
Monday, 30 June 2008

tHe suNday piCniC

friDay wAs a fun filleD day oF bbQ anD whoLe daY oF bouNciNg, sLidiNg aNd scReaMinG!! too bAd I don't hAve piCtuRes to ShoW.. HmmmMm MacAM ceLebrity rAsaKu knA kritik ani eyh *HaHaHahaHaAHahhahahHA*

bagi yaNg cuRiouS saNgat kaN meLiat moHA ku haHAHAHahahha oBviouSLy ku simpan gaMbar yaNg ndA biDA! hahahahahAHHA siapa juA mau kanA ucaP bidakan hahahahahah kalau bidapun dimataMu jan tah diUcap hahaAHAaHaha... aku ani perawan hati nyeNta hahahahahhaha

bUt pRevioUs sunDay tHe famiLy deciDed to haVe a piCniC aT seRasa beAch. iT waS a whoLe bucKet of funnn fUN fUn! main Kayu tigA... errmm itS selipar tigA kali, hahaHAha sinCe thE uSe oF saNdaLs...

ruNNing on beaCH saND prOveD haRdeR thaN it loOked! tHe pLayeRs eXcLudinG mE.. siNce aKu yaNg mengambil Gambar.. seBelum kaNa tanya baiK mengakun hahAHAHHAhaha

Monday, 23 June 2008

MaxWeLL sMaRt

TwO woRds to Sum uP thiS moViE.... FrEkin' AWEsoME!!!

YoU aRe noT goNna waNna MiSs thiS oNe!!! iT hit tHe thEatErs twO daYs aGo I thinK, And It waS paCked Last niTe! bUt tHe bEst pArt iS haVinG tHe aUdiEnCes RespoNse, iT aDds tHe eXtrA oUmpHhh to aN aLreaDy GoOd moVie :D

My brOthEr goT anNoYed aT sOmeOnE wHo wAs siTting on hiS LefT... Hey Man KalaU Kan meNyeLurukaN oRang kEtawa Make suRe tHey caN't hEar yOu.. aNd kNowinG my brOthEr... soMeoNe COuLd'vE SeriOusLy goTten huRT... HEhehHe

Thursday, 19 June 2008

JelinGan aYah...

I beT loNg aGo tHe viLlage traiL loOkeD someThing likE thiS...

wHy aM I taLking aBout thAt yOu wonDer?... weLL... iTs to do WitH wHat I'm abOut to teLL... I got thiS oFf somEoNe aNd I couLdn't sTop LaughiNg wHen I reAd it!
traNslaTiNG it in EngLisH... wouLdn't maKe iT aS funNy.
so EnjoY aNd sEe iF yoU enjoY it as muCh aS I did :)

Kisah aNi baNar-baNar teJadi MasAku kaNak-kaNak dauLu. BapA sLalu MemaRaki maTA KaLauku BeuLah. MisaLannYa, KaLau ke kAdai, kaLauku TeseLiuRkan guLa-guLa, aDa tiA MemaRaki maTa artiNya MenyuRuh MenaruH seMuLa guLa-guLa aTu. sKali atU, aku iKut bApa ke suRau tUk seMbaHyaNg magHrib. Masa ruKuk, ku Liat kaiN peLiKat iMam tesApit di ceLah punGgungnYa. Aku yaNg 'kUnUn'nYa Kan MEnuLUng, tArusKu Tarik kaiN yaNg tesApit aTu. BaPa yAnG semBahyaNg sbaLahku MaraK maTa taRUs!! Aku pUn faHamtaH jUa maKsuDnya aTu, aPaLagi..... tARusKu maSuKkan semuLa kaiN peLikat iMam aTu ke ceLah punGgungnYa maCam taDi.

"EyyHhhHh MAmanYA $^&@*# pOcOT KrenG koNg kENg!!"

GigiRan taRus iMaM ah. Habis saTu jemaah baTal SemBahyaNgnyA keKajutaN ImaM meNyuMpah-NyumPah. MeraH paDam mua baPa maCam meNahanKan keJambaN! Di iRitnYa ku baLik Ke ruMah. MaLam Tu, TeKuLadaS saJa iNda KuLit PunGgunGkU Kana aCut! huiiiiiii~~

MoraL CeriTa : JanGan meManDai KaN meMasukKan kaiN ke ceLah pungGung iMam.


Tuesday, 17 June 2008

a bReak in Break?

coFfee or ratHer waTer brEAk foR mosT of uS in tHe ofFiCe iS thE timE to poliSh up tHe bonDing beTweEn colleGueS aNd friENds

buT aS we wEre sitTing thErE in ouR coSy litTLe coFfEeRooM.. diScuSsinG aboUt tHe LAstesT moVieS on reLeaSe.. huLk HoGan? I muTtereD out confiDentLy hahAHahaHaha PAcah soraNg-soRang ketawa haHAhahaAHah eRrrrmmm inCrediblE huLk sebenarnya haAHaAHaha is ouT aNd so is tHe hapPening, a musT muSt waTch for me... caN't waiT to see tHese.. beEn getting gooD reviEw on tHe hapPening..

bUt anyhO... tHiS iS wHat liTeraLLy haPpenEd duriNg tHe huLk diScuSsioN...

a friEnd diCoveRed tHat hE haD "huLk" poWeRs.. hahaAHaHahaAH hE haD unDerEstimaTed hiS oWn strength! PataH waH handLe mug yang dipakainya aduhhh hahahahaha aTu kuAt ;)

pLayiNg tHe miNi EntRepRenEur

Last SunDay wAs a heCtic daY foR me..
MoM hAd joiNed a miNi bAzaaR foR RTB's CuStomEr Day,
aNd beiNg tHe (OnCe uPon a tiMe agO) bakiNg entHusiaSt, I jumPed aT tHe chaNce to nutuRe tHe mucH uNuSed "taLent" *eHem*

mY choCoLate coVereD cooKies aNd UltimatE chocoLate caKe tOOk me tiL 5.30 am to Get eM donE, buT I manaGed to seLL oFf aLL oF my chocolaTe caKE. BetunGkat maTa ... RaSa juA kan iSki jaDi "business gaL" ani hahaHAahh prActiCE bah ahh... I mighT haVe a knAck in iT ;)

sOme oF tHe iTemS oN saLe tHat daY...
CokE FloAt... juSt looKing at it mAkes yOuR tastebuds tingle don't it ;)

moM's aSsorTed CakEs, seLLinG likE hoT caKes!!! a FavoriTe aMongsTs tHe payinG costomERs..

thiS onE wAs a biT oF a puZzlE foR me... peoPLe kePt askiNg wHat kiNd oF laKsa... aNd All I couLd mustEr was... LaKsa BrunEi?! cuBa sKali naK laGi!! yuMm haHAHa

ChiKen riCe, MoM anD Dad'S speCiaLty.. PeoPLe kEpT coMinG baCk foR moRe! hahaHAaHaAH baSar-BasAr Lagi tu ayaMnyA kaLah jua aYam nasi Katok ermm haAHaHaha... @$2 per paCK iTs a baRgaiN!

tHerE wEre pLEnty moRE on saLe bUt I'd "forgotten" to takE picTurEs. bUt aLL in aLL i haD a gooD timE :) aNd it waS greAt fun

terima kasih padA yaNg sudI berkunjung ke "gerai" kami hhehehehehe esyeeehhh hahahahAHAhahaAHahhahaahaha

Monday, 9 June 2008


iTs oooUuuuwwwhhhhHHH soooOOOoo geEEwwwddDD yuM!!

a friEnd intRoduCed mE to a deviliShly sinfuL chocoLate caKE, tO thoSe wiTh loW reSolutiOn Look aWay hahaAHAHahah especially yang diEt atu hahahah beK jaNtah diliat nii haAHHAAH

tHis sCrumptuouS diSh is simply diviNEeeeeee, itS roundEd and wHen you cut into iT tHe chocolate SauCe in it juSt oOzEsss ouTT ouuuwwhHHHH yummmmm

CheeSebox haVe outDonE themselVes... Even thE presEntatioN makEs youR mouth Water :)

Sunday, 8 June 2008

LatE niTe shoW

anotHer laTe niGht moVie oN a sAtuRday.. haD to HaVe my cUp oF caPucinnO tO keEp Me Up tHRough tHe niGht..

Just look aT thiS.. my cup of caFFiNe to reAdy me foR thE two houR moviE show... i loVe it wHen tHat lil Extra eFforT iS put in tHe presentatiOn ;)

it taKes tHe joY oF driNkinG coFfee Up anoTher leVeL

tiRamisu Latte anyoNe? hahAHAhah adakAh si aDek nDa ngakuN ya minum Kupi... Latte ni ndA kupi kaN leNg? haHAHAHAHAAHaHaha

tHe moVie of ChoiCe last night?

tWo woRds to deScriBe it.. MaGniFiQue aNd HiLLaRiouS!!!
I aBsoLutELy loVe iT!! iT kept mE on My toES!! foR the fiRst tiMe evEr i couLdnt siT stiLL aNd kePt movIng forWard in my sEat... Rasa jua kaN Liat aMpir lagi tu HAAHaHahaHA
My dibS oN it?! a DefiniTE muSt WatcH!! EspeCiaLLy wHen yOu juSt nEEd a GooD Laugh! aND tRussSSsst You Me... tHiS wiLL keEp You LaughiNg tIL tHe eNd! I couLdn't heLp buT aPPLaud tHe moviE oNce tHe cRediTs rollEd heheHeheh pAstu ada jua rasa caM si Falui tapuk2 tangan soRang2 AHAHaHahahAHhahahahahhaah buT wHo cAreS! I loVEEEddd it!!

Thursday, 5 June 2008

tHe cRaviNgs

tHe muSt haVes iN KL...
sTArRbUUUCCKKkkssssssSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!! sehingga menjilat bibir~~
Haag N DaaZ a dissapoinTmeNt... I reaLLy thouGht thEy'D seRve it thE wAy thEy did in LeicesTer sQuAre tHe biG hAag And Daaz rEstaurAnt... sia-sia pun~

tHe muCh taLked abOut J.Co..... iT wAs uMmm.... oKay... hehehe aLritE aLritE iTs aBsoLutELy deLiciouSSsssss~~~

tHe LoW beForE tHe hiGh

oN tHe daY oF my fLighT to KL.. I got into a Car AcCidEnt.. hHAhah tErriFic riGht?! hahaHA WOuLd'Ve wRotE AbOUt It EArlIEr BuT i jUst cOuLdn't fiNd tHe tiMe aNd I juSt diDn'T waNna thiNk aBout iT.

OuWh mY faVE soNg iS pLayiNg on tHe raDio.. ~~ I reMemBer WhEn My HearT bROkE..~~

Be riTe baCK..

aAAaahhhhHH kEyshiA coLE... yOu rOck baBE!! hahahaha Macam KenaL saJa caRa ku beCakap ahhh hahahahaHAhaAH

sO I waS sayiNg.. I waS on My waY tO haVe LuncH wiTH tHe CousiN wHen..


I hiT tHe caR infrOnt oF me Just aS I waS exiTing a juNctiOn! I didn'T paNiC.. diD't cRy.. aLL I diD wAs took aloOk at tHe DamAge aNd Let oUt a vEry tiRed siGh...

tHe caR I hiT....

tHe daMagE tO my cAr...

aTLeast I aM saFe.... tHouGh tHe $$$$ sPent oN fiXinG thiS couLd bE beTTer oFF bEinG spEnt iN KL!! huhUUuuu~~~

Tuesday, 3 June 2008

soMethiNg siLLy...

I did Say I waS goNNa bLog aBout tHe KL trip buT siNce I haVn't goTTen aNy piCs yeT (awu payah menumpang camera orang ani haAHaAHah TerLupa bah baWa caM sendiRey) tHat'll haVe to Wait..
I thiNk a WeeK aGo oR so... I bumPed inTo soMeonE I neVer wOuLdv'e ExpeCted tO sEe... It's noT mucH oF tHe enCounTer tHat I wantEd to taLk aboUt buT moRe oN hoW iT triGGerEd memOriEs oF thE paSt...
wHeN tHe DooRs oPen aNd You aRe conFronTed witH tHis faMiLiaR faCe juSt StaRinG bLankLy aT yOu. It toOk mE a whiLe tO figuRe oUt who sHe wAs... Man! tHat conFirMs tHe muCh foRgoTTen saGa iN my Past...
I reaLLy waNted tO smiLe buT soMehoW tHe lipS wEren't moVing.. I waS juSt so taKen abAck.. FlaSheS oF meMoriEs caMe fLoodiNg iN.. aT thAt moMent I feLt LiKe I waS in a moVie wHerE evErythiNg stooD stiLL aS iT bluRs aNd aNd moRphs inTo FLashbaCK... aNd tHougH tHe reCall LastEd Less tHaN a fRactiOn oF a miNutE.. iT waS enOugh tiMe FoR hEr to ReaLiSe Who I waS..
She tuRnEd aNd waLked aWay... RefuSiNG tO joIn mE iN tHe conFinEs oF aN eLevaTor... I couLdn't HelP buT smiRk... It wAs a wEiRd fEeLinG... I haD nO bAd thOughTs abOuT her.. JuSt FeELinG tHe diSbeLiEf.... DamiT baNar bruNei aNi NyenTa...
bUt wHen tHe fuLL reaLity oF it suNk in I couLdn't HelP buT laugh OuT louD in tHe priVate saNctuaRy oF my caR. I guEss YoU jUst Can't eRase tHe paSt.. iT haS a Way oF HaunTinG yOu.. hEeheh..
I wAs suRpriSed It didN't huRt.. nOt oNe biT... cOuLd iT bE?... tHat I hAve gOttEn oVer iT.. oVer hiM?... I kNoW I saY iT aLL tHe tiMe.. bUt nEver reaLLy belieVed iT iN my hEart of hEarts... bUt nOw I knoW... I truLy do..
yOu muSt bE woNderinG whO tHe woMan is?.. aHahHa no nAMes ... jUst soMeoNe whO haD a haNd iN makinG my LiFe a miSery For yeArs... tHouGh I knOw iT wAs neVer hEr fauLt...
My guEsS iS hE (sidia bah ey.. exbuyfrin) kePt tHe truRth to hiMseLf... bUt nEvermind..
it's all in God's hand now...
I aM haPpy noW.. GenuiNeLy happy :)