
Wednesday, 18 July 2007

wAke mE..

I thinK I'm getting obSessEd...
(Think?!!! I aLreaDy Am Aren'T I?! HAhaHa)
tHe sTory oF a mAn SeRiouSLy in LoVe...
NoW I'm tHinKinG About What LinE of WorK theY'Re in...
fLying oFf tomoRrow...
So We decided to stay aWake the whoLe nighT and sLeep thRough thE fLighT
What better way to keep your Consciousness but by MonopoLy!!

RoLL tHe DiCe!!!

If thE boArd anD MoNey don'T LooK fAmiLiaR... iTs tHe StaR WaRs Edition..
ThE gAme pLaY iS abOut tHe sAme bUt you Can Opt foR A moRe inTerEstinG twiSt.. EveryTimE yoU RoLL doubLe you gEt to choOse froM a varieTy of 'ProFiTabLe' aCtioNs.

The mOre tHan enThuSiasTic pLayErS. Had to LoaD tHeiR syEteM with LotSa tiM Tam, ChoCoLatEs aNd other aSsoRtEd juNk FOoD! to kEep thE mOmenTum uP up aNd Up!!


Tuesday, 17 July 2007

yOu're hOmE!

Another CuZzy bAcK for thE suMmer HoLidaYs!

sLumBer FiEstA!! zzzZZZzzz

After tHe moVieS wE deciDed to havE a SLeePoVer..
by tHe tiMe We reached home.. it wAs aRounD haLf paSt tWo in the morning.
haviNg tHe giRLs in My bEdRoom gaVe a tingLy feeling right where the HearT lies...
(tHiS musT be how it feelS to have SisterS... NeveR haD SistErS... *siGh*)

HopE tHe girLs enjoYed thE nighT ouT...

:D *MwAhSs*


I aSsuMed hArry poTter wouLd daMpen thE hypE oF HaVinG SeeN tRanSfoRmeRs thE moVie..

tO my UttEr diSbeLief hArrY pOtteR was cLoSe to beComing a BorderLine SnooZefeSt
iT was likE watChinG a ReruN...
iF noT foR the humOuR I definitELy wouLd have doZed ofF
(excusinG the fact that wE caught the midnight shoW... thE sibLingS anD couSinS evEn contempLated weAring WiZarD cLoakS and bRooMsTicKs!!)
I aM noT a PoTter FaN to begin wiTh so...
But tHat is beTter is it nOt?.. I wouLdn't Be biased by loyalty to HaRry.. AHahah

Saturday, 14 July 2007

pAsta CabonaRRa...

Right After wOrk I droPPed by a FrieNds houSe and Was grEetEd wiTh thE warMest WeLcoMe :D

BeinG tHe reFineD hoSteSs tHat sHe is...
i was treateD to a DeviNe diSh that sOundeD rathEr comPLex..
yeT whEn her FinGers startEd woRking.. mAde iT Look faNtaStiCaLLy siMpLe!!

pAstA CabonaRrA... MagnifiQue!

it Was SuPeRb! LiCking tHe pLate CleaN was temptinG... HAhahahahhaha
YeS... it wAs tHat dELiciouS!! Better still.. it was cooked and ready in just less than 5 minutes!


Dump the pasta in perheated water with a dash of saLt.

Stir Fry chopPed onioNs with BeeF 'BacoN'. Prepare some chopped Fresh toMatoeS.

Whilst All that is cooking Beat 2 eggs with thickened cream anD sEaSOn witH Salt anD pEppEr.

OncE CookEd, stRain the PastA bUt Put it back into the hot SauCepan

Next sprinkle MoZarella cHese in and give it a bit of a StiR beforE stirrinG in the Rest of tHe inGredientS. EaSy PeaSy!!!

too BaD thE coOk iS CamerA shY..
Don't hate me...

nAiL biTinG..

ReAL RoManCe sToRiEs bEatS HoRroR fLicKs hanDs doWn!!
I meaN thE suSpEnsE and ThE uTteR uNpRediCtabiLity over ThE enDing..


I'm gagGing to kNoW hoW it's GonNa eNd... BuT iF it eNdS soOn thEn WhaT eLse hAve I Left to ReaD... *HahaH*
BuT iTs hArd nOt to tHinK tHe woRst...
my intuition... leans towards a leSs than happy enDing for this one...
I pray though that this enDs hAppy.. Like Fairy TaLe haPPy. We nEEd it to cOnfiRm ouR hEartS that LiFe do ComE with uTTer bLiSs...

iF not foR oUrseLveS.. Then tO sEe it On OtherS.. suFficeS thE aPPetiTe of a RomantiC sOuL...

nOt a beLieVer...

dO yOu rEaD hoRoScoPeS?..

I do..

EvErYtiMe I geT a Copy oF CoSmo.. The FiRst tHiNg I LooK up iS the AstroLogiCaL reAdinGs!hOwEver... I'm noT a beLiEveR of FatE wiTTen in tHe StarS...

I beLievE in GOd of CouRse.

buT AsTroLogY... Ermmm... wHy I rEad iT?.. JusT to See wHat tHe StarS say aBout WhatS to HapPen to me.

yeSterDay my AsTOLogiCal pRediCtiOn reaDs:

"Occasionally you can feel adrift on the ever-changing sea of your emotions, especially when it comes to a few key relationships. Learn to ride these waves of change, and these feelings will enlighten you. "

Hmmm... SounDs LikE what YoDa ( of Star WarS) wouLd say.

In riDdLes you speak... ConFuSed I am... SpeCific yoU nEver are...


wHat I'm ReDuCed to...

AftEr aLL that LuxuRy SettiNg yEstErdAy...

ToDay My BreAkFast...

ChinesE taKe-OuT?!
DaDdy's HoMe-MaDe NooDLes... DeeeeeEEELiSh!

fOoD gLoriouS fOod!

ScoNes... Chocolate Desserts... StrAwbeRry CupS yuMMmmmmm!!!!!

What BetTer Way to eNjoY this buT with GreaT coMpaNy...

They NevEr FaiL to mAke aN ouTing sUch aN evEnt!

LaughTer aLL aRouNd!!!!

though I think soMeonE Left their 'NecK BrAce' at The tEa LoungE
(priVate JokE!)

Thursday, 12 July 2007

JuLy BabiES!

BrunEianS aRe pRetty MuCh A CLoSe-kniT communitY.. sMaLL yeT BiG aT hEaRt.. MoRe oFteN tHaN noT, CompLetE StrAngErS yOu BumP in to On ThE stReeTs CouLd be A bLood ReLatiVe...

AnyWays.. JuSt weLL-WiShinG SoME oF the FamiLy MemBerS boRn in JuLy...
To thOse I'vE miSSed ouT..

"Ampun AmPun" (translation : sorry?.. HEhehe)

Its not in any way intentionaL... eithEr that oR I dOn't Have youR piC to DisPlay..

~~~~~'HHHAAaaaappPPPyyyYY BiRRRtthhhDayyyy'~~~~

May there be many moRe~~~ aMin.

So.. uhMMm.. WhenS thE treat????? hahahaHAhahahah

FamouS aGaiNnn..... not!

I'm still SaD fRom tHe LoSs of A PErFectLy LoVeLy PaiR oF shoEs... WonDer iF I couLd get theM fiXed...

But Another thinG happenEd today that helped picK me uP from my ShoE Tragedy.. heheh I'm in tHe PapErs!!!


LiKe I said in previous poSts... Pretty much nothing Glomourous ever happens to Me..
So exCuse me for making ThiS suCh a Big deaL!


TwiCe in oNe yeaR noW... thiS iS a ReCoRd foR me!! *HahahHHahahah*

teArS iN vAin...

GorGeoUs YEs?...

Not aNymoRe.... :(

ThE oFfiCe BuiLding LiFt (eLevAtoR for SomE) WaSn't woRking, So its StaiRs I CLimB... When *SnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaAAAAAPppppp*


I wanted to CrY anD LaugH at thE sAme tiMe! wHy Laugh? You ShouLd've seEn me Limping.. A shoE in Hand.. OnE foot BarE WaLking fRom OffIce to the Car!!

My onLy soLaCe was thAt TherE Weren't Any pErsOn aRounD to WitNesS my EmbaRassment...

ShOeS... WeLL noT juSt ShoEs... ThinGs Don'T LasTs As LonG As ThEy uSe to theSe daYs...


HaPPy Day

iT's yOuR biRthDay!!!!


It waS tHe CuzziE's bDay yeSterDay

(which rEminDs me... isn't it sOmeOnE's SpeCIaL soMeonE's bday today?... I'm strayiNg agieeen... HahahH)

We deCideD to giVe hEr a SuRpReESeee HEhe
To buiLd uP tHe sUsPenSe I deCideD nOt tO TexT meSsaGe nOr diD tHe uSuaL cALLiNg uP thE RadiO sTatiOn foR a Bday Request
(LamE..? tRy beiNg tHe oNE beiNg RequEstEd foR... YoU'LL fEEL thE 'SpeCiaLnEss' )*HAhhA*

AnyWays.. I thiNk tHe pLan weNt weLL... I tHinK shE waS pLeaSeNtLy SuRpRiSed.. *hahahahhaah*

Aww DarLinG diD yOu tHiNk We WouLdn't RemEmbER tO gEt yOu a Cake?..
Thinking that No One WouLd gEt hEr onE....
tHe BdAy GaL baKEd this Just To TreAt everYoNe oN the OccaSiOn :D

wHo iN tHe wOrLd bAKeS tHeiR oWn BdAy CakE????
uHmmm.. yOu! mwahS!

By ThE wAy.. tHe 99.9% ChoCoLate CaKe? AbSoLutELy DeeeEEELiSh!

Wednesday, 11 July 2007

bIg fiSh

FisHinG enThusiAsT LooK no MoRe,
A sitE cReatEd by BruNieaNs tHat pRoviDes pLenty
tO-Catch-ThE-fiSh tipS
aNd you Can shaRe N *eHem* ShoWoFF yoUr Big CatCh piCtuReS!

beT yoU aLrEaDy kNoW tHis.. it is FeaturEd in SimPur's BLogGing naTion after all..


Why Am I eVen TalKing aBout thIs?... I doN't EveN KnOW hoW to Fish...HahHAHah...
Well... Just BecauSe...
FiShiNg iN sTyLe!

The Big Bro sHowinG oFF hiS biG cAtcH FeatuRed in tHe BloG ;p

wRap it uP

SomE peOpLe finD giFt wRappinG a haSsLe..
HenCe the inventioN of ReaDy-Made giFt boXes..

I LoVe giFt wRapPinG!
Don't Laugh.. ReaLLy I LoooVVeee doinG it! caLL it a hoBby if yOu wiLL..
iT's exitiNg to sEE hoW somEthinG as siMpLe aS a PiecE of CoLouRed pApeR, ribbons.. a few flowers... tuRneD into a creatioN.

in a Way... it shOws hoW mucH yOu apPreciate somEone by puttinG in thaT exTra efforT.
WeLL...... until they open uP the pacKage anD fiNd out whAt's ReaLLy insidE!


LotSa FuN..

LaSt niTe sHerAtoN oRganiSed aN OLyPicS tHemEd GathErinG...Ka D tagged me aloNg sInCe sHe had An eXtRa iNviTe,

So FoR thE rEst oF tHe niGht I was KnoWn As...

HahHa it Was FuN...

At thE LoBBy wE wEre gReeTed wiTh a WarM wELcoMe and wHiLst yoU Wait You caN geT a fReE mAsaGe...

The NeW GM oF ShEraTon Is suCh a KewL duDe, FriEnDLy aNd kNoW hOw tO enTerTaiN
WanNa kNoW wHat I meaN?...


RaNo HaS the DetaiLs anD piCturEs...

I think it Was his ScReaM(the new GM, not Rano.. heHe) we hEard earLier aS we aLL weRe minGLing in tHe LoBby wAiting For thE eveNt to sTart..

I think He reaLisEd whAt he Gotten himSelF into...


ALeX RiVa, GenEraL ManaGer oF sHeRatoN hOteL, you aRe a GooD sPorT :D
MeN LikE yOu gIVe a wHoLE neW peRsPecTivE oN LeaDersHip

diD I meNtion thAt ThE pRiZeS wErE LaviSh!

I woN thEsE!!! FeaSt youR eyeS on ThEsE!

ThaiLanD herE I coMe


OwhH beForE I foRget... ThaNkS ka D!!!!!!


Monday, 9 July 2007

mOm's CooKing... Yummmmmmm~~~~~

GOsH aLL this tHinkinG is Making me Crave foR my MoM's

LakSa jOhoR.. oR iS it LAkSa PenanG... WhatEver it's called..
iTs juSt SoOOooooOOOoOOOO........

analySis of a bRokEn hEarT...

I was just thinking to myself as I was driving to work....

"Why do peOpLe hAng on to lost Cause...?"

I mean... if the answer slapped you in the face you wouldn't even notice it...
If the loVe you wish to giVe is not reTurned... betTer yet, whEn iT getS sPat bacK On your FaCe...
wouLd you stiLL caRry On?... WoRsHippiNg thE grounD witH whiCh theY waLk on?...

No matteR how muCh you wiSh to sAy "No!"

You knoW that weaK.. SoFt... KinD heart wouLd giVe in at the Slightest sHow of interest from the Ones you adoRe....
A bRieF GlanCe eVen... the heart StarTs pOunDing and YouR inNer VoiCe gOes "Owh My God!!!! Owh My GoD!!!!! sHe/He looked at me!!!!!"

StiLL in DeniAL?.... Look deePer....

WhiLst yOu dO thAt I'm jusT gonNa siT here anD have a SnaCk...
YummY Tim Tam DouBLe coAted... AaaaaHHhhh...

Believe it or not I surfed the WWW looking for "ways to eat Arnott's Tim Tam " the results waS asTounDing!


many of Us out there Know tHe GoOd stuFF.

Well? did you give it a think?... heRe's sOme of the thingS i beLieve aRe reAsonS whY itS haRd to Let Go... FroM the diaRies oF me... i.e. LiFe's Many LeSson LearnEd thRough Living it...

(hahahAHhahaha boy I made soMe silly mistakes in my Life.. Gosh that makes me sOund Like I've experienced the worLD... )

Ok ok sorry... Didn't mean to stray...

WhY itS hArd to Let Go....

1- PoSsibiLitieS...

tHe hoPe of cHanCE....
thE thouGht of aNy gLimmer oF cHanCe that they miGht ReLent and GiVe in...

2- What CouLd be...

you envisioning life with them... to the extent of you seeing yourself in future being married to them and living a life of fairytale happineSs that is Ever After...

3- ChaLLenGe...

iTs in ouR bLood... We are pRedatorS... itS inbuilt in uS to sTriVe in liFe which includes Love.. yOu must hAve what you waNt...

My thoughtS... you may disAgree... ;P

a reUniOn..

ScHooL reUniOnS... aHHHhhh

mixed feeLingS... some LoVe... some hAtE
LoVe eSpeCiaLLy iF yOu hAve stuggled so Much in schooL and CamE out A SuCceSs in LiFe!!
Hate iF yoU rEaLLy haVe beCome a HermiT and Just Don't FeeL LikE meeting anyoNe.


STPRI had a BiG bash of a ReuNioN!!
thE dooR giFt was.. I thought CuteLy Delicious! hahahah my use of words... if my english teachers read this they'd be shaking their heads! hahahahha

it was quite nice... chocolate covered shortbread.. makes a nice after snack.. too bad you can't keep eM as a momento....

P/s- I didn't go to STPRI.... my mom did..
he he..

Saturday, 7 July 2007

miRacLes tO haPPen...


What every woman needs!!
Saw this on SomeOne's fRiendstER and I jusT haD to haVe it Here!

WouLdn't this be reaL handY don't Cha think?!

fReE sTuFF!!!!!

HSBC have out done themselves aGain..
with an HSBC CrediT card, you can get an iPod shuFfle frEE!

YES you heard me FREE!!!!!! its absolutely FREE!!!!!

with PurchaSe ofCouRse..
Buy oNe anD geT onE FREEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!

whilE stocKS Last!!! so HUrrY!!!!!!!!!!

(aM I turNing my BLog into an aDvErt Campaign?.. there's a Catch.. read on..)

And tHe oFFer is today OnLy!!!!!! hurRy to AV ElectroniCs in Kiulap!!!

sTiLL wondering Why I'm teLLing you thiS... anD not rushing theRe myseLF?... hahahah
WelL... the MotiVE...?

I was kinDa hopinG that sOmeoNe...
wiLL be geNeouS enough to giVe me thE fRee iPoD shuFfLe!!!!!!
Why would you do that you ask?...
weLL... BecaUse... I was niCe enough to rEminD you of The oFFer....?
(I'd like it PinK.. haAHAhah)


foRgiVe Me...

I am suRe you hAve had dAys When yOu haVe LittLe cOntRoL oVer whAt haPpenS..
yEsterDay was a Haze...
hAd a Few thingS on the Agenda

HowEver... by miDday I thiNk mY bOdy was fEeLing the exhaustioN
A quiCk nap BeCamE dEep SLumbEr thAt LastEd neaR suNseT..

I seRiousLy do Not know how peopLe do it..
I stayed ouT late on ThurSday and came Back home To sLeep, onLy to wake uP a meRe 4 houRs Later..

To thoSe PeoPLe who are AbLe to do suCh featS I saLute you!
how do you do that?????
Don't know about anyone ELse but I NEED my 8 hours of sleep...
OtherwiSe I'd wakE up with a PuLsing hEadaChe...

And ConveRsationS witH me wouLd be LesS than iNterestiNg...
CoS I caN't ConCentratE mUcH wiTh Lack oF sLeep...

Thursday, 5 July 2007

Not a sinGLe enTry!

I bet if I told you the prize would be an LS460 you'd fill up my inbox full of piCs for the Competition!!
Sorry.... I'm just wondering why noOne

(Sad really.. bohooo.. hahahahah)

NO ONE!!! has entered the competition I suggested in an

So one Last tiMe!! iF you wAnt to wIn a hampeR worth mOre than B$50 dollaRs of cHocolateS...

yeS yeS it isn't as Grand if I weRe to promise say... A cAr?! seeeeesssssshhhHHHH you people!

But yeah! The deadLine again is By the End of JuLy..

I won't be heRe but I'll AnnouNce the wiNNer

if any...

by August kays!

you do NOt want me to keep the chocolates to myself!!
I am a recovering chocoholiC!!
Please don't let me step on to the dark side.... puhhleeeeessseeeee

Wednesday, 4 July 2007

wAsTed HearTaChe....

I was thinking of revamping the blog layout..
however something else came to my attention and someHow I felt it is somewhat absurd...
I feLt soRRy and yet exasperated at the saMe time!

tHe radio is alwAys on in Le` OffiCe..
DJ JeNny was talking about a blog and somehow it roused my curiousity...
So I gave it a Read..

Its about a Guy who has fallen in Love with a woman whom he should never have gotten involved with in the first place..

Nothing new in this day and age...

Read it if you Have time.. Just Click on the PicturE to get the Link

SeriousLy... come on! think of it yeah..
Its ridiculos really...
I know soMe peopLe say that when cupid has shot his arrow nothing can prevent LoVe from blossoming....
But LovE.... starts with attraction.. evolves with emotion if uncontrolled.

(Don't get me wrong... I believe in LovE... but I also believe LoVe is onLy a FeeLing hence Like any other state of FeeLing it can be controlled if you have the wiLL....)

Besides if you were a firm believer of our faith....
you would know that nothing good comes from building happiness from other peoples suffering...
Trying to break a probably happily engaged couple
Mayb the fiance couldn't affort the roses as he is trying to save money for their wedding, you would KNOW that weddings don't come cheap in BrunEi!
For all he knows... she is using him for sheer ego boost... either that or she truly has fallen for him...
but who am I to judge...
AnD why aM I even Getting WorKed uP oVer thiS? *hahahahahah*
Its rather sadistic of me to be reading about other peoples lives and all that they go through and finding amusement in it...

But what else is to be expected when you have written your whole life's story Where Practically anyone Can have access to it...


WeLL gOOd LuCk to the ThRee of ThEm... Mr.I'm-in-Love-with-soMeone-Elses-FiancE... tHe-OnE-CaLLed-Ayu.... and Ayu's FianCE...
I do hope this ends well....

TraNsForMer... BeyoNd eXpecTatioNs!

As pRomisEd....

What I thought of it?....


It was....


Trust me you will want to see it again!!
Infact I am seeing it again!!!!!!

The cast line up was a perfect fit! everything was just so right what they did!!!
The effects!!!!! owh GosH!!!! The StorY Line!!! nothing was out of pLace!

I have never enjoyed a movie as Much!!!

AcTioN pAckEd... LoTs oF LaugHs... I aLmoSt Cried witH soMe sCenEs!!

A MuSt!!!! muSt waTch!!!

If I were Asked to rate it... I'd give it a 10/10!!!!

Tuesday, 3 July 2007

oFf to tHe mOviEs!!

I wasn't too keen on watching Transformer the Movie when there was a Buzz about it made into a movie....
Though I was an avid follower of the cartoon series when I was little...
But when I found out that it wasn't gonna tuRn out like Teenage Mutant Ninja TurtLes...
whiCh was a snOOZefeSt!
I became much interested in finding out what it's all about...
WiLL be talking about in the next post, For tonite we watch Le` Movie he he...
If any of my brothers are reading this....
I take you to watch it on thrusday night kays...
heheh Don't mind watching it twicE! hehe...

OfFiCe sToRy...

It's always so exiting to get new stuFf..
The OffiCemAteS deCided to gEt a New FeatuRe foR the OffiCe aNd itS mArveLouS reALLy...

iMMaginE this...

Everyone gathered around to see the "official launching" of the newly acQuired water fauntain..
A slight Glitch though... the water didn't run as it should be...
instead of it running down into the miniature mill... it went sideways and pouRed onto the floor!


aNd iF that didn't kiLL the eXiteMent try this.. when they fiddled with it a little and it run as it should but the water didnt run as rapid so the wheels didnt even budge!

But bY sOme GoDLy miracLes oNe of Em nOticeD a switch that was labelled "+" and "-"
Lo and BehOld! he flicked the switch and it started running properLy!!!!

It workS!!!!

The tWo dedicated Men Who WouLdn'T GivE uP ;P

Monday, 2 July 2007

iNviTatiOn oNLy....

YesterdAy was incredibly hot....
Even with clouds filling the skies providing sufficient shade...
wasn't enough to quench the sun's heatwave!

Yes... wEdDinGs...

it's another reason uS girlieS tailoR make ouR clotheS be the enVy of every other women in sight!


My my I am fiesty today...
But seriousLy who wouldn'T want to be the envy of every other giRL *MMmmmeeeaaaaooowWWWWWwrrrRRRrr*

Claws retract!

It must be the side-effects of watching too muCh A.N.T.M. reruNs
(A.N.T.M. = AmeriCa's NexT ToP mOdeL)

But the uP-siDe is you get to hang with the FamiLy aNd catch up on thingS...
Managed to capturE a Few sNapshOts...

bet She'll be aLL reD in the cheeKs sEEing this 10 years as of now....
MisS I-KnoW-HoW-To-PoSe!! Mwahs! heHehHE

thIs foto was just tOO adorabLe not to post.

Though this was quite a difficult shot considering the darLing baby just couLdn't keep still for a few seconds... Just Look at the cuteLing with the bag and hankie in hand SooOOoo refined...
pRoFf that a Lady is BorN nOt bRed! hahahHa