
Tuesday, 3 June 2008

soMethiNg siLLy...

I did Say I waS goNNa bLog aBout tHe KL trip buT siNce I haVn't goTTen aNy piCs yeT (awu payah menumpang camera orang ani haAHaAHah TerLupa bah baWa caM sendiRey) tHat'll haVe to Wait..
I thiNk a WeeK aGo oR so... I bumPed inTo soMeonE I neVer wOuLdv'e ExpeCted tO sEe... It's noT mucH oF tHe enCounTer tHat I wantEd to taLk aboUt buT moRe oN hoW iT triGGerEd memOriEs oF thE paSt...
wHeN tHe DooRs oPen aNd You aRe conFronTed witH tHis faMiLiaR faCe juSt StaRinG bLankLy aT yOu. It toOk mE a whiLe tO figuRe oUt who sHe wAs... Man! tHat conFirMs tHe muCh foRgoTTen saGa iN my Past...
I reaLLy waNted tO smiLe buT soMehoW tHe lipS wEren't moVing.. I waS juSt so taKen abAck.. FlaSheS oF meMoriEs caMe fLoodiNg iN.. aT thAt moMent I feLt LiKe I waS in a moVie wHerE evErythiNg stooD stiLL aS iT bluRs aNd aNd moRphs inTo FLashbaCK... aNd tHougH tHe reCall LastEd Less tHaN a fRactiOn oF a miNutE.. iT waS enOugh tiMe FoR hEr to ReaLiSe Who I waS..
She tuRnEd aNd waLked aWay... RefuSiNG tO joIn mE iN tHe conFinEs oF aN eLevaTor... I couLdn't HelP buT smiRk... It wAs a wEiRd fEeLinG... I haD nO bAd thOughTs abOuT her.. JuSt FeELinG tHe diSbeLiEf.... DamiT baNar bruNei aNi NyenTa...
bUt wHen tHe fuLL reaLity oF it suNk in I couLdn't HelP buT laugh OuT louD in tHe priVate saNctuaRy oF my caR. I guEss YoU jUst Can't eRase tHe paSt.. iT haS a Way oF HaunTinG yOu.. hEeheh..
I wAs suRpriSed It didN't huRt.. nOt oNe biT... cOuLd iT bE?... tHat I hAve gOttEn oVer iT.. oVer hiM?... I kNoW I saY iT aLL tHe tiMe.. bUt nEver reaLLy belieVed iT iN my hEart of hEarts... bUt nOw I knoW... I truLy do..
yOu muSt bE woNderinG whO tHe woMan is?.. aHahHa no nAMes ... jUst soMeoNe whO haD a haNd iN makinG my LiFe a miSery For yeArs... tHouGh I knOw iT wAs neVer hEr fauLt...
My guEsS iS hE (sidia bah ey.. exbuyfrin) kePt tHe truRth to hiMseLf... bUt nEvermind..
it's all in God's hand now...
I aM haPpy noW.. GenuiNeLy happy :)

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