LoVe yOu!
"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian." - Dennis Wholey
Sunday, 30 September 2007
tHe sWeetEst tHingS in LiFe...
Friday, 28 September 2007
i noW prOnounCe you...
uNder tHe weaTheR...
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Magnificent Shiny Disk Hero
bUt in a Way aDvertiSemenTs haVe eVoLved. NoW MoSt oF tHem aRe maDe LesS oF aN aLL iN yOur FaCe prOduCt pRomotiOn aNd giVen a maKE oVer bY addiNg in StoRy LiNes tHat maKes yOu waNt to WatcH tHE sniPpets.
tHe oNe tHat caUghT ouR eYe anD beCamE thE buTt oF oUr EvEr LAme catCh phRases iS oNe tHat goEs by tHe nAme "MagniFiceNt ShiNy diSk hEro"
iTs hiLLariouS by OuR stAndarDs
"yOu knOw DVD 9, seMbiLan!"... "tai cHo La!"
>>cLicK fOr LinK<<
muSt waTch! iTs juSt hilLariouS bUt tHe paRt I quOteD aboVe iSn't aVaiLabLE on tHe net aNd yoU aRe juSt goNNa hAve to do iT tHe oLd faShiOn Way... waiT foR it to sHow oN asTro TV.. HehE
Sunday, 23 September 2007
eVen LaziEr Mash poTaToeS!
tHe triCk to Easy PeeLing.... cut the potatoEs in haLF
Lazy Lasagna
ok to start off pour about a litre of fresh milk.. if you're a weight watcher... *ehem*
next break two eggs in (excluding the shells please hahaha)
Pop it inTO thE oVen aT aboUt 180 degree C for about half an houR aNd enjOy!!!
Friday, 21 September 2007
I LovE yOu...
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
wHat tHe stArs aRe sayiNg..
iN tHe staRs pRediCtinG tHe daiLy eVents aNd happEnings in my LifE.. moSt of tHe tiMe, I reaD tHe daiLy HorescopE a daY aftEr thE predicteD day, jUst to sEe iF iT wAs in tHe least biT acCurate...
on RarE oCcasioN it is cloSe to beiNg spoT on.. bUt toDay.. wHen i cHeckEd yesTerdaY's rEadiNg..
iT waS likE readiNg my oWn thouGhts..
Tuesday, 18 September 2007
boiLing PoiNt...
yOu juSt don'T caRe of tHe ouTcoMe... aLL you feeL is exhausTion tHat LiFe haS hanDed yOu a siTuatiOn tHat rePeats iTseLf.. witH a twiSt tHat doubLes tHe intensiTy evErytiMe yOu aRe faCed wiTh it...
i wiSh i couLd teLL yOu thiS faCe to FacE...
I'm tiRed... I'm tiRed oF fighTing... I'm tiRed of beiNg tHe reCeiVing eNd oF aLL thiS iNsecuRitiEs... wHy caN't yOu truSt me?... juSt taKe tHat Leap oF trusT anD knOw tHat I aM weLL anD goOd enouGh to tAke cAre oF myseLf... tHaT I deSerVe aS mucH resPect aS yOu wiSh mE to giVe yOu..
i jUst waNna LiVe my LifE...
Let mE Live my liFe..
Monday, 17 September 2007
wHat I waNt.... iN a mAn... mY maN.
nOw tHat I've thOught abOut it... It maTTers nOt reaLLy,
tHat tHe whOLe woRLd knOws abOut it...
iTs my LiFe... mY stoRy to TeLL...
rOuSed enOugh curiOusity On yOur pArt to ReaD on?..
hEre cOmes tHe anTi-ClimAx.. *hahaha*
iTs bEen a whiLe siNce I wAs iN a stAbLe reLatioNship..
aNd fROm tHe expErienceS I weNt through...
I began to paint a vision of whAt qualities I want in him... even down to the flaws...
iT miGht sEem dReamy... bUt it's okay to escape once in a while into a world where everything is utterLy perfect..
he hAs to bE taLL
(I'm abnormally tall for a bruneian girl, a coMmenT often thRown aT me fRom totaL straNgers)
he muSt haVe an hoNest smiLe
(I hate those boyish grin that somehow hints that he's hiding something :P)
He doEsn't haVe to Be dRop Dead GorGeous..
(jUst enOugh to producE a smiLe on my Lips everyTime I look at him tHat saYs "I found you..")
oNe oF hiS fLaws... a heaRty uncOnsciouS bUrp afTer MeaLs after whiCh he'd bLush whEn hE reaLised wHat he did!
(hehe now tHat's cute)
he trieS to act like he doesn't caRe if I donT caLL oR SMS for the entire Day anD shoWs up at my dooRstep juSt to chEck tHat I am aLright...
(this iS the DReamy part *sigh*)
he doeSn't seNd me floWers buT pLants tHem so wE can enjoY a quiEt tiMe admiRing thE fruits of his woRk..
(haHahah hoW i wisH..)
he doEsn't asK me to maRry him... bUt goEs to my paRents aNd seeK tHeiR peRmisSion to Make mE hiS wiFe..
(tHe last gentLeman on earth... dreams can come true.. haha)
the list goeS on aNd on..... i'LL keep the rest to myself ;)
Sunday, 16 September 2007
bRave oR pLain fooLish
Saturday, 15 September 2007
i toLd yoU so..
ooouHhh!!! oouHhh!!!!!
"HairSpRay" tHe moviE starRing JoHn TravoLta is pLaying in the CiNema!!
I can'T waiT to See iT!!
wHat haS tHe tiTLe of this poSt goT to do witH anytHing?
weLL don'T yOu haVe friEnds who ruN to yOu at tHe sigHt of a brokeneD heart?..
despite aLL that yOu tRy aNd adviCe tHem on tHinGs, tHey NEveR sEem to bE takiNg in any of yoUr impArtEd wiSdom...
aNd beFore LonG, hiStory RepEats iTseLf :S
As muCh aS it huRts yOu to See tHem beiNg miseRabLe..
yOu feEL tHe iTcH tHat iS gNawiNg at yoUr voCaL choRds... AchiNG... yEarniNg to vOiCe OuT tHe oBviOus buT hArsHLy iNseNsiTiVe...
"i tOLd yOu so"
iTs a satiSfacTioN thaT you wouLd ratheR noT haVe iN any situAtioN... cOs no oNe wiNs..
iT's baD enoUgh tHAt tHe friEnd is suFFerinG frOm tHe miStakE he/shE haS maDe...
wE maKE iT woRse bY ruBbinG it iN theiR faCE.. iTs wroNg.. bUt iS it ReaLLy?..
I meaN aLL thiS whiLe yOu keeP teLLing tHem tHaT iTs a LosT cAuse.. tHat iTs beTter to Leave iT at tHat anD picK up tHe piEces aNd staRt anEw.. bUt tHey kEep RepeAtiNg thE miStakEs... agAin anD agaiN...
iS it nOt wiSe to teLL tHem bLunTLy- hOw eVer HarsH iT maY SeeM, tHat tHey cAn't keEp seLf-inFLictiNg thEmseLves wiTh uNnecessarY pAin tHat iS aVoidabLe..
I'm juSt tYpiNg oFf tHe toP oF my hEad...
I knoW iTs moRe to it tHan tHat... iTs nOt aS simPLe aS tHat..
LiFe iS neVer siMpLe..
iTs hArd to juSt diScaRd a fEeLing... iT cOmEs fRom tHe heArt... tHe veRy ceNtre oF LiFe's actiVIty..
hMmmmmmmMmm tOo muCh sEriouSneSs toO eArLy iN tHe moRniNg
sO who's goIng to tHe moviEs with mE to watcH Hairspray?..
Owuuhh I forGot... I aLready maDe arrAngEments to waTch it wiTh a FriEnd..
Thursday, 13 September 2007
cHeeSeEYy biTes~~
Wednesday, 12 September 2007
a tImE to eAt!
cOLoUr mE piNk~~
sO waLLaH~~~~~
fOrgiVe me iF iTs aN iN youR fAce piNk!!!
yEs I HaVe tO coNfeSs... I hAve gRowN fOnD oF tHe CoLouR piNk!
iTs aLL moM's FauLt GetTinG Me aLL tHe piNk sTuFf... nOw I'm aDdiCteD to pinK~~~
dO yOu beLieVe iN coLouR tHerapy?...
tHe thEory tHat cOLoUrs cAn aFfeCt yOuR moOd?...
dO yOu kNow wHat tHe coLouR piNk MakEs yOu fEeL...?
i'LL juSt Let yOu do tHe reSearcH... I kNow tHe ansWer... bUt sEeinG aS tHe bLog nOw iS in piNk.. tHe cONnoTation of posting it HerE... I'd ratHer noT..
inConSiDeraTe Pr!ck!!!
oNce UpoN a tImE... LiKe 10-15 minutEs aGo.. I waS on fAst Lane aNd thiS cAr dEciDes tO gEt oN mY LanE! (not that I own it but you get the picture)
sO there he wAs swErving into my Lane wHen I waS tryiNg to get in to hiS.. aNnnnD I thoughT hE waS goNna SpEeD uP bUt inSteaD hE dRovE slOwEr tHan He diD on tHe sLow LanE!!! sO hE maDe iT imPoSsiBLe foR mE to exit inTo tHe otHer LaNe anD miSs tHe JunCtioN I meAnt to Get iNto tWiCE!!! ( he made impossible \times two because tHere wEre tWo JunCtioNs to Get tO tHe pLace I waS hEading)
sO I hAd tO tRaVeL aLL thE wAy to dO tWiCe tHe u-TuRn juSt to Get into mY DestiNatioN!!! HmmMmmm nEveR knEw haVing a bLog cOuLd bE thiS cOnveNienT.. iT's a soRt oF aN ouT Let wiTh Out HaviNg to PeSter a FreinD aBouT a siLLy iNciDenT tHat RaiSed youR bLood PresSure!! Okayy... I'm O.K.
tHeRe wAs oNE tHat gAve Me goOseBumPs eVen noW...
iT goES..
a giRL whO woRks At a CafE gOt oFf woRk rEaL LatE aNd shE haPPEns tO coMMuTe uSing pUbLic tRanSpoRt... tHe pUrPLe bUs.
sHe kNew tHat ShE hAd to CatCh tHE LAsT ruNNiNg bUs tHat niGht sO sHe huRriEdLy rUshEs to tHe bUs stoP.
wHen sHe gOt tHere...
tHEre wAs tHe bUs... It wAs pitCh bLAck... tHe liGhTs iN tHe bUs coMpLeteLy oUt..
tHerE wAs no oNe iN sigHt... nO otHer pAssangErs.. no bUs dRivEr...
*gULp* sHe sWaLLowEd hEr fEar aNd kepT cALm...
bUt agAinsT hEr bEttEr juDgeMent sHe diSmiSsed eVErythiNg aNd quiETLy enTereD aND sAt aT tHe Very fAr eNd.
tHiS iS tHe LasT bUs fOr tHe nigHt... wHat otHer chOiCe hAs shE...
aNd jUst aS sHe RestEd hErSeLf oNto tHe seaT tHe bUs bEgaN to moVe.. sLoW bUt iT wAs dEfiniTeLy moVing...
SuDDeNLy!!!! a vOICe bOOmED!!!!!!!!!
"WhO iS iN tHE bUs?!!!!!!!"
hEr hEad tuRnEd... riGht wHere sHe wAs siTtinG sHe cOuLd sEe tHrougH tHe duSty aNd muDdiEd wiNdScreEn.. sTading juSt beHiNd tHe bUs
a hAggaRd, PantiNg, sMaLL, oLd Man.
tHe bUs driVEr!!!!
anTi-cLimAx : tHe bUs hAd bRokEned doWn... tHe dRiVer wAs puShing iT to moVe aS hE hAs giVeN uP oN tryiNg to fiX it!
Monday, 10 September 2007
pRooF of tHe puDdinG
Marraige iS... noT fOr a Day... noT foR that moMenT oF bRieF cELebRatioN... iTs a LiFetiMe oF uNdersTandiNg.. SeLfLessNeSs.. aNd cOmmiTtment.
gEttiNg mArriEd doEsn't enSuRe hAppiNess of FaiRytaLe evEr aFter... iTs a begiNning oF a wHiRLwiNd oF eMotioNaL JouRney..
aNd yOu asK whY I'm noT maRried?...
I ask myseLf eveRydAy... aM I ReadY?...
sOmethiNg I rEad oN HyS
tiRed oF LovE...
I was thinking of not postinG about it even...
buT itS just Haunting me... taunting me...
ItS LiFe in gEneRaL... Why doeS eveErything come With a tiMe Line... why caNt everything Be Left to ruN its owN couRse...
I caN unDerstaNd deAdLineS fOr worK but... HmMmm..
MarriAgE... yEs *ahahaha*
I opEn My mouth to suCh topiC.. cOs uSuaLLy wHen I'm pesTereD wiTh suCh quEstioN I simpLy shrug oFF tHe suBject wiTh a smiLe oR eveN a giGgLe.. (anD quickLy waLk away aS iF I Had thingS to do hahah coward!)
Bet tHe cuZziEs aRe cuRiouS to knoW *winK*
WeLL oKay oKay Let mE barE it aLL foR tHoSe who Care to kNow..
I woULd SeriouSy gEt maRriEd iF I actuaLLy fouNd thE guY...
*hahahahahah* so whaT abouT thE guYs I've been wiTh?..
HmmmMmm... I juSt doN't see a "huSbaNd" in them..
noW tHat tHE LatEst ex-BoyfriEnd haS tiEd the knOt..
I guEss pEopLe wouLd bE wonDering thAt tHerE miGht bE soMething wROnG aboUt me..
wHateVer.. *shRug*
bUt tHe oNe thAt stAbs RighT at thE heArt iS whEn soMeoNe (who shaLL remain namELess)
oPenLy sAiD to me..
"aMbiL saja siApa saJa aSaL buJang"
TranLatioN: JusT GraB anyoNe sO loNg aS thEIr siNgLe
iT maDe me FeeL uGLy.. LikE suPer uGLy aNd LikE soMething thAt's beEn caSt awaY.. UnwaNted.. UnLikEd.. UnaPpreciaTEd.. uNwoRthy.
Do I loOk DespEratE?!
It waS a puBLic pLace... aNd It Had taKen aLL tHe stRengtH iN me tO conjuRe uP a smiLe...
bUt iF u kNew me... ReaLLy kNew me... YoU cOuLd jUst abOut See a GLiStening Tear drOp juSt aT thE coRneR oF my eYe..
HmmMmmm... aNd hEre I thOught thIs waS goNNa bE a fuNNy pOst...
bUt aPPaRentLy not!
Saturday, 8 September 2007
rAnDom pOsT~~
Wasn't LooKing foRwaRd to It bUt iT tuRneD oUt to Be fuN :D
aSidE fRom tHe Fact tHat I wAs toLd to LoSe wEiGht wiTh BMI of AbovE avErage :S
(aNd i tHinK I've GrowN a Few Cm's taLLer... iF thAt iS eVen pOssiBLe)
aNd My BLooD PreSsuRe iS wEe biT oN tHe hiGh siDe~~
HmmmMMMm GOoD nEws iS my TeeTh aRe in PerfEct ConDition! YiPPiEeee!!
HmMMMmmm iF yOu tHink yOu aRe oFf thE hook thinK agaiN, tHe heaLtH ScReeNing is cArriEd oUt in PhAseS.. iF yoU don'T hEar abOut it yOu wiLL soOn... iTs aiM iS eArLy detEctioN oF aNy poSsibLe mAjoR diSeaseS thAt pLaguEs tHe naTion, SuCh aS heaRt DiSeasE, diAbetEs, CanCer anD kiDney fAiLuRe.. iTs fOr aLL goVernmenT sTaFf... buT I wouLdn'T be suRprIsed iF it CatchEs on tO tHe priVate SectoRs as weLL...
goOd thiNg foR Me it wAs caRrieD oUt bEfOre EiD~~~
God onLy knoWs wHat My bLood sugaR LeveL wouLd be duRing Eid :S
Thursday, 6 September 2007
iTs raiNinG.... meN?! hahahaha
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
adVerT ;)
iF yOu hAven't HearD.. New stoCk aT C&K..
I mean.. Don't yOu juSt Hate it When yOu Go tO an "Open houSe" aNd diScovEr tHat soMeonE eLse hAs thE eXacT SamE onEs!
Tuesday, 4 September 2007
diScUsSiOn tiMe..
a fELLow FriEnd cLaimS tHat He cAn DefiNe LiFe...
isN't tHat saYinG yoU'Ve dEciFer tHe meAninG to LiFe?...
but dOesn't tHat Lead to SayinG thaT yOu kNoW wHy GoD tHe AlmiGhTy cReaTed man..?
DeeP iSn't It?.. tHe aRguMent hAd no End.. HAAHahahah go fiGuRe!
thE goOd gReeN sTuFf
asKinG fOr tHe "SecRet" iNgrEdiEnt to a very popular dRink...
I niCked tHis ofF soMe maLaysiAn site *hehe*
I guess its about the same, the only difference is that they EAT it LiKe sorbEt.. in BrunEi yOu hAve it aS a dRink, sort of a liquidy deSseRt..
For the green bean flour droplets
10 screwpine leaves (pandan leaves)
A few drops green food colouring
1/2 tsp alkaline water (kan sui)
250ml water
250ml extra water
65g green bean flour
For the gula Melaka syrup
350g palm sugar (gula Melaka)
100g castor sugar
250ml water
3–4 screwpine leaves (pandan leaves)
2 grated coconuts
1 litre cooled boiled water
1/4–1/2 tsp salt or to taste
To obtain pandan juice, chop the pandan leaves and blend them in an electric blender with 250ml water.
Use a muslin cloth to squeeze out the juice then mix with the green colouring and alkaline water.
Pour the pandan juice into a saucepan and bring to a boil.
Blend green bean flour with the extra cup of water into a smooth batter and add to the boiling pandan juice, stirring all the time until the mixture is transparent and thick. Remove immediately from the heat.
Place a cendol frame over a basin half-filled with ice-cold water. Put a little cooked mixture on the frame. Press the cooked mixture through the frame to form little droplets of cendol.
Leave the cendol to set in the ice water till firm. Add more ice cubes to the water to set the cendol faster. Drain in a colander and refrigerate till ready to use.
To prepare the palm sugar syrup, boil palm sugar, sugar, water and screwpine leaves until both sugars have dissolved completely. Strain and allow to cool completely.
For the coconut milk, add water to grated coconut. Squeeze in small handfuls using a muslin cloth. Add salt to the coconut milk.
To serve, spoon the desired amount of cendol into serving bowls, add some crushed ice and pour on some coconut milk and one tablespoon palm sugar syrup or to taste.
If you haVen't guessEd... itS cEndOL!!! hehehehehehe
Monday, 3 September 2007
giRLs rULe! bOyS dRooL!!!
sOrrY boYs tHis iSn'T foR thE faiNt-HeartEd
Three women and three men are travelling by train to the football match.
At the station, the three men each buy a ticket and watch as the three women buy just one ticket.
"How are the three of you going to travel on only one ticket?" asks one of the men.
"Watch and learn," answers one of the women.
They all board the train. The three men take their respective seats but all three women cram into a toilet together and close the door.
Shortly after the train has departed, the conductor comes around collecting tickets.
He knocks on the toilet door and says, "Ticket, please. The door opens just a crack, and a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand.
The conductor takes it and moves on.
The men see this happen and agree it was quite a clever idea; so, after the game, they decide to do the same thing on the return trip and save some money.
When they get to the station they buy a single ticket for the return trip but see, to their astonishment, that the three women don't buy any ticket at all!!
"How are you going to travel without a ticket?" says one perplexed man.
"Watch and learn," answer the women.
When they board the train, the three men cram themselves into a toilet, and the three women cram into another toilet just down the way.
Shortly after the train is on its way, one of the women leaves her toilet and walks over to the toilet in which the men are hiding.
The woman knocks on their door and says, "Ticket, please."
I'm still trying to figure out why men ever think they are smarter than women.
iT's cut and paSte, so it ain't me that maDe the Last Remark.. but hEy yoU goTta giVe us GirLiEs cRediT fOr inGenuity yEs?!
Saturday, 1 September 2007
deleCtabLe tReaTs
12-14 large fresh mushrooms, stems removed saving 1 cup diced stems (1-1 1/2 pounds)
3 ounces bell peppers, chopped
2 garlic cloves, minced
1/2 cup diced tomatoes
1/2 teaspoon dried Italian spices
2 fresh basil leaves, chopped
5 ounces mozarella cheese, shredded
1 tablespoon grated permesan cheese
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
lightly grease a 10x13 oven proof dish.
stir fRy tHe saUsaGe meAt over a light fire. Cook for about 4 minutes.
Add diced mushroom stems (or not hehe its about making it your own) and garlic.
Add tomatoes and herbs simmer for 4 minutes.
Remove from heat and add mozzarella cheese (cheeesssseee I LiKeee hehe) mixing in to melt(this binds the ingredients together).
Fill stuffing in the mushrooms with filling mounding up nice and full.
Sprinkle with grated cheese.
Bake for 30 minutes. (for tomatoeS, it won't take as long around 20 mins should do)
Remove and place on a serving platter pour juices over the mushshrooms (or tomatoes hehe)
BoN aPPetite~