"Expecting the world to treat you fairly because you are good is like expecting the bull not to charge because you are a vegetarian." - Dennis Wholey
Saturday, 30 June 2007
Dum dUm daDum...
You aRe but a MerE being that God created of which
The sTory GoeS:
NurSe: owh that's ok then...
NEVER let L.a.S. dictate your liFe...
Life's CoinCidenCes... oR is it ?!
Ok ok maybe the first two pictures looked staged... but how do you explain this one
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
gO sUsHi
hehHehEeh It was so endearing to watch the kids get excited about the sushi train aNd the LittLe oNes giGgLEs oveR getting the JellyS yummM!
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
I dOn't waNt sCanDaL...
Monday, 25 June 2007
cOoKinG mAdE eAsY!
Thursday, 21 June 2007
a NighT to RemEmBer.... *SoB* HAhHA
But that's not what I'm meaning to write about...
I Was iN a Rush to Leave thE houSe cOs I was aLready Late (what else is new?! Haha.. It's either a lil late or a lil too earLy but raReLy on-Time!)
After The CreePy DriVe back home... (A different story altogether.. my neighbourhood gets real quiet and Eerie past mid-night..) I was Exhausted and was SoooooOOo ReadY to Jump into Bed (Need to wake EarLy for wOrk)And Just as I stepped into the room.....
Me: "wHaT tHe???!!!"
My room Looked like Venice!!!! the sinking city.. (Thank God it Didn't smell like it) My carpet was totally Soaked!!!!!! I hear water RuNning... EeeerrrRRRRKKKkk!!!!!! tHe tAp in the wAshRoom!!!!! I left it runNing?!!!!
Me: "JusT whAt I nEEd... *SiGh*" ( toO exHauSteD tO pAniC... tOo sLeePy tO cRy...)
MoraL oF tHe sToRy:
OnLy rEaCt wiTh FuLL eMotiOn wHeN sOmEoNe eLSe iS tO bE bLaMed?!
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
aWaiting iTs ArRivaL...
A musical... annnndddd John Travolta iS in it!
DeLiveRieS miSunDersTooD
Monday, 18 June 2007
tHe sUrPriSe tHaT wEnT aLL WrOnG....
Thursday, 14 June 2007
tReNd SetTinG...
These ones are Frightfully.... foR tHe DisTurbed Mind... HehHe
These aRe a Bit CruDe.... Not fOr the Kiddies...
Ok the next few oNes Are fOr AduLt eYes only
KidDies pLeaSe aVerT yOur EyeS KayS....
(Wouldn't Want A mOb oF angRy PareNts At mY dOorStEp... *HAHaha*)