It waS a LoVeLy moRninG... Up untiL I deciDed tO piCk uP tHe so-CaLLed pRiZe I'd woN fOr caLLiNg uP KfM oN a spLit moMentS deciSioN iN tHe Car oN tHe waY hoMe oNe Late niGht... *ffuuuuuhhhhHHH* tHat wAs a MouThfuL...
I'd goNe oNcE (coRrEctiOn tWiCe to Be eXaCt.. siNce tHe recepTioniSt hAs goNe oUt foR luNch... Hmmm ANd peOpLe comPLaiN aboUt goVernMent SectoRs?! tHat I knoW oF... tHere'S aLwayS soMeoNe aT goVerNmEnt dEpartMents recepTioN eVEn aT LuNch tiME!) bEfoRe to piCk iT uP buT appArenTLy tHe pEoPLe at tHe reCeptiOn DesK aSsuMed tHe giFt hAs expiRed siNcE tHey DiDn'T knOw anYthiNg aboUt iT! sO I Left eMpty HanDed aNd buT diDn't thiNk muCh oF it... buKan ReZki Lah tuee..
nOt lOnG aFteR I gOt a CaLL fRoM tiS Lady frOm D$t (tHiS wouLd bE yEsteRday.. wHen I wAs hAviNg a stiMuLatiNg conVersAtioN wiTh a oLd friEnd whoM I hAdn't SeeN iN agES! It wAs gReat SeeiNg yOu agaIn baBEs!.. haHAAHa semPat Lagi tuEe) aNd sHe inForMs tHat tHe prizE is stiLL waiTinG coLLectiOn.. sO oKey I miGht aS weLL go agAin siNce shE tooK tHe trouBLe oF caLLiNg me..
sO I diD tHiS moRninG aNd WeLL... shoCk shoCK hoRroR hoRRor (dRippiNg thiCk wiTh SarCasM)... tHe reCeptioNisT oNce agaIn waS moRe bLur tHan a bLiNd mAn TryiNg to ReAd a nEwspapEr! HmmmMMmmm.. sHe maDe uS waiT... aNd waiT.... aNd waiT.... juSt to annoucE tHat oNe oF tHe giFt I haD to CoLLect fRom soMe coMpany!!... ErrMmm... "do yOu knOw whEre iT is?.." I asKed... aLL i Got wAS.. "NdA tau AHhh..."
WhaT tHe F@#$^@^$^$#^&$$!@!%@#%@%@!!!!!!!!!!!
sOmEoNe suGgesTed tHat I shouLd just giVe eM a CaLL siNce iT miGht bE worTh soMethiNg goOd.. so I did.. GaVe the COmPany a CaLL.. suRpriSe.. suRpRiSe... (cAn tHe toNe oF my voiCe souNd moRe saRcaStiC I woNder...) "Nada naMa kiTa disini aNi" saYS tHE Lady oN tHe oTher eNd oF tHe caLL...
*smiLe on faCe* (tHe kiNd yOu do nOt WaNT to bE oN tHe reCeiViNg eNd oF!)
iT didN't eNd tHere uNforTunaTELy... oNce agaiN oN tHe waY to woRk I reCeiVed a caLL fRoM tHe woMan who'D caLL eaRLiEr... I wAs fuMiNg aNd Was aN iNch aWay frOm giVing hEr a piEcE oF my miNd.. bUt! sHe souNdeD niCe enouGh I coOLed oFf a BiT...
sHe oNce agaiN conviNced me tO driVe uP to tHe PLacE to CoLLect tHe (wHat Was to mE) iLLusiVe pRiZe! (MuN maMinyA kataNya ni nDa JarA!)
So.. jaLantaH ku Lagi Kan mengambiL hadiAh ku niee... aNNddddd Lo aNd beHoLd!!!! ApanaH?!!!! wAnna KnoW wHat iT iS?!!
PayuNg!!!!!!!! sEkaKi pAyuNg!!!!
I'd goNe oNcE (coRrEctiOn tWiCe to Be eXaCt.. siNce tHe recepTioniSt hAs goNe oUt foR luNch... Hmmm ANd peOpLe comPLaiN aboUt goVernMent SectoRs?! tHat I knoW oF... tHere'S aLwayS soMeoNe aT goVerNmEnt dEpartMents recepTioN eVEn aT LuNch tiME!) bEfoRe to piCk iT uP buT appArenTLy tHe pEoPLe at tHe reCeptiOn DesK aSsuMed tHe giFt hAs expiRed siNcE tHey DiDn'T knOw anYthiNg aboUt iT! sO I Left eMpty HanDed aNd buT diDn't thiNk muCh oF it... buKan ReZki Lah tuee..
nOt lOnG aFteR I gOt a CaLL fRoM tiS Lady frOm D$t (tHiS wouLd bE yEsteRday.. wHen I wAs hAviNg a stiMuLatiNg conVersAtioN wiTh a oLd friEnd whoM I hAdn't SeeN iN agES! It wAs gReat SeeiNg yOu agaIn baBEs!.. haHAAHa semPat Lagi tuEe) aNd sHe inForMs tHat tHe prizE is stiLL waiTinG coLLectiOn.. sO oKey I miGht aS weLL go agAin siNce shE tooK tHe trouBLe oF caLLiNg me..
sO I diD tHiS moRninG aNd WeLL... shoCk shoCK hoRroR hoRRor (dRippiNg thiCk wiTh SarCasM)... tHe reCeptioNisT oNce agaIn waS moRe bLur tHan a bLiNd mAn TryiNg to ReAd a nEwspapEr! HmmmMMmmm.. sHe maDe uS waiT... aNd waiT.... aNd waiT.... juSt to annoucE tHat oNe oF tHe giFt I haD to CoLLect fRom soMe coMpany!!... ErrMmm... "do yOu knOw whEre iT is?.." I asKed... aLL i Got wAS.. "NdA tau AHhh..."
WhaT tHe F@#$^@^$^$#^&$$!@!%@#%@%@!!!!!!!!!!!
sOmEoNe suGgesTed tHat I shouLd just giVe eM a CaLL siNce iT miGht bE worTh soMethiNg goOd.. so I did.. GaVe the COmPany a CaLL.. suRpriSe.. suRpRiSe... (cAn tHe toNe oF my voiCe souNd moRe saRcaStiC I woNder...) "Nada naMa kiTa disini aNi" saYS tHE Lady oN tHe oTher eNd oF tHe caLL...
*smiLe on faCe* (tHe kiNd yOu do nOt WaNT to bE oN tHe reCeiViNg eNd oF!)
iT didN't eNd tHere uNforTunaTELy... oNce agaiN oN tHe waY to woRk I reCeiVed a caLL fRoM tHe woMan who'D caLL eaRLiEr... I wAs fuMiNg aNd Was aN iNch aWay frOm giVing hEr a piEcE oF my miNd.. bUt! sHe souNdeD niCe enouGh I coOLed oFf a BiT...
sHe oNce agaiN conviNced me tO driVe uP to tHe PLacE to CoLLect tHe (wHat Was to mE) iLLusiVe pRiZe! (MuN maMinyA kataNya ni nDa JarA!)
So.. jaLantaH ku Lagi Kan mengambiL hadiAh ku niee... aNNddddd Lo aNd beHoLd!!!! ApanaH?!!!! wAnna KnoW wHat iT iS?!!
PayuNg!!!!!!!! sEkaKi pAyuNg!!!!
UmBereLLa!! eLLa! eLLA!!!
be laing- laing mataku ketawa ka..
oh ka.. bless you..
as I scrolled down I thaught it wud be.. at least..'sepati oren' he he he he
tapi bunyinya macam kan dapat flat screen tv saja..
sekali nya si 'ella' ha ha..
Well ka..kalau aku ter snap plang kali ku tu.. but at least u can place it at the back of ur car. ^_^ my payung dat i've got is like the 6th for this year.. terabang n tebalik saja ulih angin! N it cost me like 8quid per umbrella from boots! such a ripp off! So I might actually consider that ella as a lush gift.. hehehe.. m such a geek! ahuks2.. XXX
I knoW!!!!! tHey MaDe iT sEem LiKe i'D woN bIg! skalinyaaa.... hMmmmpHH
hahahah I remember tHoSe daYs HAHAHAHAHAHAA aLL too wELL!! hahaha watCH oUt foR tHat NastY guSt oF wiND HAhaAHaHaha abiS paYuNg tu HAAHAHaHaAH OnCe kaka TerkAna SampAi tHe thing juSt flickEd aNd suFfiCe to saY... maCaM kaN menyambuT aiR huJan pLang paYung aHHHh!!
pEbaiK gEek tapi haAawwwttNEssS ;)
HAHAHAHAHAHAAHAH!!! You gone through all that trouble for just a Sekaki payung?!
iMmagiNe mY joY..
Kahkahkah.... atu sediakan payung sebelum ujan tu eh... hehehe... congrats anyway..... bila belanja payung ? hehehe
huhu~~~~ nanti tah mengarat2 membagi2 sama2 tani merasa ka huhu~~~` **hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha**
if there wd b a next try to ask wat kinda gift u gonna get muahahaha, alum kana orang cam aku tu receptionist nya atu >:)
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