
Tuesday, 30 December 2008


I wondErEd whEn I'd get to do thiS... ProMotE thE cuZziEs caFe and biStrO. tHey sErvE wHat I caN boAst aS a supeRbLy deLiciouS seLectioN oF paSta. aNd I kiD yOu noT. I'm no foOd ConnoiSseur bUt I aM an AviD faN.. meAniNg: I eAt mUch of iT haHAHaha!
aLL joKes asiDE, I caN geNuiNeLy saY thAt tHey sErvE tHe beSt paSta in TowN.
a pErfeCtLy cooKed LasaGne onE of thE fEw disHes thAt we saMpLed. Didn't gEt piCs foR thE FetucCini CarbonaRa aNd LinguiNi, iT juSt LookEd so GEeewwdD tHat We cOuLdn't heLp oUrSeLves aNd duG iN aS soOn aS iT WaS ServEd!

tHe driNks aRe a DelighT, hAs oRiginaLity aNd taStes GooD buT aLso disTinCtivE fRom otHEr cAfe's.
sO iF you aRe aRounD tHe kiULap aRea doN't heSiTate tO LooK aRouNd fOr The caFe DuNEs aND you'D be gLad you stoPped by. iT haS a sCeniC viEw to aDD to youR diniNg exPeriEnCe aNd tHe fOod doEs noT diSsapoinT. yOu LeavE feeLinG fuLLy ConTeNt yEt hunGry fOr moRE ;)

jUst aNother Day

WeNt sWimminG aGain witH thE sibLingS... TryiNg to maKe it an oCcasiOnaL thiNg, iTs fuN to juSt swiM anD be siLLy with the boyS. tOo baD I aLwayS forGet tO taKe pictuRes tiL we'Re oUt of thE pLace... buT tHe RoutiNe wouLd be swiM tHeN roAd staLLs buRgeRS yumm HahaHahaa wHiLst waiTing for thE burGerS to Ready wE did tHe fEet phoTO tHat sEem to gaiN popULaritY amonsgT bLoggErs.. go aNd haVe a guEss whiCh foOt is miNe....
Beef BurGer sPeciaL with cHeeSe! haHAHahah nDa peaDah-PeadAH swiMminG?!

fOur tiMes LucKy

a sWeet LitTLe giRL witH eYes sO roUnd aNd LashEs tHat FLuttErs Like ButTerFLieS whiSpErs a LitTLe too LOud saiD
"Kami aDa suRprIsE"
hEr smiLe ReaChed frOm eAr to eAr. Just look at the Dear darLing, hOw cOuLd yOu nOt faLL foR heR chArmS..

tHen Later..... "suRprISe!!"

Makes FouR birThday caKes thiS yeaR, aren't I thE LucKy onE :)

VenTi fRapucciNo anyOne?

noW tHe CofFeE iS only a CoupLe of houRs driVe aWay! StaRbuCKs in miRi!! nEed I saY moRe?

I onLy diScovEred thiS laSt fRiday!

Wednesday, 24 December 2008

aNd tHerE goEs AnotHer..

anotHer year haS paSsed... 2009 fast ApproacHing... noNe oF my 2008 ResoLutioNs (cLeveRLy disguiSed as To do LisT ) I goT doNe... So I 'LL juSt cRoss Out tHe yeAr aNd RecYcLe it fOr tHe up cOminG "NeW" yeaR... saVes me timE to thinK of thinGs I waNt tHat I doNt aLreaDy hAve.. haha kenapa Ku gLoomy saNgat-saNgat todAy... maYbe cOs of tHe thoughT thaT thE speCiaL day haS goNe anD pasSed LikE a wAve on tHe beAch... fOr a suRfEr.. iF you've misSed it yoU've miSsed it.. thEre muight be another one comiNg buT no tWo waVes aRe the saMe.
apakan.. haHAaha
aNyhoW... juSt an ExCusE tO Show off soMethiNg prEtty anD uniQue I goT for tHe bDay....

Tuesday, 23 December 2008

a MerrY suRpriSe

baCk at the ofFicE I thougHt eveRyonE haD forgoTten abouT my Big Day... HahaHa I eveN triEd hinTing to thE maTes tHat toDay I tuRn anoTher ChapteR iN my Life... buT to no aVail thEy acTed aS iF notHinG wAs amiSs... HahHahHa kEs nyaNyaT kNa CeleBrAte.. heY a biRthdaY onLy comEs oNce a yeAr.. wHy noT maKe tHe MoSt Of it kannn kann heHe
tiL laTe in tHe afTernOOn... I aLmosT givEn up oN tryiNg to ReminD tHem...
wHen I saW a fLicKering Light... by the dooRway to my oFFiCe
SeKalinYa...... HahaHa aLL thE oFfiCe maTe baRgeD in aNd saNg tHe eVergReEn jinGLe.. HappEEe birThdaEiii~~~
NamPak TekaJut ku hahaha

HaHaHaAH KunG Fu PanDa?!! hahaAHahaHah
SamA taBam pipi Kami hhuhu~~ hahahahahaha

isKi miniuP liLin hahahaHaHaha

ThaNk You eVeryOne :)

sKin aS whiTe aS snoW

Look aT thE sWeethEarT! shE's absoLutELy GorGeouS! CongrAtuLationS to mY bEst friEnd on thE nEw baby giRL. mWahsSSss!!

doubLe thE suRpriSe

tHe famiLy suRpriSed me wiTH a Cake aT tHe stRokE of midnight. I waS in a Deep stUpoR to fuLLy apPreciaTe theiR geStuRE... hehe muN memotonG Cake puN BetutuP maTa. The caKe waS sOOoo DelisH DQ's oREo iCe-creaM caKE... maLam-maLam buta makan eskrEm... hahahaha no piC coS everyoNe was in tHeiR jaMmiEs (mE all disHeveLed raMbut maCam yang mengilAi di pokok rimBun haHAHahahahaHAaah apakan..)
LoVe yOu aLL for the suRpRisE mWAHhhsSS!!
tWo shoCks in a Row... noW thats something :)

a niGht to RemEmbEr

a birthday surprise to remember....

sHocKeD.. baFfLed... at a LosT For woRds... moSt oF thE tiMe iTs me beiNg fLabbErgHastEd aNd stuNneD siLent... a beautiful SurPriSe

toAstiNg a lonG haPPy aNd wonDerfuL liFe ahEad... tHen thiNgs startEd gettiN cRaZey....

tHank yOu my LoveLiEs, thiS is foReVer in thE boOk oF memoRiEs tHat LasTs a LiFetimE.. I feeL tHe LoVe.