
Saturday, 30 June 2007

Dum dUm daDum...

Tomorrow's a sPeciaL dAy foR sOmEoNe....

thE biG dAy!

uh.. I guEss cOnGrAtuLatioNs aRe in oRdEr....

so... uhhmmm...


In honour of this auspicious event I thought of an enlightening
observation made in matrimonial bliSs....

Saw this happen last night on the way home from an errand...

SceNario: CroSSinG tHe rOaD..

A couple... Apparently NewLywEds......

Doting HusBand TakEs grEat CaRe of beLoVed WiFe holDing her by the hAnd aNd BraVes TrAFFiC fLagging Cars to Stop like the traffiC poLice. UsheRing the BeautifuL New bRide AcrOss The StreeT to oPen thE dOOr fOr her to ComFOrtabLy Seat HErsELf in tHe pArKed caR....

Not far...
Two PeopLe Walking ALong side each other...

my guess... 10 years or so of marraige(or even less)...

The HagGarD LookiNg hUSband RushEs ThRough thE on Coming TrAfFic nOt eVeN cArinG to LoOk wheTher the CaRs Are sLowing dOwn To let hiM PasS... WhiLst thE wiFe.. stiLL on the other siDe of tHe roAd... LoOkS oN maKinG suRe iT was SaFe to CroSs..

Rationale (optimistic view):

NewLyweDs: The FirsT is stiLL hOT neW LoVe henCe itS "We LivE together Or Die in Each OtherS armS..." Sweet really....

10 years Marraige: the loVe develops to... moRe sacRificiaL kinD of LoVe... the Husband is making sure that it is saFe for his wife to croSS anD oFfers HimseLf aS a CraSh-tEst duMMy... Owhhh touching....

Pessimistic view:

NewLyWeds: The Husband thinks "Who wouldN'T wanna marry a romantic guy like me" proudly shows off his caring soft side.

10 years of maRRaige: Is marraige reaLLy that baD???!!! you wanna kiLL youRsELf?!!!


I can't Say I look ForWarD to GettinG hitchEd if the 10 years Later turNs ouT as SucH...


Times oF illneSs comes and you are handed a reality check..
yOur mortality becomes evident.
You aRe but a MerE being that God created of which
He can do on to what pleases Him....
WhooAaa now that's deep...

Simply put..

I fell ill.

The Doctor put it down as a viral flu or something... He mumbled it.. or atleast I thought he was telling me.. eiher that or he could just be thinking loudLy...
I bLame myself for getting sick...

The sTory GoeS:

NurSe: If you are feverish you shouldn't be getting this jab..

Me (Not wanting to go through the hassle of going out of my way to get there again.. hey I'm already here aren't I?!) : I'm not.. Its just a bit of the sniffles and a few caughs :D (A BIG healthy smile just to confirm)

NurSe: Are you sure? Cos if you are Feverish... it'll only worsen the fever...

Me (think brain... think! Nows the time to shine!!!): Owh its the dust... I'm allergic (I am allergic to dust... so that doesn't count as lying.. right?... )

NurSe: owh that's ok then...

ME: Ouuuucchhh!!!
And she pokes the DaRn HypoDermic needle in me like noBody's busineSS

Around 2 Hours Later.....

my body starts heating up.... you could cook an egg if you let it touch me..
My vision starts getting watery... Owh dear...
Not to mention the very throaty RoarinG caughing and sneezing fits i Get into...

Note to self:

NEVER let L.a.S. dictate your liFe...

Life's CoinCidenCes... oR is it ?!

SomEonE has said that LiFe iS a MyStery...
FoRResT guMp compaREd it to a Box oF cHocoLates... or was it his mom that said it?!... I forget.. aNyho..
iF life wasn't filled with it's mysteries it'd be utterly DuLL wouldn't it...
So whEn an EmaiL caMe aNd pReSenteD itSeLf as soMe of LifE's swEet coinCidenCes...

I saw A bLoGgiNg oPPurTuniTy haHAHha

Cheeeky... it looked like he had an aFro... the outFit anD pOSe he had on sure suited it though HEHehe

Hahah cute..

Ok ok maybe the first two pictures looked staged... but how do you explain this one

It had me in stitches!!!

Wednesday, 27 June 2007

gO sUsHi

A sushi niGht fiLLed witH LaugHteR anD kidDie fuN
I Was treated to a reaL niCe N fiLLinG suShi mEaL last nite...


ThankS ka ;D *mMwaHsS*
Yang inda ampit jan jeles
Translation: ThoSe whO didN't gEt a cUt... BoHooo....
*hAHAHahahah* (evil laugh)
(I say it with the warmest anD Sincerest Love in my heart...You know I love you hahahaHAhaha)

The jellY baBies!!!

hehHehEeh It was so endearing to watch the kids get excited about the sushi train aNd the LittLe oNes giGgLEs oveR getting the JellyS yummM!

HoPe whEn I haVe kiDs they'D be as aDorabLe...

Tuesday, 26 June 2007

I dOn't waNt sCanDaL...

I think i have a problem...

it's not easy to admit to having problems...
but it's funny that I am admitting this in the World wiDe Web... for anyone who has access to the internet.... and to thoSe who'd have the time of day to stop by my blog and read what I write here..

I think i have L.a.S.
No.. I meant to say I do have L.a.S.
What do you mean you dont know what that is?!!
Don't worry It isn'T contagious... It definitely is a ReaL disease!
Devastating to the suferer and their loved ones....
Yes... I admit... I haVe L.a.S.
The onLy thing that keeps me going is thinking of things that reaLLy matterS...
The loved oneS

The onEs I loVe.. HehHe...


LaZy aR$e SynDrOme!!!!!!


Monday, 25 June 2007


The enSembLe I'm GaggiNg to have!!!
Isn't it Just GOrgeous!

sOmEthinG to LaugH aBouT..

I thought This wAs FunnEh!! HaHEha

cOoKinG mAdE eAsY!

I use to loVe to cook, Bake and All that it entails...
SomeHow theSe dAys cOokinG has loSt itS aPpeaL to me... wHere onCe it was kinna a HobBy... now it seems like an EfforT!
but.... bY sOmE GodLy MiracLes I have conjured up enough eFfort to cook something I didn't expect I could HEhe... AlwaYs tHe dRaMa-QuEeN! HAha!

Chicken CurRy & Roti pRataYuMMiEEEeeee

TheSe Days eVeryThing iS maDe eaSy!
EspeciaLLy with Ready to cook pOwders that Needs onLy waTer and the Key Ingredient!
i.e. if you wanna cook chicken You are gonna Need the Chicken heHE...

Thursday, 21 June 2007

a NighT to RemEmBer.... *SoB* HAhHA

iT's sUmMer!!!!!
In FoUr seaSons RegioNs oF thE worLd...
BuT tHe DarLinG cOuSin is hOmE aNd iTs mOre tHan eNouGh ReaSon tO CeleBrate :D
LaSt nighT was a bLast..
Outing with the GirLs iS aLways BuckeTs oF fuN.

BinGe GaLoRe!

But that's not what I'm meaning to write about...

I Was iN a Rush to Leave thE houSe cOs I was aLready Late (what else is new?! Haha.. It's either a lil late or a lil too earLy but raReLy on-Time!)

After The CreePy DriVe back home... (A different story altogether.. my neighbourhood gets real quiet and Eerie past mid-night..) I was Exhausted and was SoooooOOo ReadY to Jump into Bed (Need to wake EarLy for wOrk)And Just as I stepped into the room.....


Me: "wHaT tHe???!!!"

My room Looked like Venice!!!! the sinking city.. (Thank God it Didn't smell like it) My carpet was totally Soaked!!!!!! I hear water RuNning... EeeerrrRRRRKKKkk!!!!!! tHe tAp in the wAshRoom!!!!! I left it runNing?!!!!


Me: "JusT whAt I nEEd... *SiGh*" ( toO exHauSteD tO pAniC... tOo sLeePy tO cRy...)

MoraL oF tHe sToRy:

OnLy rEaCt wiTh FuLL eMotiOn wHeN sOmEoNe eLSe iS tO bE bLaMed?!

Tuesday, 19 June 2007

aWaiting iTs ArRivaL...

OOwHHH mY God!!!!!
I would never have believed it hadn't I seen it with my oWn eyeS!!!!!

Being Released in JuLy, a RemakE.

A musical... annnndddd John Travolta iS in it!
You must be thinkinG something Like GREASE maybe?!

Dashing Heartbreaker Looks in "GreAsE"

John Travolta PlayS a BIg Fat WOman!!!

tHe aDorabLe hoMe-girL?!

ThiS I MuSt SeE!!!!!


Men are geniuses.... Especially in saving their Hyde!

This was sent to me in malay but for the reading pleasure of those non-malay speakers I took the liberty of doing the translation ;)

Pintu bilik dibuka dengan kuat dan mengejutkan sepasang suami isteri yang sedang tidur nyeyak.. Seorang lelaki dengan wajah garang mengacukan senjata tajam ke arah si isteri....


The Door was forced open and woke the married couple sleeping in the bedroom. A fierce looking Stranger pointed a Gun to the Wife

Perompak : "Sebelum kamu mati kubunuh, sebutkan namamu!"

Robber : "Before you Die, Tell me your name!"

Isteri : "Na... nama sa... saya... Aisyah"

Wife : "My na.. name is... is Stephenie"
(In hopes of understanding the full extent of the story. Names had to be changed for the benefit of the readers Hehe...)

Perompak : "Aisyah? nampaknya sama dengan nama ibuku. Aku tidak boleh membunuhmu"

Robber : "Stephenie?? That's my mother's name... I can't kill you.."

Lalu dia mendekati si suami dan sambil mengacukan senjatanya.

The Robber moved on the the husband and pointed the Gun on him

Perompak : "Sebutkan namamu. Aku mesti tahu nama setiap orang yang menjadi korbanku."

Robber : "Tell me your name. I must know the names of aLL those I kill."

Suami : "Namaku Irwan.. tapi.... semua orang memanggilku Aisyah...."

Husband : "My name is stephen... but everyone calls me Stephenie..."


DeLiveRieS miSunDersTooD

a CerTaiN sOmEonE who's requested hiS identity to remain anoNymous...
Has CauseD much to Laugh AbOut.

tHe story GoEs...

So there we were.. three of Us. In the Car, hEaDing towarDs an Unidentified Location.
When aLong Came a Van that went past us at the traffic Lights...

I was thinking out Loud and unconsciously said... "wonder what that van carries?.."
And this SomEone.. SoMeoNe wittily (and Confidently I might add) voiced out "They Fix doorS"

Me: "How'd you know that?"

ThE soMeoNe: "Door to Door" (refering to the label on the said Van)


Bursts oF Laughters Later....

Me: "Uhmmm... (trying hard to compose myself and not exploding into fits of laughter again) Door to Door would only mean that they do Deliveries From door to door?!"

"It wasn't Me!"

Monday, 18 June 2007

tHe sUrPriSe tHaT wEnT aLL WrOnG....

Welcome Home you!


OnLy thoSe in tHe knOw... Knows about the surpreeesssseeee


Thursday, 14 June 2007

tReNd SetTinG...

KnoW tHe ever gRowinGLy iRritating inFamouS yeLLow siGns...

Some PeopLe haVe mOrE thaN juSt oNe!!
YeS you heard Me! MoRe thaN oNe!!!!

OnE is neVer Enough ThEse DayS... *sigh*
(Deeper meaning to this... If you've managed to capture the full essence of the sentence.. HahAHa)
No... I'm not gonnA stArt liSting the unbelievabLe quotes peopLe dare to stick on their car wind sheilds..
HoweVer I belieVe making a statement serves better when you have it on you in the form of Printed T-Shirts!

Check these out... found it sold on Amazon

Couldn't stop laughing once I started reading!!It's Uubber funneH!

See what you think of Em

NeedLeSs to Say theSe aRe DeLighTfuLLy SarCasTic...

These ones are Frightfully.... foR tHe DisTurbed Mind... HehHe

These aRe a Bit CruDe.... Not fOr the Kiddies...

Ok the next few oNes Are fOr AduLt eYes only

KidDies pLeaSe aVerT yOur EyeS KayS....

(Wouldn't Want A mOb oF angRy PareNts At mY dOorStEp... *HAHaha*)

These aRe my AbsolutE favouriTes ;D

If you couldn't read the fine print on this one, it says....
"I'm Great iN Bed, I caN sLeeP fOr DayS"