
Monday, 31 March 2008

aNotheR oNe biTes tHe duSt

ConGraTuLatioNs to My broTher oN hiS engaGmenT yeSterDay.
Bah bErAkaL-beraKal tah...
Ermmm tHank God no One gaVe me a haRd timE abouT it.. fEeeuiiHH!!


Tuesday, 25 March 2008

ComedY aNd aLL in bEtweEn

i like watching comedic movies, stand up comedy and all that sort, so its only natural that I get hooked on a reality tv show that scouts comedic talent, Last Comic Standing... aNd I got this jokE off one of the funniEst fresh taLent from its firsT episoDe.. thiS is frOm raLph to hiS deaRLy departEd daD...
oNe daY a Man waLked thrOugh a paRk aNd saw aN oLd maN sittiNg on tHe paRk beNch cRyinG hiS EyeS oUt.. eShh baiK plAng di meLayukan ahh.. I need to prActiCe my bahaSa melayu.. Awu nYenta.. uRang bunai sja.. bebahaSa melayu pun Payah-payAhan.. yetah ni duLu kana pajal bebasa omputiEh.. yetaH ni jadiNya... hiLang sja inDa baHasa ibunDa~ anyway.. I waS saYing.. i mean.. Errmm maksudku.. nyaku taDi
PADa suAtu haRiii~ (hahaha cEta styLe kanaK-KanaK daLam Mari beCerita hahaahahah)
adA laki2 atu jalan di eRrmmm taman bunga... KejumpahaN ya nini duDuk menaNgis di bangku dalAm taMan atu~ hahahahaHAHaha biDa eyH.. sKaLi kann.. betanya tiA "ni.. kenapa kita menangis ani? apa maSaLah kita?.. Kana tinGgaLkan kita disini ani kah? Mana aNak kita?"
melangui nini atu tedangar ya kana tagur, skali dijawapnya.. " hidupku ani wanG bahagia bah ni sebenarnya, ruMah ku basar.. Garaj keta ku panuh ketA mahaL.. binikU muda 24 taHun uMurnya... Nada kekurangaN daLam hiduP ku ani..."
Garu-Garu kePaLa si LaLaki tadi ani..."bAh abis aTu ni.. kenapa kitA menangiS ani?.."
sKaLi Lagi nini atu meLangui... Sayu matanYa.. melilih air mata macam air sungai darasnya... membari rawAn ati meLiat... becakap tia nini atu " isK.. isK... aNu baH.. isk.. isK (teresak-esak tangiSnya... kesian ey) atU banarnYa.. aKu.. KelupaHan dimaNa ku tinGGaL"

Thursday, 20 March 2008

puBLic holiDays

wHy don't peopLe consideR louNging at hoMe as soMething fruitFuL.. I mean tHe upS of jusT stayiNg at homE wheN everYoNe eLse in tHe famiLy aRen't oFf to diFferent cornErs of tHe counTry is tHat you Get quaLity timE witH thEM.. EspeciaLLy whEn thE brotherS aRe uP for aN inTeraCtiVe Group Game on tHe PsP~~

Patuttahhhh bapa compLain sO MucH aboUt thE eleCtriCiTy biLL.. CubA liat wiRe ahhh~~ hahahahahahahaha ouR bAd~

bUt whEn aLL the 'haRd worK' kicked in... teraSa jua paRut berGandaNg~~ hahahaha wHat beTTer way to speNd moRe timE togetheR bUt in thE kitcheN maKing a snacK tHat ouR dearEst yougEst brothER loVed so mucH.. kaTam aiS Krem~ he calls it, itS juSt thoSe FrozeN fast foOd, ArtificiaL cRab meaT on a SChticKK (notiCe tHe speLLing of stick~ hehe a private joke beTweEn the bRotheRs and I) that U can EasiLy finD in aNy supErmarKet. Its very fiLLing anD satisfying wHen PaiRed witH a GarLic dip.. yuMMMMEeeeHHhhh~~

PaGi yaNg GeLap

I'm so hookEd on thiS sonG.. ContraRy to tHe soNg tiTLe..
iTs just thE righT kind of meloDy to make me SmiLe and
Its tHe singEr thaT aDds to iTs chEeriNess.. noTicE thE waY he sinGs thE sonG ;D
bUt onE thiNg botHers me... iF you reAd the lyriCs aS shoWn in the clip.. ~aku adikmu dan engkaulah abang~ ?? eRrmm mayBe thiS song is meant fOr a giRL to sing... bUt he sinGs iT WeLL.. bettEr than weLL.. I can't see nOR immaginE it be sUng beTter than that :)

Sunday, 16 March 2008

saLty riBS

dapat diKira berapa kali ku masuk dapur tuk meMasak.. haHAHAh aDuss canA kaN jaDi anaK mithALi ni... eRrmmm he he...
my fiRst attempt at making sUCculeNt ribS~ haha
it tasTed a taD biT saLty... bUt thE famiLy waS niCe abouT it.. hahah :D
marinaDe the meat with either bbq sauce or homemade sauce oVernight.. in the fidGe not fReezer.. aNd the neXt day juSt pOp it in tHe oVen in low hEat.. it coMes ouT suCCuLent~ yuMMy~ heheh

A MysTeRy

haVe yOu eVer beEn througH aN inCideNt wHerE iT leFt yOu sCraTchinG youR heAd..?
beLow iS a picTuRe tHats baFFLed me foR dayS... i fouNd iT in my haNdfoNE... tHinG is... I neVer tooK thiS pHoto.. aNd whAt maKEs iT moRe oF a mysTery.. no onE eLse haS aCcesS to my PhoNe.. sO whEre'D it coMe frOm?.. iTs a piCtuRe of mY hoUse.. buT whY is it aLL bLuRRed?.. aNd iF yoU loOk cLosELy.. u caN sEe a figmEnt of wHat resemBLes a pErson in tHe piCture... goSh... tHis is givinG me GooseBumpS....

Tuesday, 11 March 2008

tO eAt oR noT to eAt

haD luNch wiTh mOm N daD toDay, at a RestauRant soMewHeRe nEar tHe biG tHrEe LanE rouNdabouT. I'm feeLinG raTheR... wHat's tHe woRd... UnsEttLed?!.. aLL beCauSe a fEw thiNgs wEren'T gOinG my waY.. aNd iT juSt tHreW mE off..
aNd jUsT wHen I tHougHt tHat my daY couLdn't geT any woRse.. (esP. wiTh tHe ziPper inciDent eaRLiEr erRRKk! haHa) i haD anothEr loW moMenT..

duRing luNch... tHe restauRant LoOkeD pLeasenT eNouGh.. aNd I oRdeRed soMethiNg I thouGht wouLd bE deLectabLe to tHe paLLets (haHaHaHa me aNd my uSe of woRds, indulGe me pLeaSe I beG yoU.. I haD a rOugh Day~) sO tHerE I waS anXiouSLy waiTing foR mY MeaL... Lapar... anD crAving for good food!! yOu haVe thoSe daYs dOn't you?... wHen yOu juSt waNt reaLLy goOd foOd!!.. aNd yEs diSsapoiTmeNt wouLd be an unDerstatemEnt.. iT loOkeD preSentabLe enoUgh... bUt not onLy did thEy geT iT wroNg (oRderEd Lemon chikEn aNd tHey gavE me pRawN) oNe biTe anD aLL I couLd tastE wAs LemoN!!.. nO saLt nO noThinG.. sO to tHem LemoN chicken pRaWn wAs LiTErraLLy batteR friEd chicken pRawN toPpeD wiTh LemoN juIcE!!!!!!!!!!!! GranTed tHat thEy gavE a spinKliNg of sesame seeD.. buT I couLdn't eAt anoTher biTe.. I couLdnt eveN sWaLLoW thE fiRst mouThful!! iT wAs juSt aWfuL..

oN a noRmaL daY I'd asK tHem to taKe iT bAck, bUt SeeiNg tHat tHe daY haS giVen an aRRay oF baD strEaKs... iT tooK a toLL on mE.. iTs juSt oNe oF thoSe daYs wHen tHe tiniEst thiNgs maKes yOu cLam up... Dad insiSteD tHat I orDer anothEr diSh... wHen iT caME... eQuaLLy dissaPoinTinG. bUt I KepT eaTing.. diDn't waNt moM n dAd to feeL bAd.. tHey recoMendEd tHe pLace... simpAn sajA daLam haTi.. hahAHahaha atu sEdih~

*siGh* thiS iS juSt noT my Day....

aNothEr rEvieW

wHat did I thiNk oF tHe moVie? iTs magicaL, nothiNg liKe haRry poTter.. moRe LikE nArnia.. aNd some very funny biTs... quite a fEw veRy sCary biTs tHat maDe me sCreaM! haHahahHa just a simpLe suMMary of my observatioN... I wouLdn't waNna ruin iT foR yOu ;)

I thiNk a moViE iS gOOd (gREat infaCt) whEn iT managEs to caPtuRe ouR atteNtioN.. in a soRt o f TraNce... wHere noThinG exisTs buT yOu aNd tHe moviE yOu'rE waTchiNg.. I mean a moVie reaLLy is abOut a briEf esCape frOm tHe reaL worLd.. iTs suppoSe to maKe yoU forGet aLL tHe woRriEs aNd respoNsibiLitiEs tHat yOu shouLder.. beCauSe a moVie taKes yOu to pLaceS, sEe wHat the chaRacteRs sEe aNd feeL wHat they feeL.. aNd wHen tHey manaGe to do thAt, I considEr tHe moviE oNe thAt meRits pRaiSe.. apaKannn?!!! *HAHAahAHaHaah* bUt yeaH that IS hoW I feel :)

hiDe mE unDer a piLLOw!!

"yOuR fLy is oPen" thEsE woRds no Man wAnts to HeaR wHen tHey juSt caMe oUt oF tHe LavatorY!
sO wHy aM I sayiNg thiS?.. I'm gettiNg to my poiNt.. tHis moRning.. aS I waS LeisuReLy waLkinG iNto tHe oFFiCe buiLdiNg I feLt a BrEezE oN My baCK... tHe kiNd tHat indicaTed tHat My top wiTh a bacK ziPper haD coMe undoNE!!! aWWuuu!!! yoU rEad iT righT!! ziP bajU ku TEbuKA!!! @@#($*#$&%!!!!!! tHanK AllaH tHere wAs nO oNe in siGht!!!

sO iNsteAd oF thE uSuaL Lazy rOutE oF takiNg tHe ElevaTor, I toOk tHe baCK staiRS! ruNninG up a fLag oF staiRs wiTh tHe brEezE oN my baCK.. maCam cerita sEraM pLang usuLnya ku tu Lari maCam kaNa buBut haNtu~ haHahHaH eRRrmmmMm


Friday, 7 March 2008

cOffEe breaK

i met up with a FriEnD toDay.. aNd tHe pLan wAs to hAve coFFee. inSteAd wE enDed up Having aN eaRLy diNNer.. aFTer whiCh wE HeadeD doWn to kiULaP maLL, tO catch up On wHat's pLaying At tHe MoviEs

oN tHe wHoLe tHe moVie wAs teRriFiC! tHe pRehiStoriC aNimaLs appEarEd sOOOo reaL!!
tHe romaNtiC sCenEs aRe taD biT on tHe coRny siDe.. buT heY iF it'd haPPenEd to yOu.. yOu wouLdn't thinK iT corNy aT all hahahah..

bUt iT wAs fuN to waTch.. aNd I do recomeNd it!

aNd whiLst tHe movie was roLling My fRieNd aNd I reaLiSed tHe maN wHo pLayEd tHe heRo LookEd vEry FamiLiar... aNd I couLdn't geT my fingeRs on it buT tHat smiLe of hiS iS unForgettabLe.. gEt riD of tHe scRuffinEss aNd geT hiM aLL cLeanEd up He'd bE the cuTe gUy tHat everyoNe haS a cRush on.. haHAAHah

who is hE My thoughTs wonDereD..
cMon bRain.. who iS he?....

aNd wHen I goOgLed tHe moVie..

tuRns oUt hE's tHe aOOUUUUuuuWWhhh sO vEry DE vEry cuuuTEEEe guY... tHe reaSon I waTch "tHe coVenent" oVer aNd oVer wHen iT pLayEd on AstRo (wHen iT stoPped I goT tHe DvD~~ hahaAHHAAHahahah ) hiS smiLe makEs yOu go Ga Ga ~

Wednesday, 5 March 2008

peNdekaR muStarD

eRmm.. well yeah I did Say I waS goNna starT Living heaLthy.. tO trY aNd detoxify my syStemS from aLL thAt iS sinFuLLy deLiSH... bUt siNce tHe diScovEry oF mustaRd.. my disCovery tHat is... tHe ameRicAns hAve loNg disCovereD tHe joyS of mustaRd.. bUt thiS taStY bRilliaNt yeLLow guNk iS Soooooo aDdictiVe aNd I jusT hAd to haVe it oN hot bEef sauSagE.. it compLetEs tHe 'hoTdoG'. iTs juSt ouUhh no woRds~~ hahaHaHahah yuP oNe oF the neW yeaRs reSoLutioN oUt thE winDow.. *head bowed down*

buT on tHe upS siDe... I boughT mysELf a yoGa videO~ aNd pLan to foLLow through... pusHing myseLf everyDay anD nighT (sejam sebelum tidur dan sejam bila bangun pagi hahahahah macam makan ubat~ ahahha) I hopE... ReaLLy~~ reaLLy hopE I stiCK to thiS one aMiinn~

My bRotherS didn't haVe faiTh in mE.. tHey saiD tHe deViL in mE wAs jusT too stronG.. haHAHaHAHa... bUt pRay wiTh me.. Let me prOve tHem wrOng thiS oNe timE... heHe :)

heRe he iS looKinG so smuG... i'LL proVe yoU tHat I caN aNd wiLL!! :P haH!........ i hopE. *hahahhaHAhaHah*

moDeRn caMpiNg

i've just recEivEd piCtuReS froM tHe moSt reCent beLaloNg triP.. yeaH tHe oTher oNe... hoW many timEs can oNe gO in thE sPaCe of a CoupLe of monThs yOu mighT wonDer... hahaHahaHa buT weNt thErE i diD~~ ahahaHa anyHo..
As prOmiSed feAsT yOuR eYeS oN tHeSe~ haha

haVinG a "goLf" oF a tiMe~ waiT a minUte.. goLf in tHe deptHs oF tHe rainForEsT??! haHaHahaH siKawaN ni ketagiH goLf tah banA niE sAmpai ke hutAn pun kAn "dRivinG" <- golF terminology mun nDa fahaM betanya nYa niNi~ hahHaHaH
Let'S pLay spOt mE~ hahaa hErE'S a cLuE.. i haVe oN mE a whiTe Cap~

yeS thAt's riGht!! I mAdE iT!!!!! TuhaN saJa yaNg tahu PendeRitaan ku~ HAaHahaH 1226 flighTs oF staiRs to thE vEry toP beForE going uP anothEr fLag oF laDdeRs to Get to tHe top oF tHe cAnoPy~

toLd yAh~ wE wEre thrOwn iN tHa LApS oF LuxuRy~~ hahAHaha LOunGinG aNd haViNg tEa in a LoVeLy wOoDeN caBiN iN tHe miDst oF thE RaiNfoResT~~


I aM a biG biG~ faN of JackeT potatoEs~.. anu bah ubi kentang yang kana oven baKe sama KuLiTnYa.

iTs goRgeOuS~ DeliCouS~ sCrumpTuOuS~ nyaMan nyeNta bUt oF couRsE yoU goTta hAve tHe riGht soRt oF fiLLinG to compLimeNt iTs exQuisiTenESs~
baCk WheN I waS iN uNi soMe yEarS aGo (goSh thoSe wEre tHe dayS *sigh*) I couLdN't Get enoUgh oF thE stuFF.. pLuS tHe faCt tHat tHe cAfEteriA diDn'T sErvE haLaL mEatS so I haD tO saTisFy tHe paLLetS wiTh veGetariAn CuisiNe~ bUt tHerE wAs aN oCcasioN wHeRe eVerY LUnCh tiME I'd OrDer tHe exAct saMe thiNg.. jaCkEt poTato witH tunA maYo aNd MeLtEd chEESe on tOp! OOoouhh yuMmeeeY yUMm!

try iT ouT ;)

cLeaN the skins of a fEw spuDs a.k.a. poTatoEs
(yoU muSt noT peEL!! bEats tHe puRpoSe reALLy iF u do.. wouLdn't be caLLed jacket poTatoEs wouLd it?! hahaHa maRah juA bunyinYa aku tu eRrmmm heheheh)

pop thEm in tHe oVen And bakE eM tiL thEy appEar soFt aNd niCeLy cooKed. nExt cuT oPen tHe potatOeS liKe makiNg aN X marK.. anD piNch (beLapik tangaN ahhHh.. anguS nDa ku meNanggunG~ hahah) the sidEs tO soFteN aNd loOsen uP tHe fLesH.. waHHh meLeLeeeHH aiR liUrku hahahHaHa baru descriBing hahaHaHaHa
toP up yOuR FavoUriTe toPpinG oN thE poTatoE aNd enjoY~ nyuMmiESss!!

Monday, 3 March 2008

ManiC moNdaY~

aNothEr moNDay.. mY whOLe boDy aCheS aNd I waLked inTo tHe oFFiCe wiTh a Limp bUt with styLe eyh dengan kasut tinggi 3 inch Lagi~~
(anD peopLe wonDer wHy I'm sO taLL! hahaHAHAaha )
tHe tWo day triP to temburong wAs LotSa fuN, no pictuRes as yEt sinCe I'd forGoTten tO paCk uP thE CaMerA.. agaiN!! hahaHAha yetah membari kesiaN kali ahh... masbuk intu-intu arah orang lain kan minta gambar hahahaAHAHAHAHAahahahaHaAHah

tHe view from my parked Car oveR looKing the piEr subUh~ masiH Gi beKabus nyeNta.. HAhaHAAHAHah atu yA semangat! hahahah ~

It wAs definitELy fuN aLL tHe waY.. buT wHen you'Ve doNe it moRe tHan onCe thE exciTemEnt dePLeaTs... unFortunatELy. I guEsS the aCtivitiEs tHat wEre orGaniSed wEre a tad bit beLow my ExpEctatioNs.. I waS expeCtinG moRe rigoRous aCtivitiEs.. I meaN wE wEre givEn a cheCkLisT oF thinGs to taKe wiTh uS.. bUt noNe oF tHe exCiting thiNgs oN tHat LisT wAs beiNg uSed in tHe whoLe duRatioN of tiMe wE wEre tHere. ThinGs LikE MatchEs, nylon chords anD torCh LigHts.. I meAn seRiouSLy?! noThing shoRt oF aN aDventuRe couLd bE taGGed to tHe List of things suCh as tHosE haAHAhaHA!! wHen wiLL I grOw up?! hahah I'm jusT gaGginG foR moRe exciTemEnt iN My LiFe~~

tHe aCcoModaTioN wAs moRe tHan MeetS tHe eXpectation.. nO compLaints tHere. c'Mon I meaN wE wEre in tHe miDdLe oF noWheRe.. within the thicK rainfoRest of BorneO! aNd sLepT cosily on niCeLy maDe beDs in wHat caN onLy bE descibEd aS paRadiSe on Earth... tHe viEw oF tHe pLace caN maKe yOu foRget aLL thE troubLes in tHe worLd.. aN aCcomodatioNs tHat riVaLs moSt fOur star hoTeLs!

tHe diNinG aRea iS noT too Shabby iF I may Say so.. LooK at thiS pResentatiOn.. A siGht foR soRe eyEs reaLLy.. naDa sELeRa puN boLeh jAdi LapaR~

Enough banTer foR a monDay moRning.. HeRe's hoPiNg tHat eveRyoNe haS a GooD weEk ;)