
Monday, 17 September 2007

wHat I waNt.... iN a mAn... mY maN.

oKey tHis iS a biT weiRd buT... I am atTemptinG a fEat I neVEr thouGht I couLd do..
nOw tHat I've thOught abOut it... It maTTers nOt reaLLy,
tHat tHe whOLe woRLd knOws abOut it...

iTs my LiFe... mY stoRy to TeLL...

rOuSed enOugh curiOusity On yOur pArt to ReaD on?..
hEre cOmes tHe anTi-ClimAx.. *hahaha*

iTs bEen a whiLe siNce I wAs iN a stAbLe reLatioNship..
aNd fROm tHe expErienceS I weNt through...
I began to paint a vision of whAt qualities I want in him... even down to the flaws...
iT miGht sEem dReamy... bUt it's okay to escape once in a while into a world where everything is utterLy perfect..

he hAs to bE taLL
(I'm abnormally tall for a bruneian girl, a coMmenT often thRown aT me fRom totaL straNgers)

he muSt haVe an hoNest smiLe
(I hate those boyish grin that somehow hints that he's hiding something :P)

He doEsn't haVe to Be dRop Dead GorGeous..
(jUst enOugh to producE a smiLe on my Lips everyTime I look at him tHat saYs "I found you..")

oNe oF hiS fLaws... a heaRty uncOnsciouS bUrp afTer MeaLs after whiCh he'd bLush whEn hE reaLised wHat he did!
(hehe now tHat's cute)

he trieS to act like he doesn't caRe if I donT caLL oR SMS for the entire Day anD shoWs up at my dooRstep juSt to chEck tHat I am aLright...
(this iS the DReamy part *sigh*)

he doeSn't seNd me floWers buT pLants tHem so wE can enjoY a quiEt tiMe admiRing thE fruits of his woRk..
(haHahah hoW i wisH..)

he doEsn't asK me to maRry him... bUt goEs to my paRents aNd seeK tHeiR peRmisSion to Make mE hiS wiFe..
(tHe last gentLeman on earth... dreams can come true.. haha)

the list goeS on aNd on..... i'LL keep the rest to myself ;)


Anonymous said...

hye cuzzie dear, here i am (again) baru tah tebaca ur n3 hehehe
try write a novel, u'll make a good writer *wink*

touch-me-not said...

heheheh you made my day ka =)