I was thinking of revamping the blog layout..
however something else came to my attention and someHow I felt it is somewhat absurd...
I feLt soRRy and yet exasperated at the saMe time!
tHe radio is alwAys on in Le` OffiCe..
DJ JeNny was talking about a blog and somehow it roused my curiousity...
So I gave it a Read..
Its about a Guy who has fallen in Love with a woman whom he should never have gotten involved with in the first place..
Nothing new in this day and age...
Read it if you Have time.. Just Click on the PicturE to get the Link
SeriousLy... come on! think of it yeah..
Its ridiculos really...
I know soMe peopLe say that when cupid has shot his arrow nothing can prevent LoVe from blossoming....
But LovE.... starts with attraction.. evolves with emotion if uncontrolled.
(Don't get me wrong... I believe in LovE... but I also believe LoVe is onLy a FeeLing hence Like any other state of FeeLing it can be controlled if you have the wiLL....)
Besides if you were a firm believer of our faith....
you would know that nothing good comes from building happiness from other peoples suffering...
Trying to break a probably happily engaged couple
Mayb the fiance couldn't affort the roses as he is trying to save money for their wedding, you would KNOW that weddings don't come cheap in BrunEi!
For all he knows... she is using him for sheer ego boost... either that or she truly has fallen for him...
but who am I to judge...
AnD why aM I even Getting WorKed uP oVer thiS? *hahahahahah*
Its rather sadistic of me to be reading about other peoples lives and all that they go through and finding amusement in it...
But what else is to be expected when you have written your whole life's story Where Practically anyone Can have access to it...
WeLL gOOd LuCk to the ThRee of ThEm... Mr.I'm-in-Love-with-soMeone-Elses-FiancE... tHe-OnE-CaLLed-Ayu.... and Ayu's FianCE...
I do hope this ends well....