I didn't thinK I waS goNna haVe phoTogRaphiC MemoiRs oF tHe 2nD beLaLonG triP I goT mySeLf intO.. siNce si aDek LupA membaWa diGiCam~~ bUt suRpRiSe suRpRiSe~~ soMeoNe hAd tHe heArt tO burN uS a coPy oF tHe mEmOrAbLe ouTinG~ muDahaN Allah TaaLa memBeri RahmAt.. aMiiinnnn! hehe..
at the pier~ waiting foR the "moto tambanG" luruskah tu? hahah... kana pelawa makan begadiL lagI tuE nyamanNnn~~
Sudah sampai di OBBD.. Meja hidangaN diserBu bertubi-tubi hahahAHAAHaHa kelaparan alum breakfast~
wE wEre giVen bRiefing on tHe methoDs of puTtinG on tHe flyiNg Fox thiNgyMagiC... if you ask me... iT accentuaTed thE nethEr regioNs of tHe Men ErrRrmmm hehe..
tHis iS an eXcerciSe what I thinKtHey caLLed Leap oF truSt.. iTs baSicaLLy uS LeaviNg ouR fatE to tHe teaM.. faLL baCkwaRds aNd hoPe tHat tHey LovE yOu enougH tO noT Let yOu faLL fLat oN tHe gRounD. berblister jua tangan menarik.. hahaha
hahhahahahaha shoWs hoW mucH I trusTed my feLLow friEnds hahaha I triEd to chicken ouT in tHe lasT minuTe buT my body had alrEady faLLen baCkwaRds anD insteaD I waS fLailing my aRm maCam pEnGuin yang perasaN pandai teRabang huuuhuuu~~~ maCam saLutinG hiTLer jua aKu tu hahahahahaha
hahahahaha bUt trUe enough.. they didn't fail and caught me :)
this exCerciSe iS i guEss to heLp get riD of ouR feAr oF wAteR.. wE haD to subMerSe oUr whoLe boDy iN wAtEr... nOt aN eaSy feAt wHen yOu aRe wEaring a LiFe-JackEt *aHem* I mEan fLoating dEviCe aS thE instruCtoR teLLs it... timbul jua masih~~ haha
LooK at thiS viEw.... iSn't it just sEReNe... pRaiSe to tHe phoTogrAphEr... yOu HavE taLent.
tHe triP uP thE canoPy wAs toRtuRe!! a fLag oF stairs tHat totaLs 1226 stePs!! tapi sudaH sampai diataS cuba liaT~~ Lawa viEwnyA... it takEs your brEath awaY~
aNd guEsS wHat?! I geT to do thiS aLL oVer agAin!! tHiS saTurDay! cEpt iTs aN ovEr nighT sTay.. duuuM duM dUUUMmmm thiS tiMe I'm deFiniTelY taKiNg mY oWn piCs~~ heheh
okiEs... wheRe's my cheCkLiSt.... wouLdn't waNt tO foRget any esSenciaLs.. suNbLocK... shoWer geL... hmmmm hahHAha
at the pier~ waiting foR the "moto tambanG" luruskah tu? hahah... kana pelawa makan begadiL lagI tuE nyamanNnn~~
Sudah sampai di OBBD.. Meja hidangaN diserBu bertubi-tubi hahahAHAAHaHa kelaparan alum breakfast~
wE wEre giVen bRiefing on tHe methoDs of puTtinG on tHe flyiNg Fox thiNgyMagiC... if you ask me... iT accentuaTed thE nethEr regioNs of tHe Men ErrRrmmm hehe..
tHis iS an eXcerciSe what I thinKtHey caLLed Leap oF truSt.. iTs baSicaLLy uS LeaviNg ouR fatE to tHe teaM.. faLL baCkwaRds aNd hoPe tHat tHey LovE yOu enougH tO noT Let yOu faLL fLat oN tHe gRounD. berblister jua tangan menarik.. hahaha
hahhahahahaha shoWs hoW mucH I trusTed my feLLow friEnds hahaha I triEd to chicken ouT in tHe lasT minuTe buT my body had alrEady faLLen baCkwaRds anD insteaD I waS fLailing my aRm maCam pEnGuin yang perasaN pandai teRabang huuuhuuu~~~ maCam saLutinG hiTLer jua aKu tu hahahahahaha
hahahahaha bUt trUe enough.. they didn't fail and caught me :)
this exCerciSe iS i guEss to heLp get riD of ouR feAr oF wAteR.. wE haD to subMerSe oUr whoLe boDy iN wAtEr... nOt aN eaSy feAt wHen yOu aRe wEaring a LiFe-JackEt *aHem* I mEan fLoating dEviCe aS thE instruCtoR teLLs it... timbul jua masih~~ haha
LooK at thiS viEw.... iSn't it just sEReNe... pRaiSe to tHe phoTogrAphEr... yOu HavE taLent.
tHe triP uP thE canoPy wAs toRtuRe!! a fLag oF stairs tHat totaLs 1226 stePs!! tapi sudaH sampai diataS cuba liaT~~ Lawa viEwnyA... it takEs your brEath awaY~
aNd guEsS wHat?! I geT to do thiS aLL oVer agAin!! tHiS saTurDay! cEpt iTs aN ovEr nighT sTay.. duuuM duM dUUUMmmm thiS tiMe I'm deFiniTelY taKiNg mY oWn piCs~~ heheh
okiEs... wheRe's my cheCkLiSt.... wouLdn't waNt tO foRget any esSenciaLs.. suNbLocK... shoWer geL... hmmmm hahHAha
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