
Friday, 30 May 2008

tHe hiStoriC tRip!

beLieve iT oR noT....
If aNy bRunEiaN Ever teLLs tHat tHey'Ve neVer bEEn To KL, MoSt wOuLd bE shoCked!
WeLL my FriEnd I aM oNe! bUt noT anyMoRE~~ aHAhaHah
HeRe I aM bLoggiNg fRom tHe LanD oF WeSt M'siA tHe biG KL baBeyYY~
ShoPpiNg GaLoRe~~
PiCs aNd MoRe UpDateS sOOn~~ haHAHAHa
sakaiiii ku banar haHAHaHahahah

Monday, 26 May 2008

Mr JoNeS~

It tOok a whiLe for tHe sequEL to comE ouT.. bUt noNethELesS iTs ouT nOw in tHe moviEs..
iF you've WatcHed Raiders of the Lost Ark, tHe Last crusaDe and thE TemPLe oF dOom itS preDecessoR yOu'd be a taD biT dissaPointEd coS somEhoW thoSe fiLms haD oriGiNaLity.. tHis oNe hoWevEr iS SoMewHat a Tad coRny aNd a LiL tOO HoLLywooD.. wHatevEr tHat meANs.. HehE

bUt aSidE aLL thAt iTs suPerBLy eNjoYabLe wiTh loTsa giMmicK tHat maKes yoU laUgh Out LouD =)

DefiniTeLy oNe to waTch bUt be remiNded tO gO tO tHe "Loo" a.k.a. Jamban (haAHaHahah Cawieee bunyinya tarus haHAaH) before you get in to thE theater.

Shia LaBeouf, who plays Mutt Williams, LookS gEwd~ in this bUt tHe haiR OMG!!! hahAHaahHA buT tHen its keePinG up wiTh tHe tRenD in yEar iT was Set in..

sO oN tHe whoLe... tWo thuMbS uP!!!

Sunday, 4 May 2008

ThE moVie oF tHe yeAR!!

ok ok I knOw itS not miD yeaR eveN... hahah bet there's pLenty of moviEs in liNinG tO shoW on tHe biG ScReeN~ but thiS moVie tOtaLLy bLew mE awAy!

ItS eVen beTTer tHaN trAnsForMers!!! yeaH tHat's wHat I thinK =)
iF you reaD my reVieW on traNformErs aNd yOu aGreE.. yOu aRe nOt gonNa waNNa miSs thiS onE!!

AwEEesoME~~ doEsN't eXactLy sUm uP My dEscriPtion oF it, But iT iS a muST!! muSt!! watcH!!!
pLus RobeRt DownEy Jr Is sO hAwt iN thiS onE haHAHAha