we'Ve aLL beEn tHerE aNd iTs a cyCLe wE go tHrouGh fRom tiMe to tiMe...
iTs wHen We aRe aT ouR LoWesT poiNt... wHen wE fEeL aT wiTs eNd.. oR in a ruT... feEliNg woRthLeSs.. uSeLesS... I'm poSting thiS in faVouR oF a fRiEnd whO fEeLs LosT.. aNd iN diRe nEed oF a pEp taLk...
thiNgs yOu shouLdn't Do wHeN yOu aRe dEep iN thE piTs oF DepRessiOn!
bLamE LiFe!
no doubt tHat LiFe iS haRd.. yOu gOttA woRk foR wHateVer yOu wAnnA achiEvE.. bUt putTing thE bLame oN liFe wiLL noT gEt yOu anyWhere... It's LikE bLaminG chOcOLate fOr maKinG yOu Fat! iTs yOur aCtiOns tHat mAkes yOu wHat yOu aRe...
Let LazinEss diCtaTE
oNce moRe.. yOu don't do noThinG, you gEt notHinG!
NegLect yOur LoOkS
wHen yOu LooK goOd yOu fEeL goOd! tHere'S notHinG eLse to it.
bEcoMe a HermiT
wHeN yOu shY awAy fRoM poEpLe aNd croWdS... yOu giVe waY foR inSecuritiEs... fAce thE musiC aNd yOuR conFiDenCe wiLL be tHe beTter for iT! caLL uP yOur fRiEndS aNd oRganiSe a rEguLar geT-toGethEr
iNduLge iN seLf pitY
nEveR sEe youRseLf as tHe viCtiM! sEe iT as a LesSon LeaRnEd aNd yOu wiLL coMe ouT a bETteR peRsoN! thinK oF iT oNLy aS aN inConveniEnt sEt baCk.
tHiNgS tO do tO feEL gEeeeWwddD ;)
gEt heAltHy
eXceRciSe! iTs a weLL kNoWn fAct tHat phySicaL aCtiVitiEs ReLeAseS enDorphiNs! a biOchEmicAL compOunD tHat giVes a sEnSe oF wELL-bEinG. PLuSss! PLuSSssss!! wiTh aLL tHat eXerciSe yOu aRe goNna LoOk gEewDD!! aS oUr caLcuLatioN goEs..
LooKing GoOd = fEeLinG goOd
sPLuRgE oN yOuR LoOkS
you nEedn't spEnd a fortuNe, buT taKing tHe exTra tiMe to MakinG yOursELf LoOk gOoD is wOrtH aLL tHe secoNd gLanCes ;)
iNduLge bUt doNt oVer do
indulgiNg iN thiNgs tHat yOu LoVe iS aCceptAbLe iN tiMes oF nEed. buT onLy to a rEaSonabLe eXteNt. foR instaNt iF yOu nEed iCe-CreaM to fReEzE oUt thE paiN.. go ahEad hAve soMe.. scoOp a coupLe oF spoOns into a bOwL doN't eaT iT ouT oF tHe tuB! tHe staTe you aRe in.. WeiGht gaiN iS a probLem yOu couLd do witHout!
fiNd diStraCtioNs
anythiNg tHat couLd keEp yOu buSy. taKe uP tHe oFfer oR eVen voLenTeer to bE tHe comittee memBer fOr aNy oFfiCe aCtiviTiEs. KeEpiNg yOurSeLf busy wiLL heLp maKe yOu feEL imPortaNt.. NeeDed.
nO maTteR hoW haRd LiFe gEts. nEver LoSe yOur huMouR. go oUt aNd sEe a coMEdy at tHe moviEs. bEttEr sTiLL maKe tiMe to entertaiN tHe friEnd who neVer faiLs to maKe yOu Laugh tiL yOu feEL LiKe wEttiNg yOur paNts!
*** wRiTteN puReLy fRom A pErsoNs opiNioN. aNy cOnSequEnce fRom uSinG tHem iS youR oWn.
iTs wHen We aRe aT ouR LoWesT poiNt... wHen wE fEeL aT wiTs eNd.. oR in a ruT... feEliNg woRthLeSs.. uSeLesS... I'm poSting thiS in faVouR oF a fRiEnd whO fEeLs LosT.. aNd iN diRe nEed oF a pEp taLk...
thiNgs yOu shouLdn't Do wHeN yOu aRe dEep iN thE piTs oF DepRessiOn!
bLamE LiFe!
no doubt tHat LiFe iS haRd.. yOu gOttA woRk foR wHateVer yOu wAnnA achiEvE.. bUt putTing thE bLame oN liFe wiLL noT gEt yOu anyWhere... It's LikE bLaminG chOcOLate fOr maKinG yOu Fat! iTs yOur aCtiOns tHat mAkes yOu wHat yOu aRe...
Let LazinEss diCtaTE
oNce moRe.. yOu don't do noThinG, you gEt notHinG!
NegLect yOur LoOkS
wHen yOu LooK goOd yOu fEeL goOd! tHere'S notHinG eLse to it.
bEcoMe a HermiT
wHeN yOu shY awAy fRoM poEpLe aNd croWdS... yOu giVe waY foR inSecuritiEs... fAce thE musiC aNd yOuR conFiDenCe wiLL be tHe beTter for iT! caLL uP yOur fRiEndS aNd oRganiSe a rEguLar geT-toGethEr
iNduLge iN seLf pitY
nEveR sEe youRseLf as tHe viCtiM! sEe iT as a LesSon LeaRnEd aNd yOu wiLL coMe ouT a bETteR peRsoN! thinK oF iT oNLy aS aN inConveniEnt sEt baCk.
tHiNgS tO do tO feEL gEeeeWwddD ;)
gEt heAltHy
eXceRciSe! iTs a weLL kNoWn fAct tHat phySicaL aCtiVitiEs ReLeAseS enDorphiNs! a biOchEmicAL compOunD tHat giVes a sEnSe oF wELL-bEinG. PLuSss! PLuSSssss!! wiTh aLL tHat eXerciSe yOu aRe goNna LoOk gEewDD!! aS oUr caLcuLatioN goEs..
LooKing GoOd = fEeLinG goOd
sPLuRgE oN yOuR LoOkS
you nEedn't spEnd a fortuNe, buT taKing tHe exTra tiMe to MakinG yOursELf LoOk gOoD is wOrtH aLL tHe secoNd gLanCes ;)
iNduLge bUt doNt oVer do
indulgiNg iN thiNgs tHat yOu LoVe iS aCceptAbLe iN tiMes oF nEed. buT onLy to a rEaSonabLe eXteNt. foR instaNt iF yOu nEed iCe-CreaM to fReEzE oUt thE paiN.. go ahEad hAve soMe.. scoOp a coupLe oF spoOns into a bOwL doN't eaT iT ouT oF tHe tuB! tHe staTe you aRe in.. WeiGht gaiN iS a probLem yOu couLd do witHout!
fiNd diStraCtioNs
anythiNg tHat couLd keEp yOu buSy. taKe uP tHe oFfer oR eVen voLenTeer to bE tHe comittee memBer fOr aNy oFfiCe aCtiviTiEs. KeEpiNg yOurSeLf busy wiLL heLp maKe yOu feEL imPortaNt.. NeeDed.
nO maTteR hoW haRd LiFe gEts. nEver LoSe yOur huMouR. go oUt aNd sEe a coMEdy at tHe moviEs. bEttEr sTiLL maKe tiMe to entertaiN tHe friEnd who neVer faiLs to maKe yOu Laugh tiL yOu feEL LiKe wEttiNg yOur paNts!
*** wRiTteN puReLy fRom A pErsoNs opiNioN. aNy cOnSequEnce fRom uSinG tHem iS youR oWn.
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