
Monday, 5 November 2007

nOt a sEcReT anYmoRe..

I thiNk, maNy doN't reALise tHat bLogGinG abOut yOur LiFe iS soMewHat siMiLar to wrItiNg in tHe paGes oF a peRsonaL diAry..

tHe diFferenCe is.. a diAry hAs oNLy oNe reAder.. yOu. A bLog.. is aCcessibLe woRLwiDe... iT revEaLs aNd yoUr LiFe iS basiCaLLy aN oPeN boOk.. aNd iF iT maKes yOu fEeL tHat yOuR privaCy iS beinG inVaded... Lets faCe factS...It IS a onE waY stReet so to sPeaK, whEn yOu start uP a bLog wRitinG abOut yOur LiFe.. aNd yOu wriTe abOut iNtiMate deTaiLs oF yOur LiFe aNd reLatioNshiPs tHat aRe inTrigueing tO tHe reAdeRs.. yOu must reALize tHat tHat iS wHat yOu've exPoSed tO tHe woRLd... aNd iNeVitabLy pOepLe aRe goNna waNt to kNoW who yOu aRe... eSpeCiaLLy iN a sMaLL commuNity suCh as oUr beLovEd nation...

hoWevEr which eVer waY yOu tRy aNd saFe guArd yOur iDentitY iS reALLy uP to yOu.. aNd iT wOuLd be etHicALLy wrOng fOr anyoNe to foRce yOu inTo reVeaLing it.

I feeL soRry fOr thoSe whO doN't knOw wHat thEy'Re LettiNg tHemSeLves iNto wHen thEy oPen uP a bLog. An aDviCe... cOnsiDer tHe pRos aNd coNs in doInG so... wHen wriTinG remInD yOursELf tHat yOu aRe LettiNg peOPLe in on YouR LiFe...
iF yOu thiNk yOu cAn LiVe wiTh aNyOne KnoWing yoUr daiLy aCtivitiEs.. yOuR iNneR moSt thoUghts.. bY aLL meAns... aNd I saLutE yOur oPeneSs abOut tHe LiFe yOu LeaD aNd tHe thOughtS yOu thinK.

HahahHahah I'm oNe to taLk...


Anonymous said...

Thats deep

touch-me-not said...

it is indeed...