
Tuesday, 30 December 2008


I wondErEd whEn I'd get to do thiS... ProMotE thE cuZziEs caFe and biStrO. tHey sErvE wHat I caN boAst aS a supeRbLy deLiciouS seLectioN oF paSta. aNd I kiD yOu noT. I'm no foOd ConnoiSseur bUt I aM an AviD faN.. meAniNg: I eAt mUch of iT haHAHaha!
aLL joKes asiDE, I caN geNuiNeLy saY thAt tHey sErvE tHe beSt paSta in TowN.
a pErfeCtLy cooKed LasaGne onE of thE fEw disHes thAt we saMpLed. Didn't gEt piCs foR thE FetucCini CarbonaRa aNd LinguiNi, iT juSt LookEd so GEeewwdD tHat We cOuLdn't heLp oUrSeLves aNd duG iN aS soOn aS iT WaS ServEd!

tHe driNks aRe a DelighT, hAs oRiginaLity aNd taStes GooD buT aLso disTinCtivE fRom otHEr cAfe's.
sO iF you aRe aRounD tHe kiULap aRea doN't heSiTate tO LooK aRouNd fOr The caFe DuNEs aND you'D be gLad you stoPped by. iT haS a sCeniC viEw to aDD to youR diniNg exPeriEnCe aNd tHe fOod doEs noT diSsapoinT. yOu LeavE feeLinG fuLLy ConTeNt yEt hunGry fOr moRE ;)

jUst aNother Day

WeNt sWimminG aGain witH thE sibLingS... TryiNg to maKe it an oCcasiOnaL thiNg, iTs fuN to juSt swiM anD be siLLy with the boyS. tOo baD I aLwayS forGet tO taKe pictuRes tiL we'Re oUt of thE pLace... buT tHe RoutiNe wouLd be swiM tHeN roAd staLLs buRgeRS yumm HahaHahaa wHiLst waiTing for thE burGerS to Ready wE did tHe fEet phoTO tHat sEem to gaiN popULaritY amonsgT bLoggErs.. go aNd haVe a guEss whiCh foOt is miNe....
Beef BurGer sPeciaL with cHeeSe! haHAHahah nDa peaDah-PeadAH swiMminG?!

fOur tiMes LucKy

a sWeet LitTLe giRL witH eYes sO roUnd aNd LashEs tHat FLuttErs Like ButTerFLieS whiSpErs a LitTLe too LOud saiD
"Kami aDa suRprIsE"
hEr smiLe ReaChed frOm eAr to eAr. Just look at the Dear darLing, hOw cOuLd yOu nOt faLL foR heR chArmS..

tHen Later..... "suRprISe!!"

Makes FouR birThday caKes thiS yeaR, aren't I thE LucKy onE :)

VenTi fRapucciNo anyOne?

noW tHe CofFeE iS only a CoupLe of houRs driVe aWay! StaRbuCKs in miRi!! nEed I saY moRe?

I onLy diScovEred thiS laSt fRiday!

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

aNd tHerE goEs AnotHer..

anotHer year haS paSsed... 2009 fast ApproacHing... noNe oF my 2008 ResoLutioNs (cLeveRLy disguiSed as To do LisT ) I goT doNe... So I 'LL juSt cRoss Out tHe yeAr aNd RecYcLe it fOr tHe up cOminG "NeW" yeaR... saVes me timE to thinK of thinGs I waNt tHat I doNt aLreaDy hAve.. haha kenapa Ku gLoomy saNgat-saNgat todAy... maYbe cOs of tHe thoughT thaT thE speCiaL day haS goNe anD pasSed LikE a wAve on tHe beAch... fOr a suRfEr.. iF you've misSed it yoU've miSsed it.. thEre muight be another one comiNg buT no tWo waVes aRe the saMe.
apakan.. haHAaha
aNyhoW... juSt an ExCusE tO Show off soMethiNg prEtty anD uniQue I goT for tHe bDay....

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

a MerrY suRpriSe

baCk at the ofFicE I thougHt eveRyonE haD forgoTten abouT my Big Day... HahaHa I eveN triEd hinTing to thE maTes tHat toDay I tuRn anoTher ChapteR iN my Life... buT to no aVail thEy acTed aS iF notHinG wAs amiSs... HahHahHa kEs nyaNyaT kNa CeleBrAte.. heY a biRthdaY onLy comEs oNce a yeAr.. wHy noT maKe tHe MoSt Of it kannn kann heHe
tiL laTe in tHe afTernOOn... I aLmosT givEn up oN tryiNg to ReminD tHem...
wHen I saW a fLicKering Light... by the dooRway to my oFFiCe
SeKalinYa...... HahaHa aLL thE oFfiCe maTe baRgeD in aNd saNg tHe eVergReEn jinGLe.. HappEEe birThdaEiii~~~
NamPak TekaJut ku hahaha

HaHaHaAH KunG Fu PanDa?!! hahaAHahaHah
SamA taBam pipi Kami hhuhu~~ hahahahahaha

isKi miniuP liLin hahahaHaHaha

ThaNk You eVeryOne :)

sKin aS whiTe aS snoW

Look aT thE sWeethEarT! shE's absoLutELy GorGeouS! CongrAtuLationS to mY bEst friEnd on thE nEw baby giRL. mWahsSSss!!

doubLe thE suRpriSe

tHe famiLy suRpriSed me wiTH a Cake aT tHe stRokE of midnight. I waS in a Deep stUpoR to fuLLy apPreciaTe theiR geStuRE... hehe muN memotonG Cake puN BetutuP maTa. The caKe waS sOOoo DelisH DQ's oREo iCe-creaM caKE... maLam-maLam buta makan eskrEm... hahahaha no piC coS everyoNe was in tHeiR jaMmiEs (mE all disHeveLed raMbut maCam yang mengilAi di pokok rimBun haHAHahahahaHAaah apakan..)
LoVe yOu aLL for the suRpRisE mWAHhhsSS!!
tWo shoCks in a Row... noW thats something :)

a niGht to RemEmbEr

a birthday surprise to remember....

sHocKeD.. baFfLed... at a LosT For woRds... moSt oF thE tiMe iTs me beiNg fLabbErgHastEd aNd stuNneD siLent... a beautiful SurPriSe

toAstiNg a lonG haPPy aNd wonDerfuL liFe ahEad... tHen thiNgs startEd gettiN cRaZey....

tHank yOu my LoveLiEs, thiS is foReVer in thE boOk oF memoRiEs tHat LasTs a LiFetimE.. I feeL tHe LoVe.

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

ChiT chAt

I'm in a DaZe... SeriouSly I am... The Past FeW moNths CamE aNd wENt aNd I'm FeeLiNg in A sOrt Of DaZE... THingS happEninG aLL aRounD me Yet beinG in It wHilSt Watching From tHe ouTsiDE... I'm woNderiNg if I aM MakinG anY SenSe aT aLL...

sTare into the diStanCe.. Let it coMe to you... quietly in the paSsing wind... liKe meLody to a Song... aPakan?! Atu PoEtiC haha
Had goNe to viSit gRammA, she waS gLad to seE me... aNy GranDpaRent wOuLd bE. It maDe sENse to bE thEre... I haDnt beEn abLE to spend time with them.... An ExcuSe moRe thaN not... A wiSe pErson oncE saiD to me... "yOu will nEver haVe timE, UnLesS you Make TImE"
WiSe woRds.... My moMs ActuaLLy...
NiNiKu SayaNg... ShE didN't EveN reaLiZe I waS taKinG heR piCture.. Sweet Nini MwaHS! As AlWayS GraMMa's NesCafe LEaVes A waRm FeelinG linGering in the pits of my tumMy... noT just becaUse its hot coFfeE... bUt mOre a SenSe of hoMEynEss oNe fEELs wHen in tHe comPany oF LovEd onES..

mentaL noTe to SeLf.... MuSt ViSit My GraMps moRe oFten!

Tuesday, 9 September 2008

iN fuLL bLooM..

I LovE flOwErs~ aNd noW...
mY oRchiDs Are in BloOm~ iTs suCh a penaWar maTa... I hoPe thEy Last tiL eiD
oUuhhh aiNt it prEtty

weLL... I haVe DaDdy tO tHanK fOr THem..

Monday, 8 September 2008

a piEcE of HaVen

CoFfee wiTH a viEw...
SooN OpEninG to CatEr to thoSe who EnjoY tRanquiLity aNd GooD food

aaaaaAhhhhhh wOuLd yoU looK aT thAt..

a snEak pEek oF whAt's To coME....

tHe BesT oF LuCK to tHe couSinS on tHiEr bRavE EndeaVour

aLL by myselF

so there i was.. Just reaChed home From tHe cLiniC haVing suFFereD from naSal bloCkage aNd RunNy noSe foR a litTle more tHan a wEek.. tHe doC gaVe Me tWo daYs LeavE yeAHhhh~ heAvy wiTh fEvEr hEad aLL wooSey.. noSe aLL reD aNd eYes aLL WatEry..
I juSt couLdn't wAit to LiE in bEd aNd sLeep tHe fLu aWay... buT puAsa masiH ey... tO my uTer deMiSe... I HaD loSt my HouSe Keys... wiTH no oNe hoMe I waS leFt tO my oWn deVicE in My Car... LuckiLy I stiLL haD sQuaRe piLLoWs fRom My miRi Trip... I havE yeT to BloG abouT thAt... So tHEre I waS geTting cOsy.. ReCLinEd tHe SeAt a LitTLe aNd wAs reaDy to DoZe oFf..

buAt muKa sePoSen... hahahahah minTa kesian Huhu~

AboUt aN hOuR LatER.... MasiH naMau TetiDur.. FeeliNg pReTty boRed aNd hEad spiNning a LiTtlE bit..

tHe viEw I waS loOkinG aT...

tHe tWO cUtiEs tHat Kept mE compaNy..
GettiNg sO veRy boRed aFtEr tWo hoUrs oF naMau juA teTiDur waLaupun kePala baRat saNgat-sanGat...
I soMEwhAt feLT LikE beiNg in a SubmArine... But heY hey not long aFter aDa tia BisperindungaN

Monday, 1 September 2008

najiS oWh najiS~

aNothEr StoRy To maKe you smiLe.. hopeFuLLy ;)

Ceta ani datang diceritakan dari telinga ke telinga... dari mata ke hati.. apakan.. huhu
Masa jaman nini ku plang ni... banar kah inda tuhan saja yang tau. kana cetakan oleh nini kawan ku ke bapanya pastu ke kedia...

Yatah ceritanya...

Masa majlis nikah, imam kadi batanyakan pengantin laki.... sambil-sambil meredikan si pengantin laki kan di ijab kabulkan...

Ceritanya nini kawan ku ani si marke lah namanya, ramai pulang urang memeratikan, duduk besila mengelilingi imam kadi sama raja sahari. Pasal jarang meliat majlis majlis miani ani. si marke duduk bersila atu ingsut-ingsut mengampiri kan mendangar apa yang kadi tanyakan. Rupanya macam-macam jua ditanya imam kadi.

Imam kadi betanya pasal sehari brapa kali wajib sembahyang, laju lagi tu jawap si pengantin laki "lima tuan imam". Imam kadi betanya lagi, bagi contoh najis kecil, ia pun menjawap aying kamih baby. Imam kadi pun angguk-angguk, lurus tah pakah tu jawapannya.

Betanya lagi imam kadi ani, nya bagiku contoh najis basar. Bukan main labat paluh si pengantin laki..... tetulih kanan tetulih kekiri... si makre pun tegarak kan menulung mambagi jawapannya.. kan bisiknya takut jua ya kedangaran imam kadi... inda peadah-paedah ia yang karang kana nikahkan...

Munjung mulut si marke diam-diam menyabut " taei kuyuk tau babi", tapi inda jua paham si manis anie rasa jua kan menulung bisik si marke dalam hati.... di liatnya pengantin makin bepaluh-paluh menguliat macam giuk kana simbah.

Tapi inda lama lapas atu... macam semua urang arah majlis atu kana sampuk!.. banyak yang krem parut... semua yang lurus minum time atu menyimbur semula minuman abisdia memerancit... abis basah urang-urang yang inda bedusa.

Marke pun ia juanya, minuman yang baru ditaguknya abis memerancit ke muka imam kadi!
Apa inda... antadi bukan main sunyi semua urang kan mendangar jawapan pengantin masa kana tanya pasal najis basar.. jawap pengantin laki...

"Taei GAJAH!"

Thursday, 28 August 2008

ranDoM aS raNdoM gEtS

Im in a BluR thiS weEk.. ProLLy Cos tHe faSting monTh iS juSt aRound thE coRner... giRls wiLL be giRls... pLenTy to ThinK aBout... tHiNGs tO do in tHe moNth oF raMadhAn in pRepaRation oF eiD~
tHe taiLorinG inDusTry is CreaTing a buZz~ I remembEr yeArs baCk.. iT didnT mattEr iF you Sent youR baJu kUruNg/KebaYA/FashiOn aNd tHe wHaChamaCalLit to bE maDe in thE miD of raMadhAn.. aNi... mnangis Nda beLagu mErayu paT taiLoR kaN mintA jahiTkan wuaHaha hMmm I senSe a busiNess proSpecT thErE... inshaAllah.. kaN cari duit labih... tAu tah maSa ni naDa laGi peNcen... haRapkaN tau-tAu senDiri tuK dapt mata peNcariAn... Urang luAr bOLeh hidUp aNd maju di negAra tani.. anikan kiTani Sendiri, inDa ja?! hahaAHAahahah apakan?!

aNyhO, putTing thAt asiDe... HavE you SeeN SCB's nEw poSters? well noT nEw buT iTs nEw to mE cos I jusT caughT a glimps oF it fEw daYs baCK (though I heard abOut it wAy back ;) heHEeh sorRy leNg aLum tEkarih Kan aGa SCb haAHah aPParEntLy noT wHere I Bank.. GO fiGUre haha)

aiNt She jUst goRgEous.. I haV a CeLeb CussiE... Saaaaaiiinnn~~~ haAHaAHahaAHhahahahah eYh hoLd on jUst a minUte.. is thaT a reFlectiOn oF my aDi on thE gLAss.. hahaHAAh kEwl poSe maCam ya jua jaDi modEL hahahahaha ;)

Next oN thE liSt oF thiNgs to taLk aBouT is tHe noT so RecEnt aRrivaL oF thE nEweSt membEr on my moMs siDE... Meet.. ERrrrmmm whaT's hiS namE... hahaHaAhaha soRry Cuz For forGetting youR aNak's NamE *shEEpisH smiLE* (yetah tu namakan lagi panjang2 hahahaAHahAahhh tau sudaH aKu ni NoT gooD witH naMEs whahah)

yA aIiiiiiNNnnn membagi kan mengigit wahhh pipinyaa!! suCh a cuTe babeYyy

tHe ruBiC's FreNzY iS hiTting toWN, kiDs in schOoLs aRe buGging tHeir paRentS to geT thEM oNe, oR so I HeaRd... buT cHeck ouT thEsE oneS!!! maKe your minD boGgLE aT tHe sighT of thEM!

baH soLve tiA waNg aJi haAHaHah

taDaaAAAAa~~~ i soLved it! haAHaHaAhaahahh

I'm in tHe oFfiCe at thiS moment.. aT lunCh tiMe ni ahhhhh~~ remEmbeRing tHe laSt tiMe I haD mE a reaLLy gEwwd heLpinG of pAsta wiThe creaM sauCe ouuhhh yum.. it waS aT mataDoe.. tHe caKEs aRe aWesoMeeeeeely devinEEeeee~~ muCh MuuuuChhhh beTTer from thE fiRst tiMe i ate tHeRe a YeaR oR two agO...


aNi baRu nyaMan baGI OLEgaNOH!!<<> aCcent aUnty MaY/meI/mEy hoWevEr You speLL it.. thE funny laDy who doeS thE 247 aDveRt on Kfm hahahahahAHahAH

Hmmmm.... kiNna miSs Mr.oRegaNo hAHahahaAHahah ;)

Tuesday, 26 August 2008

MoM & Me

I wAs DriviNg moM tO woRK.. We jUst haD luNch wiTh dAd.. (I volenTeeRed to driVe my Mami, aNak mithali yO.. HahahAHaha.. aminnnnn)

mOm waS taLking aBouT sOmethiNg aNd aLL oF a suDDen...


I LandEd a SoFt hiT on Mom! "BeeTLe!!" I proClaiMed wiTH gLee.. Mom giGgLed...

noT loNg aFteR... *sMAcK!*

"TOyoTa!" maMi eXclaimEd as she Landed onE on me!

wHat thE@#!??


aNtaM saJa tia haAHahaAHa so I plAyed aLonG...


mE: niSSan!!


Mom: roVer!!


Me: Audi!!


Mom: BmW!!


mE: MeRc


MoM: LoRi!!!!!!!!!


I couLdn't stOp LaughinG... caLieee my mami ani nyenta!

yOu knOw I LoVe You!

Tuesday, 5 August 2008

uTamaKan baHasa kiTa

I remembEr baCk in mY schoOl daYs... I couLdn't uTTer Let aloNe undErsTand muCh of tHe EngLish LanguagE.. sO I took Up ReadinG aNd haD my diCtionaRy wiTH me aT all tiMes..
Now.. BelieVe iT oR noT... I struGGle wiTh bahasa MelaYu.... aDuhhhhh MAriMaLuuuuu hahAHahaHAah bahaSa senDiri wahhh... sO the past Few dayS I decided To do tHe saMe thinG I did baCk in sChool... Cept noW in ReVerSe....
sO I bought a MalaY noVel....
Rasa jua kan menfaSihkAn baHasa Melayu KwaNNNggg~~~

mahal tu Eyh tajUk bukuNya aHhhhhhhhh *HAhahAHaHahaHAaHaahaAaAAHhaaAHhahhaha*

GooD Luck TO mE!!

Monday, 4 August 2008

piRatE of The piCkLedsEas

tHere wAs oNce a piRate KiNg who cLaimeD taXes on aLL tHe oReganO in thE SeaS.. hE declAred Mc D aS sTapLe foOd foR thE hunGry aNd onLy tHoSe who plAy goLf aRe eXempteD fRom tHeSe ruLes

baGi meLindunGi iDentiTi *ehEm*... CEriTa diAtaS tiDak aDa kenE meNgEna deNgan yang hiDup maupuN yaNg sudAH tiaDa.. EHeM.. aDa yaNg knA cubiT teLinGa ni kaRang.. hahaAHAhahahaha

baGi yaNg cuRiga... tanya jangan tak tanya... buT I caN't prOmiSe an anSwer haHAhah

Je pense qu'il est adorable et il me fait le rire

Sunday, 3 August 2008

tHe 2 hoUr piZza

sO thEre We wErE in thE moOd foR piZza.. aNd wiTh a phoNe caLL tHe promiSe of deLiveRy was maDe for 30-45 miNs of aRRivaL...

tuNggU punya tunGGu... jaNgankAN piZZa.. baTang hiDung deLiveryMAnnya pun Nda Keliatan..

a fULL houR paSsed...

StiLL notHing...

aFter another few minutes ovEr tHe HouR I decided to makE a quiCk caLL to inQuiRe aboUt thE iLLusiVe piZZa.. A girL answEred thE caLL anD shE was prEtty niCe aboUt it.. Very apoLogetiC abOut tHe whoLe thinG..

aNotHEr full HaLf hour paSSed.... stiLL no piZZa!!
SO aNoTHer caLL was maDe....

mE: heLLo...
piZZa Guy: heLLo piZza H#t (mesti jua di seNsor... duSa membuRukkaN biSneS urANg *eHem*)

mE: aku order piZza tadi sampai ni belum sampai *alum marah*

piZza gUy: *denGan suAra aNnoYed* braPa lama Dah kiTa menunGGu?

mE: kaN dua jaM *tERannoYed juA*

piZza GuY: oWh kaMi teLefoN kiTa taDi nDa beJawaP

mE: Ku minTa kiTa teleFon hP ku tAdi.

piZZa guY: aWu yetah kami teleFon Hp kiTA nDa beJawap

*aDehhhhhh kiRim-saLam-eyH! timbuL heRan gAban*
mE: hmmMMm yeakah? hP ku ni diTangan ku napa ya naDa bebunyi atu ahhh....

piZza Guy: Em.. aWu kaMi tEleFoN taDi unReachAbLE

Me: *aNnoyEd aND bERasap TeLinGA maCam kEta apI steam engine* aHhhh.. baH terima kaSih.. caNceL saJa oredeR ahh baH bYe. *taRuS Lagi Tu tutuP tEleFon keS protEs hahA*

15 minuTes laTer..... fooT sTepS aLonG thE coRRiDoR...

si "piJa" deliveRy gUy bEdirI dapaN pintu... aDuiiiiii saMpai juA si "piJA"!

Saturday, 19 July 2008

feStiVal of LighTs

wHen iT rainEd it pOuRed.. buT it didN't ruin tHe beautY of LighTs displaY at the capitaL
tHrough tHe rain DropS yOu couLd see....neoN coloUrs shiNinG awAy.. esEmeN haAHAhaha poEtiC aku ahh hahahahaHAha
FloWerS aLiVe wiTh the ligHtings..
tHe traFfiC a littLe congestEd.. bUt noT as bAD

sOmethiNg oLd.. somEthinG neW..

my nEw piEce oF "macHinery"
iT waS loVe aT fiRst siGht...

iSn't it thiNg oF beAuty?.. ElegaNt aND sLeek to Say thE Least..

Wednesday, 16 July 2008

a Great nighT

tHe evENt of luXury.. For me tHat is..
Elegant SettiNg...

DesSerTs tHat maKes youR moutH wAter Just loOking aT it... *oUuhhhh*aNd me tRyinG to Look tHe paRt... *ahuKs*

MakE uP doEs wonDErs~ *HAhAHahAHahahaAHAHaH*

Monday, 14 July 2008

tHe yeLLoW siGn

tHeRe waS a tiME whEn peoPLE weNT maD witH tHe squaRE yeLLoW tAgs.. soMe eVEn haD tHeiR reaR wiNDshieLd aLmosT coVEreD witH thEsE tAgs.. sOme so Very Lame aNd forGettaBle.. otHErs aRe tHe bUtt of joKEs aNd soMe maKEs yOu Laugh oUt lOud..

tHe onE I rememBer LaughiNG to sampai kan krem pipi...

"muAt KEraBau seEkoNG"

aNd ReCentLY....
I couLd ReLate! AHahaHAAHaHAAHah wouLdn't put it on my Car buT Im LovinG thiS onE!!