
Sunday, 30 September 2007

tHe sWeetEst tHingS in LiFe...

On onE of Our triPs to tHe foOd staLLs situaTed nExt to tHe naTIonaL stAdiuM.

a cOnvErsatIon betWeeN me aNd tHe broTher...
Me beiNg tHe uSuaL aLwayS-iN-NeeD-oF-AssuRenCE a.k.A iNSecuRE-sELf...

me: '' yOu thiNk I'm prEtty?.. yOu doN't haVe tO bE niCe anD juSt tELL it to Me stRaig-"(cut off in mid-sentence.. his word echoed in my head as if he'd shouted it in a caVe)

"NO" thE brother saiD in a cLear nO nonSenSe toNe.

He loOked straiGht at mE.. cursiNg mySeLf in siLenCe fOr eVen aSkinG, bUt putTing uP a BraVe fAce I smiLed...

ME: "tHAnks foR beiNg hoNest abOu-"(oNce aGain hE cuT mE oFf in miD-SenteNce... hOpe hE doEsn't maKe a haBbit oF thiS..)

tHe brother: "I doN'T thinK.. i kNoW tHat yOu Are."

Aren't I thE luCkiEst sisteR in thE whoLe wiDe woRLd~~
my sMiLe didn'T faDe even throughoUt thE loNg winDing waLk arounD tHe staLLs..

LoVe yOu!

1 comment:

Anonymous said... cute!