
Saturday, 28 February 2009

doughnut lover

I've been meaning to post this ages ago... krispy kreme~ doughnuts at long last~
saw the cousin eating this on Facebook.. and had the cravings ever since.

eVery single one of em tasted out of this world~ hahah over exagerated but once you sink your teeth into these babies you'll never want anything less~ not even J.Co could compare by miles~
EveryoNe haD different styles of reactions to the experience~ this brother hadn't even taken a bite and he's liking his fingers. The savour-every-moment type... nyaman banar sudah tu... alum lagi merasa sudah terjilat-jilat haha

Adik sorang ani... hahah the-engulf-as-much-in-the-mouth type... impatient to have it all haha sampai bebuka kacamata ani wahhhh

my personal favorite: the in-your-face type of "I'm so enjoying this, i dont care what you think" *LOL*

Last but not least... tHe beyond-satisfaction-high.. just look at my disarrayed hair.. it says nothing else matters~ I'm just so in the moment~


Thursday, 26 February 2009


if you NoticE eacH disH tinggaL satu.... Hmmm selalu dikaitkan dengan being bruneian... not necessarily a bad thing, if you look at it in a way that kemelayuan orang brunei beradap dan bersopan... mengutamakan kehendak orang lain... manatau ada yang teseliur kan mau makan jadi di tinggalkan.

Monday, 16 February 2009


mY triP doWn to Kb.. iT toOk so many attempts, we eVen tried planninG it waY ahEad of tiMe.. iT wOuld in thE enD Get postPonEd.. buKan pulaNg apa, iT's jusT tHat eVeryoNe's goT theiR oWN liVes to LiVe aNd it's quitE a juGGle to fiX a day wHen nothing coulD possibLy gEt in tHe waY of uS enjoyiNg ouR roaD trip. iT waS AwesoME thouGh tHe feeLing... LikE being baCk in Uni.. instEad of tHe train it was tHe caR... aNd in plaCe of sighTseeiNg... iT waS visiting a friEnd, sight seeing jua lah sinCe I raReLy seT fooT in KB.
immagine this... there's only ONE cafe in kb that you cud hang out in... they've got nice food.. but considering the multitude of choices you have at your exposure in bandar.... well... you get the picture. Aside all that, life seemed more relaxed in kb than it is in bandar... and it almost seems that you are in a different time zone altogether.. I guess it would be a very nice place to live in if you are into quiet life :)

My strawberry slush whachamacallit...
A great dRink foR strAwberry LoveRs.. you could really taste the strawberriness.. haha hoW many strawberry can I say in one sentanCe..

sEE how cute sHe iS striking a PoSe :) cuTe lil sHahidaH


on tHe 4th of FebruarY daDdy tuRned fiFty... soMething hEehe
SeLalunya uPon midNight thE family wOuld baNgunkaN tHe bDay ceLebrant aNd KejuTzkaN witH a caKe. Tapi entaH mengaPa on tHe 3rd of Feb atu aKu LangsuNg inDa ingat Bali Cake...
So paDa pagi hari LahirnYa... baPa diaM-diaM saja... kaLi mami pUn bisiK to me... "Lai kamu lupa bdAy bapa?" maCam firE aLarm bunyinyA ditelingaKu. My GooDnESs.... Kami LupA?! his speciaL day...

OtaK pun on OverDrive... Cari jaLan DamaGe coNtroL... TarUs SmS aLL the brotheRs to be homE after worK a.s.a.p.!!
EmeRgenCy bBq aNd of cOurSe tHe suRpriSe plaN... sMs mami to stall baPa biLa baLik kaja... fEuiiHhh anD the moMent of truth caMe....

oNce saJa baPa steP into thE houSe everyoNe chimEd in and saNg haPPy birThday.
He looKed genuinELy surPriSed :D
aNd this oNe piCture of him beLow I had a feeLinG hE waS counTing tHe candLes jusT to sEE if we'd GotteN hiS agE right?

heHE atU panuh kek witH lilin ;P

tHe dedicaTed coOk.. he jusT loVes coOkinG.. his idol: Jamie OlivEraNi tuRun pangkaT jadi Sous cHef cOs si adEk bungSu taKe chaRge oF QUality ContrOl.. Making suRe tHe meATs weRe cooKed to peRfectiOn
diRector yaNg knA asaP haha smoKed haHA

MenambaHkan Lagi aSap... As iF thEre weRen't enougH eMittEd by tHe bbQ... By the by He juSt had his haiR straigHtenEd, we kept teasing him buT he kepT hiS cooL esYehhhh Masa maLam tu So veRy thE fuLL... nOw wheN I look aT it agaiN... *drOOl*

*LOL* tHese bOys.... tHey coMe up witH a nEw deFinitiOn for stRiking A poSe!

Saturday, 14 February 2009

SoMething soMething

isn't it just the cutest thing? I sent an MMS to Mr. Oregano but Couldn't view it... terlalu changgieEh tpunnya yetah ;P haha

Couldn't quite figure out what it is? haha you aren't alone:

Me: waaaaa cutenyaaaaa (macam kanak-kanak masuk candy store errk haha, kami tu kan balikan barang tuk our friend di kaybee tapi biasalah perempuan kalau masuk kadai kan bali one thing end up getting more than what we planned)

NisaH: bali lah babes (she smiles cheeky... my best friend sejak dari dalam perut haha)

Me: you think so? ( eksin eksin minta confirmation dalam hati banar-banar mau)

Nisah: yeah absolutely (she knows my weakness... a big sucker fo all things cute)

Me: I want this one (tarus lagi tu picking the cutest one i could find... bit difficult when all of them are sooooo cute)

Nisah: yeah thats so cute... apakan tu? Giraffe?

Me: No I don't think so...

Nisah: Donkey kali

Me: (looking baffled and tarus ketawa) its a zebra..

Nisah: *paCah ketawa* eyh awu ah!

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

hE's aLL groWn up

yOu don't realiZe chaNge untiL it sLaps you in the facE..
MetaPhoricaLLy speaKing (incAse adA yaNg beLurus ;P )
My brothEr ceLebraTes anothEr bDay....
Mudin's tuRned 25 on tHe 31st...
He's no LonGer thE big eyeD boY wiTh tHe fLirty LashEs haHA
aNd toDay's My daD's... biRthday.. i'LL post about that maybe thrEe dayS frOm now Haha... Kidding...

hiS caKe caMe witH a stoRy... wE got it From DQ... tHe Last in sTore tHat daY... aNd iTs straWBerry fLavouRed haha a giRLy fLavouR... bUt thE stoRy reaLLy is thaT DQ's IcE-CreaM haD ruN Out oF stoCK.. no BliZzarDS.. nO ShaKes... nOthinG Of tHe daiRy soRt. aLL ovEr bruNei sO I was ToLd bY the caShiEr... tiMe tiMe uRang craviNg gReeN tEa bLizZard wiTh aLmonD! (inCase ada yaNg kaN membaLikaN Haha)
*sia sia Pun*


tHere's thiS onE dEsSert tHat I hAve taKen a Liking TowaRds.. iTs simpLe... yet satisFyinG aNd Quite tRaditionaL and delicatE in taSte. When Mom weNt on Her boOk shoPPinG spRee, apaLagi... aMbiL keseMpatan. I founD a booK of recipi tHat haD aLL thE cLassiC deSserts. aNd tHe picTurEs aRe suReLy to maKe one saLavate.... *sLurppp*

aNd tHe bEst part oF it is thiS.... iTs goT thaT onE deSsert thAt I reaLLy LikEd! thE onE I wrotE abOut EarLier.

tHe pictuRe in thE book...

I thoughT to myseLf... tHe reciPi loOked simpLe enough... aNd shouLd be eaSy pEasy... bUt wHat tuRned Out aFter halF an HouR......

tHe bubble jelly didn't lumP aNd thE sugaRy syRup LookEd gReeN!!

HmMMMMmmpppHHH!! beTter LucK neXt tiMe?!

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

dArk skiEs

The weAthEr iS raTheR dReary LateLy... aNd iT's bringiNg me doWN wiTH it.. Was DrivinG hoMe onE daY aNd tHe skiEs LookEd promiSing... wiTH biG bluE patCHes... aNd raYs of suN finDing its waY tHrouGh tHe CLowDs.. I guEssed tHe weaTher wouLd cLear up aNd SunnY dayS wEre aHead..

No soOner wEre tHe foTo taKen wHen the skiEs sudDenLy daRKenEd aNd raiN guSHed tHrough...
sO mucH foR a cLear daY