feEliNg woRthLeSs.. uSeLesS... I'm poSting thiS in faVouR oF a fRiEnd whO fEeLs LosT.. aNd iN diRe nEed oF a pEp taLk...

thiNgs yOu shouLdn't Do wHeN yOu aRe dEep iN thE piTs oF DepRessiOn!

bLamE LiFe!
no doubt tHat LiFe iS haRd.. yOu gOttA woRk foR wHateVer yOu wAnnA achiEvE.. bUt putTing thE bLame oN liFe wiLL noT gEt yOu anyWhere... It's LikE bLaminG chOcOLate fOr maKinG yOu Fat! iTs yOur aCtiOns tHat mAkes yOu wHat yOu aRe...

Let LazinEss diCtaTE
oNce moRe.. yOu don't do noThinG, you gEt notHinG!

NegLect yOur LoOkS
wHen yOu LooK goOd yOu fEeL goOd! tHere'S notHinG eLse to it.

bEcoMe a HermiT
wHeN yOu shY awAy fRoM poEpLe aNd croWdS... yOu giVe waY foR inSecuritiEs... fAce thE musiC aNd yOuR conFiDenCe wiLL be tHe beTter for iT! caLL uP yOur fRiEndS aNd oRganiSe a rEguLar geT-toGethEr

iNduLge iN seLf pitY
nEveR sEe youRseLf as tHe viCtiM! sEe iT as a LesSon LeaRnEd aNd yOu wiLL coMe ouT a bETteR peRsoN! thinK oF iT oNLy aS aN inConveniEnt sEt baCk.

tHiNgS tO do tO feEL gEeeeWwddD ;)

gEt heAltHy
eXceRciSe! iTs a weLL kNoWn fAct tHat phySicaL aCtiVitiEs ReLeAseS enDorphiNs! a biOchEmicAL compOunD tHat giVes a sEnSe oF wELL-bEinG. PLuSss! PLuSSssss!! wiTh aLL tHat eXerciSe yOu aRe goNna LoOk gEewDD!! aS oUr caLcuLatioN goEs..
LooKing GoOd = fEeLinG goOd

sPLuRgE oN yOuR LoOkS
you nEedn't spEnd a fortuNe, buT taKing tHe exTra tiMe to MakinG yOursELf LoOk gOoD is wOrtH aLL tHe secoNd gLanCes ;)

iNduLge bUt doNt oVer do
indulgiNg iN thiNgs tHat yOu LoVe iS aCceptAbLe iN tiMes oF nEed. buT onLy to a rEaSonabLe eXteNt. foR instaNt iF yOu nEed iCe-CreaM to fReEzE oUt thE paiN.. go ahEad hAve soMe.. scoOp a coupLe oF spoOns into a bOwL doN't eaT iT ouT oF tHe tuB! tHe staTe you aRe in.. WeiGht gaiN iS a probLem yOu couLd do witHout!

fiNd diStraCtioNs
anythiNg tHat couLd keEp yOu buSy.
taKe uP tHe oFfer oR eVen voLenTeer to bE tHe comittee memBer fOr aNy oFfiCe aCtiviTiEs. KeEpiNg yOurSeLf busy wiLL heLp maKe yOu feEL imPortaNt.. NeeDed.

nO maTteR hoW haRd LiFe gEts. nEver LoSe yOur huMouR. go oUt aNd sEe a coMEdy at tHe moviEs. bEttEr sTiLL maKe tiMe to entertaiN tHe friEnd who neVer faiLs to maKe yOu Laugh tiL yOu feEL LiKe wEttiNg yOur paNts!

*** wRiTteN puReLy fRom A pErsoNs opiNioN. aNy cOnSequEnce fRom uSinG tHem iS youR oWn.

saVing faCe...

tHe inVentioN tHat is cRediT cArdS iS oNe Very uSefuL tooL.. eVen thouGh tHe interest charges cOuLd maKe yOu fAinT.. tiaP kaLi biLL daTaNg.. 1001 seSaLan meMbuah diHati... rasA jua suDah tu Kan caKap meLayu... luRus iNda bLakang kiRa tapi kaLau saLah toLoNg tunjuKkan.. HAahahaHa apakan?!

bUt hEre's oNe stoRy tHat maKes yOu cuRL iNto a baLL aNd wiSh yOu wEre soMewHere eLse! sO tHe stOry goEs... I waS aT oNe oF tHe boutique sToRes aNd haPpiLy doiNg soMethiNg a girL oR any mEtro-sExuAL MaLe wouLd bE moRe tHan hyPed gEttiNg iNto.. shoPPiNGGggg!! sO tHerE I Was suKenyeeeee MEmiliH-miLih baJu, aFtEr trYinG tHem oN... Off I wEnt tO pAy fOr my PuRchAses...

PuCat muKa ku... $hi#!!! Mana waLLet kU?!! I wAs sTartiNg tO PAniC.. a fEw otHer cuStoMers wEre beGininG to LiNe uP beHiNd mE!! MAna??!!! maNa?!!!! I stoPped LooKinG aNd toOk a DeeP bReatH... aNd starTed LoOkiNg agaIn...

tHerE iT wAs uNderNeatH aLL tHe stUff I hAd iN my LeSs tHan eNoRmoUS BAg.. *fffeeeuuiiiihhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh*
LebAr seNyuMan Ku... LegAnyA TuHan saja yaNg taHu!!
tHe caShiEr dEngaN senyuMan siNisnyA, nalih menunggu ku meruah-ruah kali, daanggg nalih lagi aku.. nieee jantung ahhHhh kabak-kabak fikir beg duit ku nada.. saiD to Me "Cash oR caRd?"

SepaRuh mEnjaLing... I anSwereD hEr wiTh tHe saMe aTtiTuDe sHe waS giVinG mE.. "CasH!" sHe staTed tHe amOunT I neEdEd to pAy aNd I oPeneD uP my waLLet tO taKe Out tHe moNey...


uUmmmm hMmmmmmm whEre's mY moNey?!! tHerE wAs a fEw doLLarS iN iT buT noT enougH to pAy tHe biLL...


seKaLi Lagi jaNtuNg ku raSa kaN mELatup!! baRi maLu nie.... $hi#!! thiS girL iS goNNa haVe a fieLD day LaughiNg at My expEnSe.... tHink!!! think!!!!

"oN sEcoNd thoughT... i'LL pay by cArd"
(daLam hati bebisik... ThaNk GoD aDa kaD pLastiK aniEEee!!!)

a gruNt coMing frOm tHe girL... *HAhahAHAahAH* LEasT I haVe tHe Last Laugh!

nOtE to SeLf: aLwayS chEcK yOur cAsh bEfoRe goiNg inTO a shoP! uNLeSs yOu pLan to Pay by cArD!

Friday, 16 November 2007

siNfuLLy cHocoLate..

I feLt LikE chocoLate caKe toDay..

so tHankS to iNsTant ReaDy miX caKe, iT wAs posSibLe to hAve hoT, moIst aNd uTterLy chocoLate caKe *yuuUUUMMMM* in leSs than haLf an houR..

tHe toppiNg iS simpLy whip toppinG wiTh meltEd daRk chocoLaTe foLded in..

nYaaaaMMaaannnnn!!! yyyuummmmm!!!

TheRs goEs tHe diEt RegiMe! hiLang diEt!! hahahahah

daDdy iT huRts....

I reAd tHiS fRoM a pOst sOmEoNe mAde...
My name is Chris... I am three,
My eyes are swollen I cannot see,
I must be stupid I must be bad,
What else could have made My daddy so mad?
I wish I were better I wish I weren't ugly,
Then maybe my mommy Would still want to hug me.
I cant do a wrong I cant speak at all
Or else im locked up All day long.
When im awake im all alone
The house is dark My folks arent home
When my mommy does come home
I'll try and be nice,
So maybe ill just get One whipping tonight.
I just heard a car
My daddy is back From Chariles bar
I hear him curse My name is called
I press myself Against the wall
I try to hideFrom his evil eyes
Im so afraid now
I'm starting to cry He finds me weeping
Calls me ugly words,
He says its my fault He suffers at work
He slaps and hits me And yells at me more,
I finally get free And run to the door
Hes already locked it And I start to bawl,
He takes me and throws me Against the hard wall
I fall to the floor With my bones nearly broken,
And my daddy continues With more bad words spoken,
"Im sorry!", I scream
But its now much to late
His face has been twisted Into an unimaginable shape
The hurt and the pain
Again and again
O please God, have mercy! O please let it end!
And he finally stops And heads for the door
While I lay there motionless
Sprawled on the floor
My name is Chris I am three,
Tonight my daddy Murdered me
I pRay foR tHe sAfety oF aLL kiDs out tHere whO haVe abuSive paRenTs...

Wednesday, 14 November 2007

biG muCk Up!

It waS a LoVeLy moRninG... Up untiL I deciDed tO piCk uP tHe so-CaLLed pRiZe I'd woN fOr caLLiNg uP KfM oN a spLit moMentS deciSioN iN tHe Car oN tHe waY hoMe oNe Late niGht... *ffuuuuuhhhhHHH* tHat wAs a MouThfuL...

I'd goNe oNcE (coRrEctiOn tWiCe to Be eXaCt.. siNce tHe recepTioniSt hAs goNe oUt foR luNch... Hmmm ANd peOpLe comPLaiN aboUt goVernMent SectoRs?! tHat I knoW oF... tHere'S aLwayS soMeoNe aT goVerNmEnt dEpartMents recepTioN eVEn aT LuNch tiME!) bEfoRe to piCk iT uP buT appArenTLy tHe pEoPLe at tHe reCeptiOn DesK aSsuMed tHe giFt hAs expiRed siNcE tHey DiDn'T knOw anYthiNg aboUt iT! sO I Left eMpty HanDed aNd buT diDn't thiNk muCh oF it... buKan ReZki Lah tuee..

nOt lOnG aFteR I gOt a CaLL fRoM tiS Lady frOm D$t (tHiS wouLd bE yEsteRday.. wHen I wAs hAviNg a stiMuLatiNg conVersAtioN wiTh a oLd friEnd whoM I hAdn't SeeN iN agES! It wAs gReat SeeiNg yOu agaIn baBEs!.. haHAAHa semPat Lagi tuEe) aNd sHe inForMs tHat tHe prizE is stiLL waiTinG coLLectiOn.. sO oKey I miGht aS weLL go agAin siNce shE tooK tHe trouBLe oF caLLiNg me..

sO I diD tHiS moRninG aNd WeLL... shoCk shoCK hoRroR hoRRor (dRippiNg thiCk wiTh SarCasM)... tHe reCeptioNisT oNce agaIn waS moRe bLur tHan a bLiNd mAn TryiNg to ReAd a nEwspapEr! HmmmMMmmm.. sHe maDe uS waiT... aNd waiT.... aNd waiT.... juSt to annoucE tHat oNe oF tHe giFt I haD to CoLLect fRom soMe coMpany!!... ErrMmm... "do yOu knOw whEre iT is?.." I asKed... aLL i Got wAS.. "NdA tau AHhh..."
WhaT tHe F@#$^@^$^$#^&$$!@!%@#%@%@!!!!!!!!!!!

sOmEoNe suGgesTed tHat I shouLd just giVe eM a CaLL siNce iT miGht bE worTh soMethiNg goOd.. so I did.. GaVe the COmPany a CaLL.. suRpriSe.. suRpRiSe... (cAn tHe toNe oF my voiCe souNd moRe saRcaStiC I woNder...) "Nada naMa kiTa disini aNi" saYS tHE Lady oN tHe oTher eNd oF tHe caLL...


*smiLe on faCe* (tHe kiNd yOu do nOt WaNT to bE oN tHe reCeiViNg eNd oF!)

iT didN't eNd tHere uNforTunaTELy... oNce agaiN oN tHe waY to woRk I reCeiVed a caLL fRoM tHe woMan who'D caLL eaRLiEr... I wAs fuMiNg aNd Was aN iNch aWay frOm giVing hEr a piEcE oF my miNd.. bUt! sHe souNdeD niCe enouGh I coOLed oFf a BiT...
sHe oNce agaiN conviNced me tO driVe uP to tHe PLacE to CoLLect tHe (wHat Was to mE) iLLusiVe pRiZe! (MuN maMinyA kataNya ni nDa JarA!)

So.. jaLantaH ku Lagi Kan mengambiL hadiAh ku niee... aNNddddd Lo aNd beHoLd!!!! ApanaH?!!!! wAnna KnoW wHat iT iS?!!

PayuNg!!!!!!!! sEkaKi pAyuNg!!!!
UmBereLLa!! eLLa! eLLA!!!



Tuesday, 13 November 2007

raNdoM thiNgs abOut Me..

wHen tAggEd iTs oNLy poLitE to coMpLy :)
aDa uRang mEntaG aku jAdieenyA meStitaH ku buAt jua HahaHa

sEvEn RandoM thiNgs abOut Me...
(soMeonE poinTed oUt tHat I'm noT beiNg faiR to nOn-eNgLisH sPeakErs/ReadErs sO watcH ouT foR tHe traNsLatioN.. teRjemaHan: aDa yaNg mengaDu aku nDa adiL pat uRang yaNg nDa paNdai Cakap OmputiH yatah liat sja tia terjemahan nya... aku ni melaYu sja namanyA tapi aluM kHataM berbahaSa baNgsa sEndiri.. memalukAn pLang tu.. taPi akU buDak masih bELajar HAHAHAhHAhaHaha)

I'm vEry raNdoM *HAaHaahAH*.. sEriOuSLy nOw.. I LoVe haNgiNg ouT wiTh fUn PEoPLe.. tHe kiNd tHat LovEs to LaugH aNd bE mErRy :D
terjemahan: akU suKa bEgantuNg saMa uraNg CaLieee *HAAHAAHAhaaHaha*

I'm a tradiTiOnaLisT by hEart.. bUt a moDerniSt iN PerCeptiOn. mAke seNse? noPe? tHatS wHat so RandOm aboUt it! *hAHaHaHA*
terjemahan: aku ni jantungku traditional... tapinya penglihatan ku moden *AHAHAHaha* (this iSssss fuNN!!!! )

I LoVe to EsCaPe tHe ReAL woRLd tO tHe LanD oF iMMagiNatioN.. wHErE woRLd pEacE iS a ReaLity aNd paStpoRts aRe a thiNg oF tHe pAst.. aNd yOu cOuLd LiVe anyWhEre yOu WanT aND tELeportAtiOn iS a mEans oF tRaNspoRt..
terjemahan: aKu cintakaN (hmmm escape apa ahh cakap melayu?!) uhhh... peLariaN?! *HAhAhahaha* ke taNah AngaN-AngaN.. diMana duniA damai PermAi daN pAspot nAda laGi wUjuD... waaHHHHHhhhh garu-garu kepala eyhhhh!!!

I tHiNk biG buT dO LiTtLe.. soMethiNg I nEed to cHangE aboUt mySeLf...
terjemahan: aKu fiKir basaR... buAt damit... sEsuatu yang harUs ku uBah... essyyeeehhh hahahahaah baru tah macam okey bunyinya hahahahahah

I LoVe shoES!! I caN nEver Get eNougH shoEs!! I'd bE sayiNg "I hAve no sHoEs to WeAr" aNd My bRotHer wouLd snoRt aT tHat staTemENt aNd LiterALLy duMp a piLe oF shoEs infrOnt oF me! "wHat iS thiS tHen?!" He'd Say..
terjemaHan: aKu CintA KasUt!! NDa pErnaH ku cuKup Kasut.. KaLau ku Cakap "aKu naDa kaSut Kan diPakai" aDik ku Kan LompokKan KAsut-kaSutku dapaN ku "Nah ani apa?" katanya!

I'M a RecoVeriNg chOcoHoLic... iTs bEen tHree.................. miNuteS siNce I Last hAd oNe! *HahaHaAHa*
terjemahan: aKu ni seDang dALam PemuLihaN cokLat HAhaAHAHaha caLIeeee bunyinya HAHAHAHAHAAH.... sejaK tiga............. miNiT yaNg LaLu sudaH ku nDa menJamah coKLat HAHAHAHAAHAHAHa apaKan?!

I LoVe fLoWerS.. I cAn't hELp buT rePeatEdLy sMeLL tHe fResH fLoWerS wHen I'm oUt buyInG soMe..
terjemahan: aKu CinTaaaaa buNga!!! Nda ku dapat toLong Kalau mEmbaLi bungA meSti Ku ciUm HAHAHAHAHAHAHaahah haNcuRRrrrrr HAhaAHAHaAHaH

wHo sHaLl i taG tHen?... aNyoNe who'S reAdiNg thiS i guEss..

triPpLe b'Day cELebRatioN.....

may thEre bE many moRe ;)

Monday, 12 November 2007

faiRy taLe goNe bAd..

tHerE's aLwaYs tHiS dEbaTe abOuT pApaRazi aNd CeLeBs.. hOw oNe caN't pRoSpEr wiThoUt tHe oThEr.. bUt tHe eXtReMe MeaSuRes tHeY gO to iN geTtiNg "thE stoRy" oN fiLm iS queStioNabLe... bUt I'M nOt iNterestEd iN taLkiNg abOuT tHat.. iT baSicaLLy iSn'T mY pRobLem.. foR noW... bEen bEggiNg BrandOn nOt to puLiciZe oUr reLatioNshiP EspEciAlly aFtEr hiS boX oFfiCe moVie "SupErmaN RetuRns" cAme oUt *hahaHahaHa*

HahaHAahaHahaa wHat DrEaM woRLd aM i LiVinG iN hAHahaHahaAH

iSn'T hE drEamy..... *drooL*

Ok oK... I wAs saYiNg... aBouT ceLebs... doN't haTe mE foR sayInG tHis... bUt I feeL soRry fOr brItney.. yEa sHe hAs hEr miLlioNs.. HeR biG mAnSioN.. HeR deVoTed FaNs... wHatS tHerE to FeeL soRry abOut?...

hAve yOu not bEen foLlowiNg tHe meDia?.. wHat's bEen goiNg oN in hEr LiFe... aLL tHe mEsseD uP tHiNgs sHe bEen iNvoLving hErsELf in.. I thiNk sHe's moRe cOnfuSed tHan diStuRbEd.. tHe whoLe giMmiCk shE pLays ReFLectS rEbeLiouSNeSs.. yEt tHerE iS a chiLdLiKe rebeLlioN aBoUt it... I thiNk hEr riSe to fAMe aS a poP PriNceSs iMage diDn't aGrEe wiTh hEr, aNd iT maKes hEr reBeL in tRyiNg to shoW tHe woRLd tHat sHe iS noT a giRL bUt aLL woMan... hEr soNgs I fiNd reFLect Her tRue feeLiNgs aNd thouGhts of hEr LiFe... bUt haVinG saiD tHat I thiNk.. sHe cOuLd'Ve
dEaLt wiTh tHe siTuatiOn bEttEr.. tHat wouLd've prOpeLLed hEr baCk iNto aMeriCa's sWeethEart liStinGs.. nOt tHat iT maTters to HeR by tHe LoOks oF iT...

wHy sOmE ceLebs aRe sOOOOoo iNto tHe i'M-nOt-iNnoCent iMage I Can't figuRe...
"iNnoCenT" giRLs Get AwaY wiTh anythiNg ;)
bUt Hey soMe prEfeR to stAy trUe to oNesELf... wHiCh is tHe riGHt thiNg to dO... I guEss.. *HahaHaHa* I'm kiDding, ok Ok Let me repHraSe it... beiNg tRuE to YoUsELf is tHe paTh to yOuR oWn HappiNess. howeVer in tHis CaSe.. to wHat eXtenT iS iT yOu aNd nOt yOu aCtiNg oUt?...

wHy aM i TaLkiNg aboUt her?... MaybE BecaUse I saW a LeSs tHan FLatterinG iMage oF hEr oN tHe wEb... I guEss tHerE's aLwaYs a bAdDy iNsiDe aLL oF uS juSt aChiNg to MaKe an AppEarAnce.. tHe amoUnt iN whiCh yOu SuCcuMb to iT seTs tHe bAr..

beHiNd tHe LenS...

wHen yOu LoOk at PreTty piCtuReS.. Don'T yOu EveR woNdeR wHat goEs oN bEhiNd tHe LenS?... wHaT tHe photOgRapHer gOes thRouGh tO aTtaiN suCh maStErpiEceS...?

taKe a LoOk aT tHeSe... moDeLs aRen'T tHe oNLy oNes wiTh "kiLLer" poSes

I'd LiKe to See tHe piCtuRe wHen tHe bRanCh BreaKS wHeRe He FaLLs FLat oN his faCe.. HahaHa sAdiStiC.. i know BuT... MiSery LoVes coMpany...

HmMMm tHe PhoTogrAPHeRS jUsT NeEDeD An EXCUsE To Get cLoSe to tHe giRL..

I doN't EveN waNna aSk wHat ThEse fELLas aRe dOiNg

PunggUnG waNngggG
thE Last oNe reALLy cRaCkEd me uP **LOL**

"muDdy" ChoCoLatE CaKe

I LoVe choCoLatEs! MayBe tHat's wHy I'm nO heiDi kLum *HAhahAHah* sO As a baKinG enThuSiaSt (cOs baKinG iS soMewhAt LeSs oF a hAssLE.. swiTch iT oN, Set tHe tiMer, pop iT in aNd uR doNe!) I wAs lOOkiNg foR tHe puRRrrFeCt iNgRediEnt fOr a cHocoLatE muD caKe OUUHhh yuMMm *liCk lipS* tHiS oNe caUghT my Eye.. whY u aSk?.. juSt beCausE iT sayS it TaKes 15 minutEs to rEady!! hEy aNythiNg tHat taKes LeSs tHan An hOuR pRepAriNg tiMe.. I'M a faN of *HahaHaahHAhaHa*

gOt tHe ReciPi fRoM >>hEre<<

MoUth WatEriNg ChocoLatE muD caKe

Preparation time: 15 minutes. (tOLd yaH It doNt taKe LonG)

Cooking time: 20 to 25 minutes. (aNd witHiN aN hoUr yOu cAn enJoy tHe fruIts oF yOur woRK ouuHh yuMmm)

Oven temperature: 350 degrees. (tHat's KhaawTTtt HAha)

Serves: 15. (One 9 x 13 inch cake.) (iN bRunEiaN tErmS.. iT sErvEs 7! CoS iTs onLy pOLiTe tHat yOu giVe waY foR SecoNd heLpinGs *HahaHA*)

ThE MaiN iNgRediEnt:
1 cup butter
1/2 cup cocoa
2 cup sugar
4 eggs
1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla
1 cup chopped nuts
2 cup marshmallows

1 cup butter
1/3 cup milk
1/4 cup cocoa
1 lb. powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
Dash of salt

tHeY'Ve evEn proViDed aN eAsy aNd simPLe iNstrUctiOn tO pRepaRiNg it...

1. In a medium saucepan, melt butter. Add cocoa, sugar and eggs, beating well.

2. Add flour, salt, vanilla and chopped nuts, making sure all is well beaten.

3. Pour into 9 x 13 inch greased pan.

4. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes until cake no longer sticks to toothpick when tested.

5. Cover with marshmallows immediately after removing from oven.

6. Immediately begin frosting. In a medium saucepan, melt butter, milk and cocoa, mixing well, until mixture is smooth.

7. Beat in sugar, vanilla and salt until creamy.

8. Pour on cake while warm. Frosting will soak into cake and some marshmallows will be visible.

yyuuuUuuMmmmmm :D
giVe iT a tRy aNd inViTe me oVer to bE thE teSter, i'd bE moRe tHan hApPy to coMpLy..

Sunday, 11 November 2007

is iT Me?...

I wAs dRiViNg aT LuchTiMe to MeeT uP witH tHe paRentS foR LuNch soMewhEre In GaDoNg... and I'm thInkiNg to MyseLf iS iT juSt Me oR aRe tHe driVerS oUt tHere oUt tO maKe mY LiFe a MiSery...
eNcouNteRed RoAdHOgs.. wHo dRovE iN tHe midDLe of a TWO laNE stReet liteRaLLy!! I mEan.. C'mOn!! EveN MAsSive heAvyDuty trUcks CouLd fiT niCe aNd sNug wiTH rOOm to spAre drIviNg in jUst oNe LanE! bUt nOOooooo tHey hAd to SweRve intO tHe oThEr LanE aS wELL!! (BreaThhhheee.... just BreAthEeee)
My daRLinG BrotHer woULd'vE haD soMethiNg to say abOut thiS... oNce oR twiCe we joKed aNd LaugheD abOuT enCounTeriNg Bad driVErs.. hE saiD I muSt hAve haD a bIg siGn stuCK to mY caR tHat I foRgoTteN to tAKe oFf..
SoMethiNg tHat saYs "pLeaSe aNNoy Me wiTh yOur bAd driVing"
maybe I shouLd get a bumpEr sticKer tHat says thAt...*hahahaha*
I'm juSt vEntinG.. tHe uPs of HaviNg a bLog... Not hAvinG to PesTer YouR friEndS wiTh deTaiLs oF peTty daiLy haPPeningS iN yOur LiFe...
bUt tHe iRony Is tHey'D reAd iT iF iT wEre wriTTen oN yOur bLog ;)

Friday, 9 November 2007

aN eNcHante` eXperiEnce...

haVe yoU eVer sEen tHe TeLeVisioN aDveRt... fOr tHe GenEric suPermaRket brAnd boDy SpRay... tHe oNe whEre tHe guY, a coMpLetE sTranGer, hANds a giRL.. wHo wAs LeisuReLy waLking pAss him.. a bouquet Of fLowErs..

weLL... thouGH tHe stoRy I'm aBouT to teLL iSn't in tHe saMe conTexT... but tHe poiNt is theRe.. HaahahaHAha I'm aLready maKing this souNd LiKe a tRanSactiOn thAn a sTory TeLLiNg... I've beEn Left pondeRing uPon it tiL now... sO tHe stOry goeS...

yesterday afteRnoOn... right aftEr woRk anD a bit of gRocEry shoPpiNg... i DeciDed to fiLL up the fuEL tank sinCe the meter shoWed it waS unDer tHe haLf fiLLed mark.. i asked for the attEndent to fill it up B$15 worth.. aNd oNce thaT was ouT oF tHe way I paiD the Amount... aNd I waS a biT bLuRred wiTh whAt hE waS sayiNg to me... aNd wHen hE repeAted it.. He asKed tHat I paY onLy B$10.. tHe rest wAs on him.. huh?! umMmm I thought to myseLf... wHy?.. didN't voice it oUt though... cos iT might ComE oUt as ruDe...
I refuSed... buT hE wAs aDaMent.. aNd did tHe haNd gesture (tHe kiNd I'd uSe wHen I'm beGging my moM fOr soMething baCk wHen I waS LittLe)... sO with a fLabbeRgaStEd LoOk oN my Face.. I tHankEd hiM GraCioUsLy aNd Left wItH hiM waVinG gOOdBye... MayBe hE gOt a RaiSe aNd Made a ProMiSe to hiMseLf tHat He'd tReat tHe nExt PersOn to RefuEL... aNd I juSt hAPpenEd to Be at tHe rigHt pLace aNd oF tHe rigHt tiMe.. LucKy Me?.. HMmmmm.... bEen RefuELinG tHerE sinCe I gOt my Car... MayBe He's bEen "NotiCing" mE aLL thiS tiMe... HmmMmmm.... doEs tHat MeaN I actUaLLy hAve aN aDmiRer?... *HahahAH*
aN ego booStiNg momeNt iF tHat is tHe caSe...*HAhaHaHAAHaHahaHahAHhahah*
noNethELesS.... tHat'LL be tHe Last tiMe EveR fOR Me tO RefuEL... in tHat PartiCuLar PetRoL statIoN...

Thursday, 8 November 2007

I'm LatE!!

yEsteDay wAs a buZz oF acTiviTies... hAd aN "oPen oFfiCE" aNd foOd wAs aPLenty.. I feLt LiKe thoSe woRkeR bEeS.. buZzinG hErE aNd tHerE. ALL iN aLL iT waS gReat fUn. iT gEnuiNeLy FeLt LiKe EiD fOr oNcE..

AmongSt tHe sCenE aT tHe eVenT...
sOMeOnE... oVerwoRked.. oVerstResSeD... buT haNdLed iT wiTH gReaT finEsSe!
kudoS to yOu ;)

beHinD aLL tHe buZz... iN a pRivaTe coRner... *aHAhaHahaHA* thiS iS nOt wHat iT loOks... tHey rEaLLy aRe haVing a gReat tiMe eNteRtaiNing aLL tHe guEsts..

("potential break up" song playing in the back ground as I'm typinG this.. GosH tHis SonG iS sOOoo cuTe.. I'm Lovin iT *HAAHahaha* hmmm. don't you juSt hatE it wHen tHe Dj stArt MumBLinG bEfoRe tHe soNg iS doNe?! *siGh* note to seLf- muSt geT tHe soNg oN Cd...)

hMmm... aNd guEss whAt?! toDay I oVErsLept aNd waS LAtE foR woRk!!
i muSt bE gettIng oLd (haHAah who oN eaRtH getS younGer wiTH eaCh paSsinG day?!).. aNd iN diRe nEed oF sHapiNg uP.. gYm hEre i CoME *hahaHa*

Monday, 5 November 2007

nOt a sEcReT anYmoRe..

I thiNk, maNy doN't reALise tHat bLogGinG abOut yOur LiFe iS soMewHat siMiLar to wrItiNg in tHe paGes oF a peRsonaL diAry..

tHe diFferenCe is.. a diAry hAs oNLy oNe reAder.. yOu. A bLog.. is aCcessibLe woRLwiDe... iT revEaLs aNd yoUr LiFe iS basiCaLLy aN oPeN boOk.. aNd iF iT maKes yOu fEeL tHat yOuR privaCy iS beinG inVaded... Lets faCe factS...It IS a onE waY stReet so to sPeaK, whEn yOu start uP a bLog wRitinG abOut yOur LiFe.. aNd yOu wriTe abOut iNtiMate deTaiLs oF yOur LiFe aNd reLatioNshiPs tHat aRe inTrigueing tO tHe reAdeRs.. yOu must reALize tHat tHat iS wHat yOu've exPoSed tO tHe woRLd... aNd iNeVitabLy pOepLe aRe goNna waNt to kNoW who yOu aRe... eSpeCiaLLy iN a sMaLL commuNity suCh as oUr beLovEd nation...

hoWevEr which eVer waY yOu tRy aNd saFe guArd yOur iDentitY iS reALLy uP to yOu.. aNd iT wOuLd be etHicALLy wrOng fOr anyoNe to foRce yOu inTo reVeaLing it.

I feeL soRry fOr thoSe whO doN't knOw wHat thEy'Re LettiNg tHemSeLves iNto wHen thEy oPen uP a bLog. An aDviCe... cOnsiDer tHe pRos aNd coNs in doInG so... wHen wriTinG remInD yOursELf tHat yOu aRe LettiNg peOPLe in on YouR LiFe...
iF yOu thiNk yOu cAn LiVe wiTh aNyOne KnoWing yoUr daiLy aCtivitiEs.. yOuR iNneR moSt thoUghts.. bY aLL meAns... aNd I saLutE yOur oPeneSs abOut tHe LiFe yOu LeaD aNd tHe thOughtS yOu thinK.

HahahHahah I'm oNe to taLk...

Thursday, 1 November 2007

totaLLy RaNdoM

A fEw daYs baCk.. sOmeoNe deciDed to go baLd.. aLmoSt baLd... hE asKEd tHE bArbEr tO giVe hiM a mohawK cuT buT eRrmm iT juSt loOkeD sO oDd tHat iNsteAd he deciDed to gEt riD oF hiS LocKS..

tHe Gap/poLo pOSe...
at tHe aiRpoRt seNding oFf tHe biG bRothEr (in gRey buttOn doWN shiRt) & wiFey (behiNd tHe LenS sitTing neXt to moM *HahHAha* desCribiNg it aS iF yoU wEre tHere)..
hMmm aN afTer thOughT... I neEd to Save up to paY thEm a visiT...

tHe kiDs afTer tHe taHLiL at LatE uNcLe's pLace.. tHe reSt wEre busiLy ruNniNg a noiSy stOrm oF raNdoM acTiviTiES! iTs as iF soMeonE cLickEd a butTon to uN-muTe wiTh tHe voLuMe oN fuLL bLasT!!

i guEss in deatH... tHe siLveR LiniNg iS tHat iT briNgs tHe rEst oF thE famiLy cLosEr toGethEr eSpeciaLLy witH haViNG gatHErings eVeryniGht of tHe weEk after tHe pasSing...


HavE yOu evEr eVer BeeN iN A siTuatiOn wHere yOu feLt LiKe yOu wErE soMewhAt cHeatEd?.. I sToRy yOu (souNdsiNg LikE tHe "Mami JaRuM")... yEsteRdaY I goT a cALL fRom aN uNkNowN nuMber aNd aPpaRenTLy sOmeoNe hAs DropPed my NaMe iN tHeiR "gUesT LiSt" aNd I'm gEttiNg a FreE toUr at tHE nEW fiTnEss zoNe bUiLdiNg. sPaRiNg yOu tHe mEssY deTaiLs Let mE jUst cUt to tHE chAse..

fiRst tHougHt iN my hEad wAs..KewL!! I'm oN a guEst LiSt, hOw gLamorOus I feeL at thaT moMent in tiMe.. *HahaHaaHAHahaHAahAH* tHis iS tHe embArassiNg parT... skiPpinG to tHe enD oF thE taLE of a miLLioN emBaraSsmenT, I fouNd oUt muCh tHat wAs beiNg saiD by niCe Lady whO woRks aT fiTneSs zoNE waS oNe biG saLes pitCH!!!! I'vE beeN duPEd!!!! aaaAAAARRRRRgggHHHhh!!!! *HAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHA*

yEah a "oNe daY" oFFer my foOT!! yEah a "gUEst LiSt" My ^$$!!!

tHe LouNge feLt coSy to eRrmm LouNge in?! *hahaha*

hOweVEr.... aFteR aLL tHe "buSinEss tRansaCtiOn".... I aM noW tHe "ProuD" (dRippinG wiTh SarCasM) nEw oWneR oF a gYm MemBershiP... iTs coStiNg me aN aRM N a Leg... I hAve nO ReaSon to NoT waNt to Go eXerciSe mY a$$ oFf!

p/s- tHankS to a CertAin soMeoNe wHo taGgeD aLoNg.. haD a goOd LaugH :)

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

poiNtLess raMbLing...

tHe daYs haVe beeN a daZe.. I'm like a liviNg ZombiE... sLeeP dePriVed.. mEssY rOOm... oFfiCe aNd bEdrOOm. aLL tHe eVentS jusT piLed uP oN me aNd givEn me LitTLe tiMe to RecuPerate... My vOiCe hAs iMpoRve a LitTLe... gOt siCK thoughOut eiD.. I'm noT evEn goNna go tHere... suFfiCe to Say eNough sAddnEss to Last mE a DecaDe... If yOu sEe me giGgLing aWay, tHat's juSt hoW I haNdLe sTreSs... I jusT reaLisEd toDay (whiSLt haVing tHe rouTinE luNch wiTh a cLoSe fRieNd) tHat I haVe thE gigGLes... I'M a gigGLer.. if thAt iS even a WoRd.. tHe friEnd poiNted iT ouT...

hMmm giGgLers.. doN't LikE (spOkeN iN vEry bloDisH aMeriCan aCcenT) moSt bimBos giGgLe... i caN feeL my hair tuRning blonDe aNd my IQ droppinG *Hahaah* bEggiNg my pArdon To aLL blonDes... in pOor tAstE reMark on tHe SteRoetyPe oF bLOndes... pRovEn ratHer wrOng.. nOt aLL bLonDes aRe jUgHeaDs. cAse in PoinT, tHe goRgeouSLy taLentEd sHarOn sTonE. BesiDEs yOu doNt haVe to Be bLonDe to bE diTsy... *eViL smiLe* thinKing of a fEw in mY heAd... nOw doN't yoU wiSh you reAd minDs.. HAHahHAa

tHis iS me bLowinG oFf sTeam whiLst aT my oFfice dEsk... staRing bLindLy at tHe piLe of woRk tHat is incReasinGLy mouNting on Me... *dAydReam* wOuLdn't iT be niCe to bE a biLLionaiRe who woRries onLy oN wHat eLse to spEnd aLL thE $h%t LoaD oF cAsh!

soMethiNg I waNNa shAre wiTh aLL oF yOu..
Me maKing a FacE at aDversity.. LiFe gOes on!

Sunday, 28 October 2007

aL- FatihAh...

latE afteRnoon on a friday.... uncLe dreW his Last breatH...
he LEft a soN, a DaughtEr anD a wiFe weePinG hiS departuRe...
tHe hospiTaL bed in whiCh he Lies motionLess wAs souRroundEd by aLL thoSe whO LovEd him... hE LiVed hiS liFe fuLL anD weLL...

Monday, 22 October 2007

a bRiEf reLief...

do yOu ever Get thE feELing...
aS yOu gRow oLder.. exiTement geTs LeSs aNd sKeptiCism beComeS yOu..
maYbe iTs juSt me... *haHa*

I deciDed to loOk through tHe aLbum aNd ReminiSce mY sWeet iNnocenT yearS...
*sHariNg moMEnt*

thiS wAs mE... aNy reseMbLence to tHe me noW I wonDer?...

to be that innoCent again... and let others shouldeR aLL the worriEs anD responsibiLitiEs...

tHe liTtLe pRinCess

i bet there's one in every family...
the liTtLe girl that makes the eVent aLive with her cute antiCs, adorabLe chaTtEr... not to forget the pierCing screams *hahah*

buT yeaH thiS iS oUr cute shAshA.. tHougH I pRefEr to caLL heR saSh

sHe liGhts up aNy roOm wiTh heR chaRming smiLe :)
noTe to aLL: wHeRe coNceRned... wHen taKing picTurEs... NEVER eVEr leaVe heR oUt! oR exPect a sLap frOm heR tiNy liTtLe haNd *haHAHAha*

the PerfeCt hostesS

its been a hectic eid...
i have to declare this is by far the worst eid I've ever come acroSs..
I'll spare you the detailS, who in their right mind wouLd wanNa bRing doWn evrYone eLses rayA spiriT with a sOb story..

dEspite mY LesS thaN ethusIastiC ouTLooK.. eNjoyEd a gReat tiMe hanGinG oUt at tHe cloSest fRieNds "opEn houSe".

tHe fooD rangEd frOm totALLy iTaLian tO exotiC asIaN. fOOD GaLorE!
waNna loOk eVen "fuLLEr" or moRe "voLuptuous" this is the time my friend :)
piLe on tHe CaRbS aNd caLoriESsss! *haha*

sOfiE is hoMe aNd wE haD a gReat tiMe just LounGing in her baCk yarD.. heR mother's garden waS simpLy aMazing.. aLL it nEeds now is a swiMminG pooL anD wE caN havE gReat ouTdooR partiEs.....*hinT* ;) hahahahahahah

Thursday, 11 October 2007

dEspEraTiOn LeaDs to eXtReMe mEasuREs..

tHiS haPpeNed twO nighTs aGo...

iT wAs 11.30isH...
mOm iS busiLy baKinG aWay tHe CakES.. As uSuaL sHe aSkEd mE tO maKe tHe CreaM foR thE cAkes.. sHe gaVe oUt tHe inStrucTioN aNd mY atTentiOn wAs haLf anD haLf...
HaLf to Her aNd tHe oTher oN sLeeP.. bUt I maNaged to finiShed makinG tHE crEaM iN LesS tHan fiFteEn miNutEs.. BefoRe goinG uPstaiRs to bEd.. I deciDed to waTch a biT of tV.. tHere wAs somEthing goOd on tV buT i juSt caN't RecaLL whaT it was...

tHEn iN tHe miDst oF it moM decLared tHat I'd miXed iN tHe wrOng fLavouR!!
tO cuT tHe stoRy shoRt wE ran ouT of tHe keY ingRedieNt to Make tHe crEam anD mom NeeDs iT coS poEpLe weRe picKinG up The oRdeRs iN tHe moRninG..

sO SeeiNg aS iT wAs MY miStakE.. I triEd to mAKe aMMenDs by goiNg ouT foR a dRivE aLL arOunD BrunEi tO fiNd aN oPEn shoP aT aLmoSt 1 am in tHe morning! yES yoU rEad it RiGht! nEar1 am in tHe morning. I drAgged oNe oF tHe brothErs aLong foR 'company'... HAhahah Ok oK I'm nOt foNd oF driviNg aLonE so Late... anythiNg unNaturaL.. oR supErnaturAL.. migHt deCide tO shOw up oR soMeting.. AHahaha I bLamE my oVer aCtiVe iMMaginaTion! ThougH tHerE Were a feW tucK shopS oPen, tHey didn't haVe wHat wE weRe LooKinG foR.

AAaaaaaRRrrggHHH!! I waS desPEratE! *hahahaah*
tHe brAin waS workiNg ovErtiMe... aT firSt wE thougHt oF knoCikng oN tHe shopS sO thEy'd oPen up *HAHAHAHAhAHAHAH* HoW deSperatE wEre WE??!!
bUt aS wE aLL knoW peOPLe don't sLeep iN thEir shoPS!!! sO tHe neXt iDea wAs to cALL uP reLatiVe who might bE aWake thAt LatE baKing aWay in tHe kitcheN jusT liKE moM... wHo wouLd haVe tHe iNgreDieNt wE'Re aFter.. aNd buY it Off tHem... I wAs tHat despEraTe...
tHinKing tHat tHe cousiN migHt stiLL be awaKe.. I textEd her, buT didN't caLL her mobiLe phoNe juSt in CaSe shE'd goNe to bEd.. buT I did Try hEr houSe phoNe aNd Her sOn ansWered..... Yep sHe waS souNd aSLeep.. JusT my LucK!!

bUt MoM caLLed uS uP noT LonG aftEr aNd toLd uS to cOme hoMe, sHe saiD shE'd juSt haVe to gEt it EarLy toMorroW... cOuLdn't shE haVe deCidEd tHat bEfoRe wE LeFt tHe houSe?!

iN fuLL sWinG

eiD iS aLmoSt hERe...
I aM soOOooooooOOOO nOt reAdy foR it!!!

whY doEs eVerytHinG moVe liKe iTs iN fuLL tHroTtLe.. anD I feEL likE I'm bY tHE siDewaLk waTchiNg thiNGs haPPen aLL arOunD me?!... aT tiMes I feEL LiKe saYinG
"SSSStttttoooppP!!!" to tiME... so I couLd caTch my BreatH aNd gEt baCk iN tHe whOLe ruSh tO 'caTch-up' wiTh tiME... wOuLdN't iT be niCe iF wE cOuLd haVe tHe 'UniveRsaL RemoTe' juSt LikE in 'cLicK' stArriNg aDam sAnDLer moVie.
*HAhaha* I wouLdn'T beAt uP my boSs tHe way hE did thOugh...
I haVe tHe beSteSt boSs anyoNe cOuLd wiSh foR.. *BiG sMiLe aNd thuMbS uP*
(iS hE stiLL reaDinG tHis?... iS iT saFe to bReathE noW?.. *hahhahaahahaha*)
SeRiOusLy I hAve oNe oF tHe bEst boSs anyOne cOuLd wiSh for :D

gOsh eVen I noTicE hoW muCh I cOuLd straY frOm a ToPiC... AHhah
As I wAs 'SayiNg'..

I LonG foR tHe fEeL I uSe tO Get oVer tHe whOLe RayA tHinG..
tHe exItEmeNt.. tHe tinGLinG oF tHe seNseS.. tHe fEeL oF aLmoSt waNtiNg to juMp oUt oF yOur oWn skiN to ContaiN aLL tHe guSh oF exItement.. iT's aLmoSt LikE faLLinG in LovE~
LoVe iS.. iTs... uRrghhH... dOn't gEt me StartEd on tHat!

*faCiaL exPresSioN fRoM tHe fEeLinG- SkeptiC?!*

mOvinG on!!!

sO I waS sayiNg abOut Raya... *HAahahah*
(Teach mE noT to stray.. anyOne?!)
tHE oFficE hAd a maKe-oVEr aND iS loOkinG vEry fEsTivE....

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

whiLe wE feaSt...

tHe fAstiNg moNth is aLL aboUt LEssOns iN LiFe...
iTs a rEmiNder tHat tHEre Are pEOpLe oUt tHe who doN't haVe aLL tHe LuxuriEs wE taKe fOr grAnted..

iTs aboUt feELinG whaT tHe unFortunAtes go tHrough eaCh day... haRdLy a moRseL of foOd oN thEir tabLe... fOr uS... wE fAsT from dawN tiL duSk... aNd wHen tHe "BeduK" eChoes we gEt to eAt aLL thE foOd tHat wE coULd Lay oUr hAnds oN!!
thIs iSn't a LectuRE... mOre on Me reMinDing MysELf to be moRe tHankfuL foR wHat I aLreadY hAve...

my moM aLwayS sAys to me.. "neVer LooK aT aNd comPare yOurseLf to tHoSe peoPLe whO haVe moRe thiNgs tHan yOu... LooK doWn aNd thiNk oF aLL tHe pOePLe whO wiShed tHey cOuLd haVe tHe thiNgs yoU haVe"

I knOw tHat I aM aT tiMes sEemiNgLy uNappReciaTive of wHat yOu dO... bUt yOu shOuLd knOw tHat iT is yOu tHat I LoOk uP to.. It iS yOu tHat I admiRe... It iS yOu who heLped mE bE aLL tHat I caN..

Saturday, 6 October 2007


oN my way hoMe frOm woRk oN tHursDay, I diScoVerEd a LittLe hitcKhiKer on board My cAr..

hMMMmmmm dont know if thAt is in aNy waY a cLear iMage oF tHe little spideR.. haha

he/she (how can one teLL iF its a he or sHe?! hahaha) anyway... IT was holdIng oN foR itS deaR LiFe struggling against the wind... it looked so pitiful that I wanTed to do soMething to help buT stoPPing tHe cAr oN the higHway is HardLy an iNteLLigent thiNg to do... especiaLLy with spEEd craZed motorists On thE LoOse on tHe strEEts oF bruNei.

aNd anotheR thiNg... I aM nOt a biG faN of eigHt-Legged CreAtuRes.. sO I diD tHe coWardLy tHing aNd hoPEd tHat it enjoYed tHe riDe aNd tHat it haD a saFe jouRney stiCking to thE outSide of thE cAr winDow..

Thursday, 4 October 2007

EmPerOR's couRt..

In tHe veRy fiRsT fEw oF my puBLicationS oN thiS bLog, I meNtioNed tHat I am aN aDmiRer oF fiNe cuiSinE. tHat doEs noT neCessaRiLy mEan oVer-pRicED foOd tHat yoU can Get foR mucH LeSs soMEwhEre juSt aS deCent... bUt iTs quiTe soMethiNg whEn tHE rEstAuRanTs puT in tHaT liTTLe exTra eFfort in CreaTing noT juSt foOd but mAsterpiEceS.. aS thE tiTLe suGGests tHe famiLy deCidEs to DinE aT saiD LocatioN. I receiVed aN emaiL fRom tHe cOusiN abOut a sitE tHat inTroduCes diNiNg oFFers frOm rEstauRants iN Our bLesSed naTion. iT ranGers frOm buFFays, Set diNNerS aNd taKE-aWays. tHe variEty maKes yOu saLavate... :D

>>> tHe LinK <<<

tHe foOd wAs pLenty.. tHe waiTer aNd wAitResSes wEre poLite aND friEndLY. wE booKed tHe Set mEnu B..

wE startEd ofF witH scZechuaN souP (its simpLy SupErb) tHe main couRSe inCLudEd roAsteD chicKen witH pRawn CracKErs (yummIEEee), Lamb shAnk tHat taSted tenDer anD juCy ServEd witH paU aNd bREad dough (itS delish but tHe sauCe couLd've tasteD even nicer if it weRe thickenEd), PrawnS in swEet aNd souR SauCE (no complaints here hehe its as nice as we'd expect it to be) egg tofu with a mince chicken sauce (my favorite of all the dishes)
KaiLan lightLy stir frieD aNd oFcouSRe steaMed whitE riCE.

tHe deSserT an amaZing bLend oF coOL fruits in a delightful white sago filled sauce... iT tAsted *aAAaahhh* heavEnLy.. iT eVen maDe a fuLL tuMMy fEeL comfOrtabLE (TummY gruMbLed leSs frOm tHe eXcesSive eatinG HAha)

a cOmmeNt my broTheR mAde aBouT oUr fuLLy bLaoted beLLies tHat mAde me Laugh so haRD:
"kaLau ku kaNa umBan ke Laut ni.. Labui-Labui"
translation : "iF I were tHrown into thE sEa.. iT'd bE afLoat without even trying"

aLL abOut chocoLates

tHesE dayS it's aLL aboUt prEsentaTion! iT's noT enough tHat the fooD tasTes goOd.. iT haS to LoOk iRresisTabLe anD bE prEsenteD LikE a woRk oF aRt!

tHe uP cOminG fEstiVe seaSon oF eiD caLLs foR soMe majoR choCoLate bisCuit maKinG.. iTs aN aLL tiMe favoRite. tHerE's pLenty oF diFFerent typEs of biScuits being soLd oUt tHere.. buT faCe it.. wHat uSe is tHerE oF buYing aLL thE biScuiTs iF iTs enDs uP aS "diSpLay oNLy" siNce no onE eats it coS they'D ratHer haVe sOmething tHat lookS moRe pResenTabLe to tHe paLets?!

hMMMmm woNder iF tHe gueSts i'LL be haVing for eid, wiLL wannA eaTs thESe...

(I'm just a shoW oFf! I mean it takeS EFFORT to makE theSe so yEs I aM vEry prOud oF tHem no maTTer how miniscule tHe effort seems to you)

Monday, 1 October 2007


I'm stiLL siCk beLieVe iT oR nOt... I don't Get siCk oFten.. bUt wHen I do iT taKEs DayS fOr me to RecoVer..

aNyhO.. i'M baCk in tHe oFfiCe... cOugHs, stuFfy noSe, wiErd voIce aNd aLL!
tHe oNLy saLvatiOn iS thE thouGht oF tHe paPerwoRk tHat is in DiRe nEEd oF aTTentiOn... (sArcasm sounDs beTTer wheN onE iS doWn witH thE fLu)

aLL tHat aSiDe... aN emaiL i ReceiVed tHat rOusEd my cuRiosiTy...
givE it a Read.. yOu won't waNNa miSs thiS onE..

tHe titLe reAd "
Kenapa Pompuan Melayu Asyik kena Rasuk.."
translation : wHy maLay giRLs geT pOssESsed bY tHe spiRits

Kes ini berlaku betul diruang pelajar perempuan membasuh kain. Berlaku diasrama puteri. Kebanyakan yang terkena rasukan adalah gadis melayu dan tidak pernah ada kes berlaku pada pelajar kaum cina dan india. Di mana salah nya........Kita ikuti percakapan antara bomoh melayu dan syaitan.
translation: it happened at the laundrette of the school girls hostel. all of the posession ocCured on maLay girLs.. never the inDian nOr tHe chiNEse.

Misteri di Asrama Puteri terjawap! Suatu hari, ada seorang ketua bomoh yang begitu berani hendak berjumpa dengan sekumpulan jin yang berlegar2 diasrama hinggakan mereka merasuk sebilangan pelajar di sekolah itu. Ketika sampai di sebuah bilik, ketua bomoh pun membaca sejenis mantera. Selepas membaca mantera, ketua bomoh pun memanggil ketua jin itu. Lalu ketua jin itu pun datang. Dengan menunjukkan wajah rupanya yang begitu hodoh dan jijik.
translation: tHe mySterY waS about to be ansWered... As onE day a SHaMan wAs invited to finD tHe caUse of it aLL. He cHanted a vErse... Lo anD behoLd thE spirIt apPearEd... iN thE moSt hEdiouS form imMaginabLE.

Hinggakan ketua bomoh yang begitu berpengalaman itu pun hampir2 pengsan dibuatnya! Hinggakan mayat reput pun lebih baik dari wajah si ketua jin itu!!! Tapi si ketua bomoh tetap kuatkan semangatnya yang jitu.
translation: wHen tHe sHamAn sAw tHe spiRit, eVen hE feLt faiNT... eVen a decomposEd coRpse didn'T rivaL thE hediOusNess oF thE spiRit... bUT hE haD to geT to tHe boTTom oF thiS coMMotioN aND diScovEr thE trutH.. sO He braVed himSelf.

Lalu si bomoh pun bertanya dengan kuat dan nyaring, menampakkan semangatnya yang tidak kendur walaupun terlihat sesuatu yang begitu menakutkan itu.
translation: tO waRd oFF suSpicioN oN hiS fEar.. witH a sTrong voiCe hE deManded

"Mengapa kau rasuk pelajar sekolah di sini hah? Jawap!!!"
translation: "wHy did yOu coMe to PoSsEss tHe giRLs in tHis sChoOL? aNsweR me!!"

"Kenapa gadis melayu jadi sasaran kau...... wahai syaitan yang direjam"
translation: "wHy do yOu poSSesS oNLy tHe maLay giRLs.. yOu wretcHed beiNG"

Dengan menarik nafas panjang, si ketua jin pun menjawab...
translatioon: taKing a deep long Breath.... tHe spiriT anSwerEd..

''Siapa Bilang Gadis Melayu Tak Menawan Tak Menarik Hati, Tiada Memikat''
translation: "who saiD tHat MaLay giRLs weren'T aPPeaLinG.. aTTracTive.."

''Kalaulah Memang, Tak Mungkin Aku Tertarik Kalaulah Sungguh, Tak Mungkin
Aku MERASUK...''

I can't believe I tried transLating thAt hahahah... its taken frOm a sonG, sAng by JAmal AbdiLLah. a reknoWn maLaysian sinGer. you nEed tHe maLay humoUr to unDerstanD this..
at the end of all that... noted under is this:


dah la.... gi wat keje tu...hehehehe