“Kata-kata bertulangkan dusta…” lyrics from Datuk Siti’s song.. BiaRLah RahsiA..
Plenty of people have asked me what my life is all about… why I’m still single. It’s simPLe really… I’ve loved aNd lost… aNd the LosS I feLt CouLd last me a LonG Lonng time… I’m pRetty suRe eVeryoNe hAve tHeiR oWn sOb sToRy… it’s a matTeR of hoW yOu tell it oR how much yOu want to ReveAL…
aNd this is mine… this iS my sTory.. KabaK-KabaK ku puLang Kan menCeritakAn hahHA..
iT’s noT a biG sEcrEt.. I’m pRetty oPen about iT.. iF yOu haVe tiMe aNd tHe oDacity ahaHA I meAn eNouGH cuRioUsiTy tO asK about iT… aNnnD iF I aM in tHe mood tO enTertain yOu wiTh My heaRtwRenchiNg (hahHA maCam miNta kesiaN) meDioCre LoVe LiFe… a sAd pAst reaLLy… sAd foR mE thaT iS.. fOr yOu.. iT’s juSt aNothEr story..
BacK iN tHe dayS.. wHen I waS enjoying a LiFe oF complete aNd uTter FrEedOm... HaviNg a boYfriEnd wAs fashiOn.. EveryOne haD oNe aNd I waSn’t oNe to be left ouT.. HAhaHa boy those were tHe daYs.. SiGh… bUt LitTLe diD I knOw aFter goiNg through a fEw bAd eXperieNces oF baSicaLLy “fUn aNd forGettabLe” reLationShips… a MaN came inTo mY liFe.. a Man wHoM I thoUghT iN mY yOunGeR naïve days… waS juSt anoTher guY.. aNothEr in tHe LinE oF HarMLesS fuN “friEndshiP”
He tuRnEd OuT to bE diFfeRent.. oR sO I thouGht he wAs aT tHe tiMe..
hE maDe me feEL aLL thoSe wooOOonDerfuL thiNgs tHaT yoU only reaD aBouT iN RomaNcE noVeLs… I wAs iN dEeP! I meAn dEEp… I wouLd’Ve doNe anyThiNg aNd eVerythiNG foR hiM… tHe sky’s tHe limiT.. *sad smile*
pROmiSes maDe oF a lifetime togeTHer.. vOwS exchanged oF undying TRuE LoVE… juSt tHe sound oF hiS voiCe mAdE mE smiLE from eaR to eAR… kalah Julia robErts smile yo! haHAha
buT in tHe eNd…
hE broke my heaRt.. (huhuu~~ nahh jantah nangis nahhh..)
I don't sOunD saD yOu muSt thiNk... tRuth iS.. tHerE's jUst no MoRe teArs Left.. I cRieD foR abOuT fOuR yEarS... I cRieD mYseLF to sLeeP evErynigHt.. aNYtiMe I waS aLonE dRopS of wArm teArs wouLd fall without even mE ReaLizIng iT… eVeryTimE I smiLed iT huRt.. Pathetic reaLLy… bUt thAt wAs hoW it wAs foR me..
I tRieD gEttiNg reVenGe by going oUt wiTh anoTher gUy… aNd foR wHat iT waS woRth tRiEd To maKe iT sEEm tHat I waS haPPieR tHan wHen I wAs witH hiM…HAHahHAaHah fuNNy reaLLywHen I loOk baCK... sO vEry high SchoOl~ hahHAhHAha
aNd a Bad miStaKE tOo…
I reaLiSed.. I wAs sTill sOOoo in LOve wiTh him (GoD oNLy knows why… KasiaN kannn?) anD tHat I wAs hurting myself moRe by tHe prEtenSe… I coULdn’T gO on witH tHe façade… iT waS dEfiniTeLy unfair tO tHe nEw guY (who iS happily married now... good on him)
daYs go by.. yeArs paSsed.. aNd EvErytHinG sLowLy becOming a bLur.. biT by biT detaiLs oF iT beCominG distant memoRy..
nOw.. tHe heaRt unAbLe to feEL.. sLowLy aNd suReLy sKeptiC…
I hAve beCoME A diSbelieVer oF LoVe…
Plenty of people have asked me what my life is all about… why I’m still single. It’s simPLe really… I’ve loved aNd lost… aNd the LosS I feLt CouLd last me a LonG Lonng time… I’m pRetty suRe eVeryoNe hAve tHeiR oWn sOb sToRy… it’s a matTeR of hoW yOu tell it oR how much yOu want to ReveAL…
aNd this is mine… this iS my sTory.. KabaK-KabaK ku puLang Kan menCeritakAn hahHA..
iT’s noT a biG sEcrEt.. I’m pRetty oPen about iT.. iF yOu haVe tiMe aNd tHe oDacity ahaHA I meAn eNouGH cuRioUsiTy tO asK about iT… aNnnD iF I aM in tHe mood tO enTertain yOu wiTh My heaRtwRenchiNg (hahHA maCam miNta kesiaN) meDioCre LoVe LiFe… a sAd pAst reaLLy… sAd foR mE thaT iS.. fOr yOu.. iT’s juSt aNothEr story..
BacK iN tHe dayS.. wHen I waS enjoying a LiFe oF complete aNd uTter FrEedOm... HaviNg a boYfriEnd wAs fashiOn.. EveryOne haD oNe aNd I waSn’t oNe to be left ouT.. HAhaHa boy those were tHe daYs.. SiGh… bUt LitTLe diD I knOw aFter goiNg through a fEw bAd eXperieNces oF baSicaLLy “fUn aNd forGettabLe” reLationShips… a MaN came inTo mY liFe.. a Man wHoM I thoUghT iN mY yOunGeR naïve days… waS juSt anoTher guY.. aNothEr in tHe LinE oF HarMLesS fuN “friEndshiP”
He tuRnEd OuT to bE diFfeRent.. oR sO I thouGht he wAs aT tHe tiMe..
hE maDe me feEL aLL thoSe wooOOonDerfuL thiNgs tHaT yoU only reaD aBouT iN RomaNcE noVeLs… I wAs iN dEeP! I meAn dEEp… I wouLd’Ve doNe anyThiNg aNd eVerythiNG foR hiM… tHe sky’s tHe limiT.. *sad smile*
pROmiSes maDe oF a lifetime togeTHer.. vOwS exchanged oF undying TRuE LoVE… juSt tHe sound oF hiS voiCe mAdE mE smiLE from eaR to eAR… kalah Julia robErts smile yo! haHAha
buT in tHe eNd…
hE broke my heaRt.. (huhuu~~ nahh jantah nangis nahhh..)
I don't sOunD saD yOu muSt thiNk... tRuth iS.. tHerE's jUst no MoRe teArs Left.. I cRieD foR abOuT fOuR yEarS... I cRieD mYseLF to sLeeP evErynigHt.. aNYtiMe I waS aLonE dRopS of wArm teArs wouLd fall without even mE ReaLizIng iT… eVeryTimE I smiLed iT huRt.. Pathetic reaLLy… bUt thAt wAs hoW it wAs foR me..
I tRieD gEttiNg reVenGe by going oUt wiTh anoTher gUy… aNd foR wHat iT waS woRth tRiEd To maKe iT sEEm tHat I waS haPPieR tHan wHen I wAs witH hiM…HAHahHAaHah fuNNy reaLLywHen I loOk baCK... sO vEry high SchoOl~ hahHAhHAha
aNd a Bad miStaKE tOo…
I reaLiSed.. I wAs sTill sOOoo in LOve wiTh him (GoD oNLy knows why… KasiaN kannn?) anD tHat I wAs hurting myself moRe by tHe prEtenSe… I coULdn’T gO on witH tHe façade… iT waS dEfiniTeLy unfair tO tHe nEw guY (who iS happily married now... good on him)
daYs go by.. yeArs paSsed.. aNd EvErytHinG sLowLy becOming a bLur.. biT by biT detaiLs oF iT beCominG distant memoRy..
nOw.. tHe heaRt unAbLe to feEL.. sLowLy aNd suReLy sKeptiC…
I hAve beCoME A diSbelieVer oF LoVe…
The LoVe I KnoW aNd hoNouR iS LoVe thAt I haVe foR my famiLy aNd friEnds..
caRe to pRove mE wrong?.. I dare yOu. *hahaHAhaHAhaHAHaHaHaH*