
Wednesday, 12 September 2007


cOnveRsatioN wiTh FriEnds.. iT a reciPi foR siLLy jOkEs, LamE yEt hiLLarioUs cAtcH pHrAses aND tHe inEvitaBLe taLL taLes oF tHe "sPiriT wOrLd"

tHeRe wAs oNE tHat gAve Me goOseBumPs eVen noW...

iT goES..

a giRL whO woRks At a CafE gOt oFf woRk rEaL LatE aNd shE haPPEns tO coMMuTe uSing pUbLic tRanSpoRt... tHe pUrPLe bUs.
sHe kNew tHat ShE hAd to CatCh tHE LAsT ruNNiNg bUs tHat niGht sO sHe huRriEdLy rUshEs to tHe bUs stoP.

wHen sHe gOt tHere...

tHEre wAs tHe bUs... It wAs pitCh bLAck... tHe liGhTs iN tHe bUs coMpLeteLy oUt..

tHerE wAs no oNe iN sigHt... nO otHer pAssangErs.. no bUs dRivEr...
*gULp* sHe sWaLLowEd hEr fEar aNd kepT cALm...

bUt agAinsT hEr bEttEr juDgeMent sHe diSmiSsed eVErythiNg aNd quiETLy enTereD aND sAt aT tHe Very fAr eNd.

tHiS iS tHe LasT bUs fOr tHe nigHt... wHat otHer chOiCe hAs shE...

aNd jUst aS sHe RestEd hErSeLf oNto tHe seaT tHe bUs bEgaN to moVe.. sLoW bUt iT wAs dEfiniTeLy moVing...

SuDDeNLy!!!! a vOICe bOOmED!!!!!!!!!

"WhO iS iN tHE bUs?!!!!!!!"

hEr hEad tuRnEd... riGht wHere sHe wAs siTtinG sHe cOuLd sEe tHrougH tHe duSty aNd muDdiEd wiNdScreEn.. sTading juSt beHiNd tHe bUs

a hAggaRd, PantiNg, sMaLL, oLd Man.

tHe bUs driVEr!!!!

anTi-cLimAx : tHe bUs hAd bRokEned doWn... tHe dRiVer wAs puShing iT to moVe aS hE hAs giVeN uP oN tryiNg to fiX it!


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