Bah bErAkaL-beraKal tah...
Ermmm tHank God no One gaVe me a haRd timE abouT it.. fEeeuiiHH!!
"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian." - Dennis Wholey
Patuttahhhh bapa compLain sO MucH aboUt thE eleCtriCiTy biLL.. CubA liat wiRe ahhh~~ hahahahahahahaha ouR bAd~
bUt whEn aLL the 'haRd worK' kicked in... teraSa jua paRut berGandaNg~~ hahahaha wHat beTTer way to speNd moRe timE togetheR bUt in thE kitcheN maKing a snacK tHat ouR dearEst yougEst brothER loVed so mucH.. kaTam aiS Krem~ he calls it, itS juSt thoSe FrozeN fast foOd, ArtificiaL cRab meaT on a SChticKK (notiCe tHe speLLing of stick~ hehe a private joke beTweEn the bRotheRs and I) that U can EasiLy finD in aNy supErmarKet. Its very fiLLing anD satisfying wHen PaiRed witH a GarLic dip.. yuMMMMEeeeHHhhh~~