
Monday, 12 November 2007

"muDdy" ChoCoLatE CaKe

I LoVe choCoLatEs! MayBe tHat's wHy I'm nO heiDi kLum *HAhahAHah* sO As a baKinG enThuSiaSt (cOs baKinG iS soMewhAt LeSs oF a hAssLE.. swiTch iT oN, Set tHe tiMer, pop iT in aNd uR doNe!) I wAs lOOkiNg foR tHe puRRrrFeCt iNgRediEnt fOr a cHocoLatE muD caKe OUUHhh yuMMm *liCk lipS* tHiS oNe caUghT my Eye.. whY u aSk?.. juSt beCausE iT sayS it TaKes 15 minutEs to rEady!! hEy aNythiNg tHat taKes LeSs tHan An hOuR pRepAriNg tiMe.. I'M a faN of *HahaHaahHAhaHa*

gOt tHe ReciPi fRoM >>hEre<<

MoUth WatEriNg ChocoLatE muD caKe

Preparation time: 15 minutes. (tOLd yaH It doNt taKe LonG)

Cooking time: 20 to 25 minutes. (aNd witHiN aN hoUr yOu cAn enJoy tHe fruIts oF yOur woRK ouuHh yuMmm)

Oven temperature: 350 degrees. (tHat's KhaawTTtt HAha)

Serves: 15. (One 9 x 13 inch cake.) (iN bRunEiaN tErmS.. iT sErvEs 7! CoS iTs onLy pOLiTe tHat yOu giVe waY foR SecoNd heLpinGs *HahaHA*)

ThE MaiN iNgRediEnt:
1 cup butter
1/2 cup cocoa
2 cup sugar
4 eggs
1 1/2 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp. salt
2 tsp. vanilla
1 cup chopped nuts
2 cup marshmallows

1 cup butter
1/3 cup milk
1/4 cup cocoa
1 lb. powdered sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
Dash of salt

tHeY'Ve evEn proViDed aN eAsy aNd simPLe iNstrUctiOn tO pRepaRiNg it...

1. In a medium saucepan, melt butter. Add cocoa, sugar and eggs, beating well.

2. Add flour, salt, vanilla and chopped nuts, making sure all is well beaten.

3. Pour into 9 x 13 inch greased pan.

4. Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes until cake no longer sticks to toothpick when tested.

5. Cover with marshmallows immediately after removing from oven.

6. Immediately begin frosting. In a medium saucepan, melt butter, milk and cocoa, mixing well, until mixture is smooth.

7. Beat in sugar, vanilla and salt until creamy.

8. Pour on cake while warm. Frosting will soak into cake and some marshmallows will be visible.

yyuuuUuuMmmmmm :D
giVe iT a tRy aNd inViTe me oVer to bE thE teSter, i'd bE moRe tHan hApPy to coMpLy..

1 comment:

touch-me-not said...

Interesting... thank you for sharing that info.

bet nonE of tHem wuD've beLievEd tHat tHe chocolaTe busiNess couLd go thaT bIg!!

HmmMmmm maybe I shOuLd inVest iN choCoLates.... wHaDdya think?! hehehe