I'm in a DaZe... SeriouSly I am... The Past FeW moNths CamE aNd wENt aNd I'm FeeLiNg in A sOrt Of DaZE... THingS happEninG aLL aRounD me Yet beinG in It wHilSt Watching From tHe ouTsiDE... I'm woNderiNg if I aM MakinG anY SenSe aT aLL...
sTare into the diStanCe.. Let it coMe to you... quietly in the paSsing wind... liKe meLody to a Song... aPakan?! Atu PoEtiC haha
Had goNe to viSit gRammA, she waS gLad to seE me... aNy GranDpaRent wOuLd bE. It maDe sENse to bE thEre... I haDnt beEn abLE to spend time with them.... An ExcuSe moRe thaN not... A wiSe pErson oncE saiD to me... "yOu will nEver haVe timE, UnLesS you Make TImE"
WiSe woRds.... My moMs ActuaLLy...
NiNiKu SayaNg... ShE didN't EveN reaLiZe I waS taKinG heR piCture.. Sweet Nini MwaHS! As AlWayS GraMMa's NesCafe LEaVes A waRm FeelinG linGering in the pits of my tumMy... noT just becaUse its hot coFfeE... bUt mOre a SenSe of hoMEynEss oNe fEELs wHen in tHe comPany oF LovEd onES..
mentaL noTe to SeLf.... MuSt ViSit My GraMps moRe oFten!