
Saturday, 6 October 2007


oN my way hoMe frOm woRk oN tHursDay, I diScoVerEd a LittLe hitcKhiKer on board My cAr..

hMMMmmmm dont know if thAt is in aNy waY a cLear iMage oF tHe little spideR.. haha

he/she (how can one teLL iF its a he or sHe?! hahaha) anyway... IT was holdIng oN foR itS deaR LiFe struggling against the wind... it looked so pitiful that I wanTed to do soMething to help buT stoPPing tHe cAr oN the higHway is HardLy an iNteLLigent thiNg to do... especiaLLy with spEEd craZed motorists On thE LoOse on tHe strEEts oF bruNei.

aNd anotheR thiNg... I aM nOt a biG faN of eigHt-Legged CreAtuRes.. sO I diD tHe coWardLy tHing aNd hoPEd tHat it enjoYed tHe riDe aNd tHat it haD a saFe jouRney stiCking to thE outSide of thE cAr winDow..


Anonymous said...

baik lagi tu, aku cacak ikut masuk ah, mulanya arah pasenger, besingsing kain kawanku ikut kta ku, pas tu arah driver atu, imagine tia... geli geleman ku kan drive, baik jua inda ia menampakkan dirinya along the way atu

touch-me-not said...

EWWWW cacak?!!! lagi ku fobia kan sejenis atu EWWW ka entah mun aku inda ku masuk keta tu sampai cacak tu di keluarkan hahahahahah