bagi yaNg cuRiouS saNgat kaN meLiat moHA ku haHAHAHahahha oBviouSLy ku simpan gaMbar yaNg ndA biDA! hahahahahAHHA siapa juA mau kanA ucaP bidakan hahahahahah kalau bidapun dimataMu jan tah diUcap hahaAHAaHaha... aku ani perawan hati nyeNta hahahahahhaha
"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian." - Dennis Wholey
Monday, 30 June 2008
tHe suNday piCniC
bagi yaNg cuRiouS saNgat kaN meLiat moHA ku haHAHAHahahha oBviouSLy ku simpan gaMbar yaNg ndA biDA! hahahahahAHHA siapa juA mau kanA ucaP bidakan hahahahahah kalau bidapun dimataMu jan tah diUcap hahaAHAaHaha... aku ani perawan hati nyeNta hahahahahhaha
Monday, 23 June 2008
MaxWeLL sMaRt
TwO woRds to Sum uP thiS moViE.... FrEkin' AWEsoME!!!
YoU aRe noT goNna waNna MiSs thiS oNe!!! iT hit tHe thEatErs twO daYs aGo I thinK, And It waS paCked Last niTe! bUt tHe bEst pArt iS haVinG tHe aUdiEnCes RespoNse, iT aDds tHe eXtrA oUmpHhh to aN aLreaDy GoOd moVie :D
My brOthEr goT anNoYed aT sOmeOnE wHo wAs siTting on hiS LefT... Hey Man KalaU Kan meNyeLurukaN oRang kEtawa Make suRe tHey caN't hEar yOu.. aNd kNowinG my brOthEr... soMeoNe COuLd'vE SeriOusLy goTten huRT... HEhehHe
Thursday, 19 June 2008
JelinGan aYah...
Tuesday, 17 June 2008
a bReak in Break?
pLayiNg tHe miNi EntRepRenEur
moM's aSsorTed CakEs, seLLinG likE hoT caKes!!! a FavoriTe aMongsTs tHe payinG costomERs..
thiS onE wAs a biT oF a puZzlE foR me... peoPLe kePt askiNg wHat kiNd oF laKsa... aNd All I couLd mustEr was... LaKsa BrunEi?! cuBa sKali naK laGi!! yuMm haHAHa
ChiKen riCe, MoM anD Dad'S speCiaLty.. PeoPLe kEpT coMinG baCk foR moRe! hahaHAaHaAH baSar-BasAr Lagi tu ayaMnyA kaLah jua aYam nasi Katok ermm haAHaHaha... @$2 per paCK iTs a baRgaiN!
tHerE wEre pLEnty moRE on saLe bUt I'd "forgotten" to takE picTurEs. bUt aLL in aLL i haD a gooD timE :) aNd it waS greAt fun
terima kasih padA yaNg sudI berkunjung ke "gerai" kami hhehehehehe esyeeehhh hahahahAHAhahaAHahhahaahaha
Monday, 9 June 2008
Sunday, 8 June 2008
LatE niTe shoW
Just look aT thiS.. my cup of caFFiNe to reAdy me foR thE two houR moviE show... i loVe it wHen tHat lil Extra eFforT iS put in tHe presentatiOn ;)
Thursday, 5 June 2008
tHe cRaviNgs
tHe muSt haVes iN KL...
Haag N DaaZ a dissapoinTmeNt... I reaLLy thouGht thEy'D seRve it thE wAy thEy did in LeicesTer sQuAre tHe biG hAag And Daaz rEstaurAnt... sia-sia pun~
tHe muCh taLked abOut J.Co..... iT wAs uMmm.... oKay... hehehe aLritE aLritE iTs aBsoLutELy deLiciouSSsssss~~~
tHe LoW beForE tHe hiGh
tHe daMagE tO my cAr...