
Monday 21 January 2008

SwEenEy ToDD

I'm noT mUch a Fan oF musiCaLs.. BuT wHen I heArd JoHnNy DepP was in oNe I juMpEd aT tHe inVitatiOn to waTch it. tHe sEttiNg wAs in oLd LoNdoN wHeRe PEoPLe LooKed LiKe tHey diDn't haVe shoWers aNd eVerYthiNG LoOkeD caRtooNy... aSiDe fRoM tHe GoRey mUrdEr sCenEs.. iT wAs muCh fuN aNd aS uSuaL JohNny DepP iS a taLent tHat MEritS aLL cRedit... He pLayEd hiS chAracTer weLL aNd I ReaLLy didN't LikE hiM in tHe moVie.. He pLayEd a viLe Man who'D loSt aLL sEnSe oF puRity wiTh a hEart fiLLed wiTh RevEnge.. He aNd HeLEnA BonhAm cArtEr, aRe fAvoritE pLayErs iN Tim BuRtoN's fiLm.

I wouLdn't reComeNd oN brIngiNg tHe kiDdieS to waTch thiS onE. tOO cyniCaL aNd toO muCh BrutaLity... eVen I couLdn't heLp bUt coVer my eYes at thE muDer sCenEs..

P/s- I couLdn't stoMach LookiNG at any mEat piEs, quiChe oR any oF tHe soRt aFter waTchinG the moVie... *shuddEr*

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